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I've managed to capture video of a creature more illusive than Big Foot, the Lockness Monsters, and Hillary Clinton giving a press conference combined: Sean the Audio Engineer.

The video guy does a different audio edit than Sean so these live episodes don't look like that chick who crawls out of the TV in the Ring.


Download the Episode 7 MP3


Belt-o-phobes, Pokeman Go, guns, Hot Goss on Tim Changzzzzz, The Rage Lottery, more trans issues, a caller asks how to meet girls in a world dominated by the Beautiful Ones, and Sean’s audio equipment fails completely and needs to be replaced. Thank Trump for all my Dick Supporters on Patreon; all this week on The Dick Show!

SJWs, ISIS, Black Lives Matters-ers; these organizations are all going after the wrong people. The real biggest threat to our way of life are guys who don’t wear belts. If I wanted to see 8 inches of fat ass bursting out the back of someone’s pants in a way that is not at all erotic, I’d follow Kim Kardashian on Instagram. I don’t want to see it while I’m eating dinner or ever, and the more prevalent sitting becomes in our modern lives, the bigger of a rage this will be. Only Pokeman Go can save us now. Seriously, wear a belt, fellas. It was the world’s first invention for a reason. Or at least explain to me why this degenerate form of near-nudity isn’t the male equivalent of college girls wearing pajamas to class.

Google triggers my rage with a brain dead form of PR-sterbation by encouraging girls to “code” an emoji of themselves. I guess “code” is now interchangeable with “bedazzle”. Whoever thought of this push should code themselves up a poop emoji with a wig and a business card for confusing the inwardly human “emotion” part everyone’s favorite portmanteau with it’s opposite: job, race, and gender.

Certified rage and Emmy-nominated Kentuckian Joe Starr is this week’s potential co-host. He talks about shoplifting LEGO and Honest Trailers. He then goes on a suicide mission by bringing in what makes him rage: Guns. I go over several pro-gun arguments that I read on the internet, and one you might not have ever heard of: gun laws make my AR-15 look like it’s had it’s dick cut off. That’s un-American.

Here is Joe’s album Heroic Effort on Bandcamp and iTunes, and his bookLeg Drop Digest.

Next, I hold the first monthly Dick Show Rage Lottery, in which a random Dick Show Patreon supporter gets to call in and tells us what makes them a rage. You’ll have to listen to find out if you’re this month’s winner.


The Dick Show Episode 7 Belts, Guns, Pokeman Go




"Who's they dick?" dick: *winks at camera*


Surprised this doesn't have the obligatory CNN Breaking News banner of an 8 hour+ old story.


I liked how on a couple of episodes (especially the first) it looked like you were putting a double emphasis on the word "dick" in the title. So, clearly, you've got it brighter and higher opacity on the title text. But (using ep 1 as an example) the photo you used was sort of an example of someone being a dick. Wasn't sure if it was intended but thought it was clever, if so.


I'd say he is a rage, you need someone that will disagree with you or it will just be a boring hugbox.


Definitely agree. Also helps expand more on a topic when two sides differ.


this was a fun ep


a guy in a wig who has a dick is a woman lol. this why we love the dick show, the jokes keep coming.