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I revised it...  

...and I weep for what could have been.

It is so late... I am so tired... and it's still not done because perspective is stupid and even when I do I have to ink it as quickly as I possibly can because I am behind on EVERYTHING UGH.

EDIT: you guys are great and i love you



Allison Shaw

But... but it was great the way it was! It perfectly showed how patronizing Brent can be!


Can Lyra be my best friend? Please? I love how she's almost doting on Thistle at this stage

mike stone

Let us Lyra you a little: don't burn yourself out. I love the story, love the art, and want to keep reading for a long time to come. The occasional late page is a small price to pay for an artist who enjoys telling the story as much as we enjoy seeing it unfold.

Claire M.

"You have to ink it as quickly as you possibly can because you are behind on EVERYTHING UGH " ooooooooooor you can take a break, because you can and that's it :) (Also, we love you very much)


Working hard is good and all, but please remember to take care of yourself. Take a break if you need it, maybe have some hot coco (we can wait <3)


This does seem more fitting. Especially since Lyra is the current hothead in this last set of pages. You could always reuse that other scene in the future. Maybe Wu will try to give Thistle a rog friend of her own out of the huge family this Frog Friend will make in Wu's pond. Also, dang it Meg! Go easy on yo-self. Take a bath! Smell some incense with an herbal tea. Chill out to some groovy music. The world will not collapse if you are a little late by, what.... an hour? Two? Go easy, girl. You earn it!!! And that goes for you too, YOKO! Don't think i don't worry about the pair of you. Yeesh!


Take a break! Breath!!! If a page is late that's fine! I'd rather a late page then you make yourself sick getting us a page. Take care of yourself. And yes I weep without over what could have been. But right now Lyra is in charge of protecting Thistle. Brent's time will come.


there there... *pats u on the head* take a break. we'll wait


He'll still have his moment, don't worry! He just... doesn't... have dialogue with it...


Claire, I love you and I hope you get lots of hugs today for whatever reason.


I'm so glad there are others who know and who I can mourn with...! Thank you for being so wonderful and supportive, Becca! I promise I'll take a break soon - the chapter's almost over! T_T


bughghghhhuhuhuh I wasn't expecting everyone to so aggressively tell me to take care of myself and be so nice to me - thank you, Elizabeth!