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Once I get all the fine lines down, I go back over everything with my fancy brush pen and thicken up some of the lines to add depth and value. Makes the page more interesting to look at.




So much awesome.


Please get that man a nail clipper.


That looks really cool! Nicely done


He really looks tired... Like, you can tell his age is getting to him. Also, I'm reminded of Wise Nicodemus from The Secret of NIHM.


I've said it before, I'll say it again: Inking is my favorite part of drawn art, as it's when the sketch/concept goes from being a concept, to art, for lack of a better word. And while the sketch stage of art, and the colored/shaded stages of art, they all look good too, the inking stage is my favorite because of how much life good inking can breath into an image.


My thoughts exactly. It's also the part where the idea comes into reality - much in the way you were describing, too. Sometimes I can't believe I've even gotten so far in this story already. I was so sure it would have taken so much longer than this.


Aw, dude, that was totally the idea! I'm so glad it came across!!!