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Pictured above is (or rather was) my EVGA GTX 970 GPU;  after little over five years of giving me faithful service, as of this afternoon it is now nothing more than a dead hulk of plastic, metal and silicon.

While (thankfully - fingers crossed) my PC seems to be fine otherwise (running on a cheap - and rather limited capability [as in complete joke] - GPU borrowed from a family member ATM) , needless to say this has put a significant damper on any artistic endeavors for now and the the near (and possibly distant) future.

Although it was getting a little long in the tooth, my 970 provided me with enough power for my art (and gaming) needs, and didn't feel any need to replace it when my CPU/mobo died back in September (although I admit I did keep an eye out half-heartedly for a 6800XT or 3080).  With the current situation regarding GPUs, suffice to say this really wasn't a good time for mine to die.

So as of today, I'll be amongst the legions of unfortunate bastards scouring various stock bot sites on Twitter, Twitch or wherever in a likely vain attempt to score a new GPU.  I also have no desire to take it up my backside without lubricant by purchasing a replacement from a scalper.  

Unfortunately, until I obtain a satisfactory replacement at a price which will let me keep my internal organs, I will not be producing any illustrations for what could be a long time...





If you aren't using it already, the only stock app I had any luck with was streetmerchant https://github.com/jef/streetmerchant


I'll give it a shot, but I get the feeling I'm getting in over my head with all this .git, .js and other programming stuff that I'm not entirely familiar with...


It looks bit daunting at first but it's actually really straightforward. I'd be happy to give some help getting it installed if you need it