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I've decided to pause the Patreon one extra month before hopefully getting back to it in October. I'm really hoping some festive and fun anims for Halloween and Christmas will bring a spark back to me!

This Patreon started out as an excuse to create animations of things I really enjoyed whilst still being able to justify the time on it instead of commissions, so I was a lot more comfortable going ham and spending more time on them.

After about two years or so though, I, for the most part, was coming up with whatever idea/characters I could think of just to fill the poll spots (not necessarily things I would really take pleasure in animating for myself, but nothing I really disliked). I've been trying to power through the burn-out on that for a while.

I don't want to cancel my Patreon -- however, If I'm being honest, I'm still feeling some heavy burnout on ideas. I'm still not sure how to rectify that. I'm strongly considering making the character polls 3 characters max instead of 5 each month.

I think I will also be switching my animation method to something rougher - more akin to my timed animation slots (Unless it's an idea I'm really excited to do -- then I may spend a lot of extra time on something like with my Aesprite animations.)

Finally, I think I will be discontinuing my Patreon headshot animations. I'm sorry to those who got one from me each month so loyally, I immensely appreciate the support and really enjoyed the ones I worked on!

Whatever changes I decide to make, I will announce mid-September, so anyone who wishes to de-pledge has ample time to do so - I will never hold it against you! :O

It cannot be understated that I've immensely appreciated everyone's support over the years too. I've been able to practice so many things thanks to the Patreon <3



It's totally okay to take a longer break! I'll also still support you even without a headshot animation!