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All done!

But, before I put it on the scanner, I'll turn the paper over and walk away from it for a couple hours, just to give myself some distance. When I come back, all of a sudden I'm seeing all these little things that need to be fixed. 

In panel 3, I'm noticing that chair and the figure are too small and it makes the perspective in the rest of the room seem off. I'll size that up in Photoshop. The hand on the right in the last panel needs some fixes, and the values can be tweaked. I don't like what I drew outside the window in Panel 1.

I make a little mental list of everything and put it onto the computer. It's time to get these ready for Nytrinhia to color!



Mary Williams

Absolutely nothing beats walking away from a piece of art and coming back to it again at least a couple hours later. That fresh, new perspective, the percolating in the back of the mind.... it's like you're still working, but also getting other things done. It looks AWESOME!!!


*sees candles melting on book* WHY!!!? What did the poor books do to deserve this mistreatment!? This is a personal joke I always do when I see a library or studies that always have something like that happening in their design, be it films, games or comics. The idea of a book being used as a candle coaster is just a horrifying concept for me as a person who values books in general. Never mind the fire hazard. Although... I wouldn't care one lick if someone did that to a Twilight book. Probably get far better use out of it like that, at least. XD


Ah, but those are books that he wrote. He cares as much about them as I think you do about Twilight. I found out my dad wrote a medical textbook that was used in a ton of colleges like ages ago, and I was so excited and asked him to see it, and he was so unenthusiastic about it. He begrudgingly went to the deepest corner of the bookshelf and pulled it out: it was all covered in dust and wrinkled in ways I could even begin to describe. I think there's something about an author's own book that they find abhorrent to have in the house. It's the same way here. S'ALL GOOD YO