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Sorry, no sneak peek sketches this time around - just some more news, I'm afraid, all of it bad.

I've been on Prozac for over two weeks now, yet haven't found any relief for my anxiety - if anything, I think it's become worse.  To top it off, the Ativan I've been taking alongside it for more immediate relief, when I do take it, reduces me to something slightly above a zombie with some cognitive ability.  Either way, it doesn't put me in any condition to draw....

To make matters worse, I believe I'm beginning to build a tolerance to the Ativan - as of this post I took one tablet about an hour and half ago and am definitely not having the relief I usually get when I take a dose.

And of course, as if I don't have enough stuff on my plate, I got a jury summons over the weekend - as it stands right now I can barely tolerate a 5 minute drive to my doctor or the supermarket, let alone 50 miles to the courthouse (along with the fact that I haven't had my own car in over three years now, but of course, they don't care). Hopefully the doctor can write a sufficiently convincing note for me to be excused...

Finally, the bills for my emergency room visit have finally started to come in;  fairly small, so far, but the big ones aren't far behind.  I may have mentioned something about re-opening commissions, but with the way I am right now, such a move is wishful thinking...

Wish I had better news, but this is all I've got for the time being;  from what I know/read, it may be another two, four or even six weeks before the Prozac gives me any relief - if it even works.  If not, I have no idea what's next, but with the way things have been going I bet it won't be good...

Take care.



I hope things turn around for you soon. Take care