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Hey Everyone,

Now that Harry Potter is complete, many have you are curious about what's next. We use that 3rd content slot to rotate between mini series / current live series / movies. 

As many will have noticed, we started reacting to Invincible which has 2 weeks left. We then plan to replace that with One Piece Live Action as this has been getting requested a fair bit and we were curious to see what the hype is all about!

We know some viewers will not be happy about this decision, however, as with all decisions we unfortunately cant satisfy everyone. Rest assured, we have an extensive list of very popular movies which we will be returning to once this third slot is no longer occupied. 

So that is the current plan. We don't know exactly what movies we will be covering after One Piece. If we can't decide a poll may appear here on Patreon, but we will keep you posted!



Will you not be doing the Harry Potter Prequels, Fantastic Beasts, then?

FullMetal B

YOOOOOOO!! You both rule so hard!

Roy Koopa

Good news for all the children watching.

Nathan Jasper

If you have a slot open for a miniseries in the future, I'd like to suggest The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart. I think you guys would like it, especially Pudgey.


HP 20th anniversary on HBO max?

Joe Mags

As long as it’s not anime 😏

Alex Ocean

Is one piece live a tv show or a movie?


Do you guys have any plans of watching the Harry Potter reunion?


Since you all finished Harry Potter, I'd recommend reacting to the reunion special on Max! It released just a couple years ago and is really well put together. It's a great way to end off series! Also it would just be one video do not too invasive to your schedule hopefully

William Abbott

If your looking for movies to watch in between series please react to "Blood Diamond" it's a very powerful and entertaining film and "Project X" if your looking a good fun time. Thank you both.


The Hunger Games series would be a great watch


Would love to see band of brothers, a 10ep mini series worth its weight in gold🙋🏼‍♂️


I can’t wait for you guys to watch Westworld someday


You should react to the 2010 The Last Airbender movie. It’s the only piece of media still missing in the Avatar world. And don’t worry too hard about the negative reviews. You’re not supposed to love it. 😂


The Hunger Games movies, Yellowjackets series, or The Twilight Saga for a great laugh hahaha!!


Please don’t. There are so many good movies and series out there😞


Poll finished overwhelmingly for neither. So naturally the decision is to do both. Why poll your community if you have no intention of acting on the results? If you are planning to just be a niche channel that does only fantasy and anime, just tell us that. While that would be disappointing, since you guys are great reactors and you’re missing so much great content that way, but at least it would be honest to your paying community.

Chris Illsley

It’s actually a really well done and fun adaptation with a lot of heart and respect to the source material. But you know haters gonna hate.


please react to more movies


Band of Brothers is an excellent miniseries, or Chernobyl, based on real events and overall amazing shows!


as in, the series on Showtime/Paramount+ :-)

Mama Browsss

I’m glad you’re doing One Piece! I really enjoyed it and I know you guys will too. It’s just 8 episodes so it will go fast.


Looking forward to the One Piece LA reactions! It will probably take a minute getting used to for people not used to anime, since it is very tropey, but I really think they found a good way to make the series work in the live format and that you're gonna like it!


This is disappointing, there is no point in doing a poll if you aren’t going to act on the results, neither had a large majority against 3 other options which shows just how much the community doesn’t want it to be reacted too


we did specify in that poll that it was not to make a decision but to guage out current interest. 32% was for Invincible and 20% was for One Piece. We had an interest in trying out both. We are not becoming a niche channel and are rotating through lots of varieties of content. as stated after One Piece we plan to cover more Movies


I remember 3 or 4 polls for Breaking Bad (iirc) that continued to win overwhelmingly and yet kept being pitted against the same shows it was beating in previous polls lol

Justin Urameshi

HELL YEAH!!! One Piece was the perfect live action adaptation!


It was a poll to gauge the interest, not to determine the choice of a new series.


I know that but surely when 48% of the community want neither that has to show you as a creator that its not worth it when you could be reacting to stuff people want


Glad you guys are reacting to both, Invincible is one of my favorite comics of all time, and the show is a great adaptation. Similarly, One Piece is one of my favorite animes of all time, and you can tell the people who are doing the live action really care about making a good adaptation.


that was a main show slot vs us taking on extra's that dont take long to cover. very different polling.


