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My deepest apologies for the lack of an update today and my radio silence yesterday - I completely missed my obligation to you guys here at the $1, $3, and $5 Tiers, and I'm very sorry for letting you down in that regard.

Though the website says that my job is demanding all of my attention, that's a bit of a half truth; it's the last episode of the first season of the show I'm working on, and though I do want to do a good job for it, the fact is, I have had a buffer ready for awhile for situations like this. The reality is just that we've got some stuff going on behind the scenes that we're struggling to stay on top of, and missing an update this week will make things easier for us in the long term to stay on top of our obligations. We're both fine, we just need a minute.

One of the benefits of a small team/operation like this, is the flexibility for Yoko and I to call things on a case by case basis between the two of us, rather than dealing with a huge, bureaucratic machine that can be unfeeling and slow. It stings more when we let you down, but it is far more compassionate system to its workers (me and Yoko). 

Regardless, I want to offer SOMETHING for you all here, so here is the next page. Hopefully things will be smoothed out enough by next week that we can have the previous page finished for you. Thank you very much for your support, and for reading.

See you next week!




It's ok! Take a hiatus if you need to.




Anyone else read Cursed Princess Club and feel really weird despising a character named Gwendolyn?


Take as long as y'all need!! Hope everything is okay, and don't worry about us! The permanent job comes first!


You've always done great informing us of changes in the schedule and honestly that makes up for any issues for me. You gotta do what you gotta do (f knows I'm dropping balls right now because sometimes you just gotta) and at least you always let us know quickly, instead of just going radio silent!


Please don't worry about it! Some of my favorite comics update about three times a year. I'm always impressed that you're able to keep up the pace you do, as consistently as you do, when your comic is as gorgeous and tightly written as it is. I'm glad you both take breaks when you need them to keep that pace healthy and sustainable!


You and Yoko take care of yourselves, while Gwendolyn gets over herself.

Jack Newbill

eHugs, Meg and Yoko. Take it easy and take whatever time you need.


Do what you need to. I’d rather get it right than get it right away, as the saying goes.


The expressions on that turn and runaway are pristine. Thistle looks more scared than Brent did getting dragged away by Drath. Strips you of any doubts about Gwen being the worst. Full support as usual for whatever pace needs to be taken!


I love how terrifying she is


Not feeling let down in the slightest. Thank you for being so open with us!

V as in Victor

I wish for you to avoid burnout. Do what works.


Deadlines and behind the scenes stuff happen sometimes; it's inevitable, and I'm sure people understand. I love Thistle's expression in the third panel.