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Official Storyboard Revisionist.

This probably most likely means that the break will  be even longer than I had initially expected just so I have some time to adjust and figure out a new schedule. 

Also, Yoko just relocated to Denver, so she's got her own transition she's dealing with, so a long-ish break is what we both really need right now (maybe 2 months...? longer?). 

Gosh, man, you guys. You were all my primary means of support for a really long time - you helped cover my health insurance, my car payments, my grocery bills (and Yoko's!) - I really don't know how I would have survived if not for you. Now I can really start investing all of that back into the comic, cut down on my own production time, and promote the comic even further than it has been already so that it really can support us comfortably full-time and eventually lead to daily updates! 

AUGH MAN you guys thank you for helping me get this far

and I really look forward to how this will continue to grow!!



AWESOME congratulations Meg!


Yay! How exciting!! :D

peter allen

*fanfare trumpeting from the streets* Congratulations!


How exciting! Congrats!!

Shield Generator 7

Awesome! I hope things go well at your new job!




Wow! Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear it, Meg! :)


Congratulations, good for you! I'm so happy that it all worked out, you deserve it :)


Congrats on the job! Take as much time as you need to get yourself sorted!

Nathan Weber

A hearty congratulations on getting the position!


Whoo! Good luck with everything!


Hazaaah! Congrats Meg, Hopefully everything goes smoothly and you adjust quickly to your new job :D


I shall have a celebratory shake tonight in your honor... Ok, I was planning on having the shake anyways while watching Spirited Away, but I shall be enjoying it for two occasions, reasons? whatever, you know what I mean. Congratulations Meg!