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Finished the linework for the two ex-Pixiv works I brought up from the last update;  I'll be starting the process of colouring and shading shortly after posting this.  Also thought I'd post up a couple of sketches of what's coming up later this month (or next, or whatever...).

Also, I'm in the process of setting up a Gumroad page;  I won't be shutting my Patreon down (unless they give me a reason), but there are those who aren't really thrilled with Patreon for one reason or another, and I'd like to give those individuals an alternative should they wish to pursue it.

Furthermore, I'll be setting up another installment of the underwater combat series;  as in the first three engagements, I'll draw up an illustration depicting which two ladies will be fighting...however, the victor will now be determined by the sum of votes here on Patreon as well as Twitter (now that I'm no longer posting on Pixiv).

Finally, I'll be adding an additional folder on Dropbox for those that wish to access the short stories I've composed over the years.

As always, feel free to comment below, DM me or talk to me on Discord.



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