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There's been a wild rush of you coming in and joining us here on the good ol' Patreon, and this is just a quick post to say hello and welcome you in! Thank you so much for joining us - I and the rest of us already here are so excited to have you!

Given that you've made the decision to support DotL and/or help us move ever closer to the reality of a Nightmare Comic-based comic project, it's safe to say that you're already familiar with my work, but please let me take the time to introduce myself:

My name is Meg! I'm a full time storyboard revisionist living in LA, I love to tell stories, and I make comics in my free time. I love doing both, but sometimes balancing the two can be overwhelming, and without your support here on Patreon, DotL there's no way I'd be able to update it as frequently as I do, nor would meet the current standards you enjoy. So, that said, thank you all very much, to old and new supporters alike!

As mentioned before, I'm a somewhat busy and oft-overwhelmed person, but I do my very best to engage with you here on Patreon as often as I can, and to produce content that often never appears anywhere else (the above image included!). If you, at any point, have any questions or concerns or are wondering where a specific item is, please let me know!

If you want, you can take this opportunity to introduce yourself (or just say hi!), and tell me what kind of stuff you're hoping to see so that I can try to scratch that itch for you.





Hello!! Just thought I would say hi, hope you are having a great day today. Also, really love the comic! Also, you should watch out for the circles, I think they are up to something.......


Thistle with fangs is a little scary


Hey! I really love the work you've been doing with DotL and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you reach your next goal. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this world you have setup and your stuff has really been inspiring me to work in my own stuff too. Keep up the awesome work!


Even knowing what's under the hood... this image is a little scary.


AH! TEETH AND BEARD! TEETH AND BEARD! But she's nice so it's ok.


D'awww, a JaegerKitty! :D