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Since I'm getting ready to wrap up Book 1 and start preparing for Book 2, I've been re-evaluating a lot of things, including how I can better run this Patreon page! You are all the driving force behind this comic and enabled us to update as often as we do, and I would like to do what I can to make sure y'all get your rewards in a timely manner and in a way that only minimally interferes with my day to day activities and obligations to my full time job.


  • I have a HUGE backlog of artwork I owe people in the $50 Tier,
  • I have a HUGE backlog of people in the $20 Tier whose names I need to make sure get into the comic, and I'm not sure if the list I currently have is entirely accurate!


  • The $20 Tier will temporarily disappear as I make sure I have all my information in order, and will become an item that will only intermittently appear and with a limited availability (probably at the start of each chapter, and as the need arises for character names). This is honestly the perfect time for it, because I am going to be finalizing all my plans and outlines for Book 2, and knowing who and how many people I need for the story will help immensely.
    I will be getting in touch with/making posts exclusive to the $20 Tier to make sure all of my information is correct, and will have all of you who have donated double check that list to make sure both you are on it, and that everything checks out with you.
  • The $50 Tier will also temporarily disappear, but only because I want to curtail the increasing count of original art I owe Patrons there. Those of you who are in that pool, I would like to let you know that you should expect a package from me at some point this year, with all of the artwork I owe you. Thank you so, so much for your incredibly generous support and your patience in this matter - I do not deserve you. I will be making a post specifically for you today with more details.

Guys, thank you so much for everything. I haven't been able to update nearly as much as I used to, just because adjusting to this new job has been incredibly demanding, but I hope that soon I'll be able to work out a balance and build enough confidence in myself to complete my work at a quality my employer is satisfied with, to create a balance that we all are satisfied with. 

As always, thank you so much for reading and supporting us here! We can't do this without you.  



MEG do what you need to do! (I think I'm speaking for everyone here when I say) We will be satisfied with whatever updates you make whenever you make them.

Royce Day

No worries, Meg. Do what you have to do to stay sane.