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We are super keen to get back into the ATLA universe, while also remaining cautiously optimistic. Hopefully this adaptation is as good as the trailers made it look! Who else is looking forward to this releasing this week?!



so excited !!

Lindsay Mathieson

Same! Looking fwd to enjoying it as it is, not hung up on a identical transfer so long as they preserve the characters, world and major plotlines.

Joe Mags

I’m not 😅


I’m soooo excited I’ve teared up a few times already thinking about it lol


Nervous but still excited and hopeful especially after what I’ve seen with One piece!


Excited but also a bit worried concerning some changes that were revealed. Netflix has a history of needlessly ruining things I love, I lost most of my hope with The Witcher. Still though, I'm 100% certain it can't be as bad as the movie. The original writers seemed okay with it before their departure from the shows development, but that was 4 years ago and a lot can change in that time. Ultimately there's only one way to find out :))


Let’s say I am cautiously optimistic 😅


I heard reviews about the 1st episode and they were all positive and coming from ATLA content creators. So I am super excited and know it will be great. Can’t wait to see it. Been waiting since 2018

Vanessa Campbell

After watching Netflix’s One Piece adaptation, I’m excited for ATLA and even more excited to watch your reactions!

Chris Mullen

Well it can't be any worse than the Movie that's for sure. And if it is, that's really a feat in and of itself lol


hopeful, but not too much hope that it will disappoint me if it sucks. You have probably heard, the only other live action ATLA content is a movie that is HORRIBLE.


It's going to be Netflix original, so it's probably going to be average. Like someone said, for TV series/movies Netflix is at the bottom, they haven't stepped up their game. The real masterpieces are always on HBO(Max), Prime, amc etc..

Joe Mags

A man still pledges himself. But a man is not loyal to anime or its mid-adaptations.

Roy Koopa

Literally no one.

Hans Engelen

Meh ... Sadly never really got into this. Though (and people probably will get angry at me for saying so) I did kinda like 2010 movie (hey it had Nicola Peltz, Jackson Rathbone and Seychelle Gabriel ... sue me).

Brian Clancy

I subbed a month ago for Stranger Things lol still plan on watching that..??

Brian Clancy

Not just you, ive tried watching the first season of ATLA like 10-20 occasions but i just cant get into childrens anime. Certainly a wholesome show though


why did u sub for stranger things when they said it was after breaking bad and breaking bad isnt finished yet LOL


After Breaking bad, which has one episode left.


I've never been into the Avatar universe, not sure why but it doesn't really do it for me.


Idk looks like trash to be completely honest 💀

Roy Koopa

Well, they have my sympathy man, because there’s no way Netflix isn’t going to butcher it.


I am excited but I think the better series will be the new animated series they have planned


There's been some troubling rumors and statements coming out of the production but I'm gonna give it a shot anyways. After the movie that shall not be named, it being mid would be a win lol

Pogger White

I'm going into it cautiously optimistic. I want so badly for this show to be good but some of the announcements they have made recently have really worried me. I met my soon to be fiance over out mutual love for the original cartoon so the show means a lot to me


1st season is def hard to get into. it only really becomes what it becomes starting from like episode 12, and really book 2-3.

Elora D. Dragneel

I'm excited to see the special effects and acting/choreography from this live action. I'm skeptical about the story/dialogue, but still super excited to see the show!

Ailene Evangelista

I kind of want to watch it but I haven’t watched the original animated one yet except the first 3 or 4 episodes.

Mama Browsss

I'm super optimistic and very excited!


Agree with Paul. It is a "childrens" anime but it has things like torture, war crimes, some relatively complex politics at times, brainwashing, genocide, etc. in it. It definitely gets progressively more mature as it goes. First half of season 1 is much more childish than a fair bit of the later stuff.

Brian Clancy

Because they announced it a month ago and do more than one show at once “LOL”

Jonathan Reynolds

Ever since I saw how well Netflix did the One Piece live action I've been suuuuuper hyped for this...I found out about it coming out in Feburary quite a while ago, which I didn't know the date, because these past few months have felt like years waiting for it lol