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Hey, Patrons!

Due to... several reasons... most of which is just how much work my dayjob has had for me recently that's been eating into my comic making time, I wasn't able to finish the markers in time for this page!

So, I'll be posting the finished page on Thursday and some filler today instead. But you guys, because you're so great, get to see the page as is.

all right i have to get back to work because WHOO BOY this is gonna be a good show

EDIT: My director just walked into my cube and I was all "okay what you got for me" and they were all "nothing, actually, we're all done, i just need you to chill out until we get the next episode" and I was all 




Rip kitty And good luck with your work, try not to overwhelm yourself too much!




I keep imagining how the kitty accidentally pops T'fa's boobs and she just flies out like one of those balloons in a cartoon and I know this won't happen but I still hope it does.


I say "accidentally" because the kitty would never go so low as to use such a dastardly technique on purpose.


RIP Bad Kitty, 2019-2019. You will be missed dearly, perhaps even more than any other character death that Meg can throw at us.