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Here's some smooth weekend rage to drive away those summer blues.




Awesome. So this is gonna be a weekly thing?


As far as I know, Leslie Jones never called Milo "uncle Tom". That was from a bunch of fake tweets that people made of her, and Milo then posted, which got his entire fanbase after her for saying things she never said. I think you might have heard some misinformation here.


She did however tweet that we should "gas these faggots", which I guess is ok by twitter.


There's ONE way they can tell you're not Michael Schumacher Dick: You can still talk and understand where you are...


Get Milo on the podcast. His trolling is next level.


If Twitter really isn't cracking down on terrorist accounts, Milo should just take a photo of himself in a balaclava and create a new account entirely in Arabic, then hire translators to re-tweet his stuff in English.


Will there be an .mp3 so I can listen to Dick while he's driving while I'm driving?

Kyle Belmont

I hope you make it available to download as an mp3. I like being able to have all the episodes in a chronological list in my music player.


<a href="https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/patreon.posts/12636115891449554795.mp3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/patreon.posts/12636115891449554795.mp3</a>


"Autism punch" make it a thing, people


here's the mp3 link: <a href="https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/patreon.posts/12636115891449554795.mp3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/patreon.posts/12636115891449554795.mp3</a>


I love this content later in the week keeping us going until the next podcast episode. Great stuff, Dick


I love dick riding senor masterson


The hate preacher Anjem Choudary - who regularly calls for a Sharia takeover of Britain and incites protests that always have the underpinning of violence - can post to Twitter with impunity, and yet Milo is taken off. They really think he's such a threat and radical, while reactionary people are kept on all the time? How many times do we have to have the free speech debate? The regressive liberal censorship of things they find personally threatening is why liberalism has gotten a bad name. The tyrants they choose not to censure are ACTUALLY threatening, but they don't realise it, maybe because radicals they don't use the term 'liberal' in their posts. Fuck Twitter.


Great stuff as usual.


All banning Milo did was introduce me to who he is, and now he has a new fan.


and Dick, it's Mylo not meeeelo


I love dick


Andy, it's a part of dick shtick to pronounce things the way he does and I thoroughly enjoy it. Now get graped

Dr jebus

Big props to Coach.


So now that you have Cernovich maybe you have a link to Milo right?

Ket Ralus

I know what you mean about Waze. They give you basically the directions of an insane car chase: Drive down this alley, turn left on this street with no stop sign or signal for cross-traffic, cut through the hilly suburbs of Bel-Air. Ok, Waze. Glad I drove like an asshole to shave 30 seconds off my trip.


So I am listening to Dick Ridin' in backwards order and this episode out of everything I've heard from Dick Masterson has made me lean back and say "yeah!" in amazed revelation more than anything else.