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Yesterday was a weird day because of the post I had to write for you all for the sake of being honest and transparent. It was freaking me out because - HEY - anxiety. I also have a bad habit of downplaying my issues and how much I struggle with things, and actually saying the "A" and "D" words without trying to minimize the situation was extremely difficult to do. 

But since then, I've had SO MANY PEOPLE reach out to me and I nearly cried reading some of your comments and a little later when I was panicking about this information being out there, re-reading them helped. 

All of this to say, your support and understanding means a lot. Thank you guys very very very much. You guys are a real blessing, and really help me believe that I'll be able to get back on my feet comic-wise eventually. It gives me hope. Thank you.


M. Gunnarsson

A lot of us got hooked on DotL because we already know what mental/health issues are like. Of course you have our support.

Jack Newbill

About eight years ago, I stepped down from a teaching job that I loved, because my A&D had me so screwed up that I couldn't function properly. Being open and up-front about my problems has helped in a lot of ways, not least of which stems from the support and understanding I've gotten from others. eHugs once again, Meg, and best of luck in your journeys.


We all realize you are human Meg and just like us, you have struggles. We support you through that, otherwise we wouldn't be on your Patreon, giving you that support. You are a great storyteller and artist.


A virtual hug for you and Yoko, Meg. One step at a time, right?

mike stone

Opening up is scary, and anxiety makes it worse. It's a vicious cycle. You did something scary that was also healthy, and that deserves support.




What they said. Seriously, it took me YEARS to come out about my head stuff, and that was after things that most people would have thought a way bigger deal. It only stops being scary if enough of us call BS on it.


We will stay around for the continuation of the story, don't worry. Mainly bc we all want to see Thistle and Brent smooch finally! :D