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Hello everyone, please take a few minutes to read this update!

As per my last upd8, I've decided to overhaul my Patreon a small amount and make some changes to the tiers and animations. I wanted to try this out to see if it helps my burn-out, instead of just packing everything up completely.

One of the biggest changes is going to be the removal of the $1 (Instant Coffee) tier. I've been advised that Patreon take a big chunk out of the $1 tier, and that the minumum tier should realistically be $2 and over.
I already have a $3 tier (Caramel Latte) that allows voting in polls as a perk, so I'm making the tricky decision to merge the two together.
I want to thank EVERYONE who supported me with the $1 tier over the years - I honestly can't express my gratitude enough, and if you don't decide to return after I have to remove you all from the tier (the only method to do it, sorry!) I COMPLETELY understand!

Secondly, I am going to be reducing the line quality of my animations a bit - namely spending less time on the line art and focusing more on cleaning the sketch up. I want to have a progress goal that will allow me to return to making clean-Lineart animations again once I hit a certain goal tier, but I was spending far too long on the lineart and getting so drained doing so, rather than focusing on the animation aspect which I enjoy the most. I feel like my energy is best put into making sure the animation itself is fun and fluid.

Here are the main 'patch notes' that will come into effect around the 27th of September:

  • There will now be less focus on clean line art, and my monthly animations will be clean sketch animations only. (Still with colour though!) There will still be clean Aesprite/Pixel animations occasionally, but only when it's something I'm REALLY excited to do as these take a lot more time than usual.
  • Polls will now include 3 characters/choices maximum, instead of 5.
  • The $3 tier will now be the minimum pledge amount for rewards, and it will still let you vote in polls + see animations a month early.
  • The $5 (Unicorn Frappé) tier will be the same - allowing different speeds each month + viewing the old WIP content for Sweet Relief.
  • The $15 tip tier (Super Sparkling Paw Bean!) will be the same (optional shoutout on my FA profile).  
  • The $100 headshot animation commission tier will be removed completely.

I think that covers everything? Around the 27th of September, I'm going to give the whole Patreon an Autumn cleaning, ready for my unpausing in October.

I will need to manually remove everyone in the $1 and $100 tiers - I also want to go through and update the tags on ALL of my posts... might take awhile but gonna be worth it haha.

Thank you so much once again to everyone who have supported me through all the years, I love you all lots and appreciate you all <3


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