You read my mind, man. I was hoping for something good and classic, since there's already too much anime. But it turns out that we are like Walter, and Spartan and Pudgey are like Gale)


Darn anime ruining everything. Oh well


Start watching single movies next


Highly recommend watching and reacting to the Harry Potter 20th anniversary reunion. It’s truly amazing and so well done. After that, I’d suggest the Hunger Games trilogy and Wanda Vision (if you haven’t seen it yet)

Roy Koopa

I don’t like Harry Potter, but thematically, the sophistication of the production, the writing?


You guys do you. But I'm a bit dumb when I read and a bit confused/concerned with something. You won't react to other type of movies until after you finish the One Piece live action?


Great show, one of the best miniseries ever created.. imo.. but would think they should probably watch Saving Private Ryan first.. right??

wanira 11

What is wrong with all these people hating on the one piece LA? I absolutely loved it, it's really heartwarming and so much fun. I guarantee that people who speak badly about it haven't seen it


Have you seen Interview with the Vampire TV series? It's a really good show.

Chris Illsley

Just want to say glad you guys are reacting to it! As someone who is mostly here originally for Breaking Bad, there is room for very heavy dramas and goofy fun stuff (even though there are serious and very emotional moments in One Piece as well) on the same channel! Don’t let people try to pigeon hole you into 1 genre/style of content! Keep it up guys!

Kelby Farley

After One Piece, ya'll should watch the 2014 Godzilla, 2019 Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and 2021 Godzilla vs. Kong. All are amazing films! There are gonna be a new one next year.

Justin Morgan

The Hunger Games and Star Wars would draw lots of viewers.


If this means one piece will take the previous movie slot, I'm not a fan of that decision at all. Some of us aren't fans of anime or anime derived live action. This would make a great majority of your current schedule not to our liking. Hope you keep the movie slot only for movies or limited live-action series.


Yeah, love you guys and your reactions, but no interest in anime of any kind. Will definitely keep an eye out though, and return when you are done with it.


I was hoping Sundays would become MOVIE night with S&P and seeing some solo movies. But I respect the decision and am looking forward to seeing more movies when you guys are ready. Enjoying all of the other content in the meantime!

I don’t know what needs to happen but I need The Vampire Diaries reactions from you guys at some point in the future. PLEASE!


Just when I try to get out, they pull me back...Yes, definitely not happy.


I don't know much about it. Only that it isn't my cup of tea. That doesn't mean it's a bad show though.

Chris Illsley

Yes because only the types of content you guys watch is valid! I came here for Breaking Bad and LOTR but I loved One Piece Live Action and never seen the Anime. You can like different types of things.


Breaking Bad is fantasy/anime? That is their primary show slot. We try to make a list with all the suggestions people have and that have a decent chance being reacted to/would get good community draw, and I will say that fantasy and anime is definitely a small portion of that overall list. We have tons of shows and movies on there of varying lengths, contents, settings etc. Tons of the biggest, best stuff of the last 20 years since they haven't seen a lot of it.

wanira 11

Give it a shot, you might like it. There's a reason it became so popular and loved


Movies will be returning and are a staple! this is just an interim mini series in between then we will be returning to movies

Chris Illsley

I thought the same when it first came out, I’ve never watched an Anime in my life except maybe a couple episodes of Pokémon as a kid if that counts. But I loved the Live Action show! It’s really well done with incredibly endearing characters and it’s just fun but can still hit your emotions. Coming from someone who’s here originally for Breaking Bad and LOTR


yes we are going to smash through one piece then get on with some more movies! we don't have enough time for both at the moment unfortunately


This is a disingenuous remark. That is virtually the only non fantasy/anime content that has ever been on the channel. Come on.


The reason they did multiple polls for Breaking Bad is because filling one of their primary show slots is a huge commitment and a huge risk if it doesn't pan out for them in community draw. It was to narrow down the more popular choices and see if the spread would change when there were less options, because whatever won...well 62 episodes or comparable length shows at a rate of 2 episodes a week. You do the math, its a lengthy commitment and its generally not well received or a good idea to stop reacting to a show you have started, so its better to do a few polls to be certain its a sensible decision, it wasn't some attempt to "game" the result.

Chris Illsley

@Paul maybe try it, I never watched Anime in my life, didn’t think it was my cup of tea my fav shows are Breaking Bad and The Wire and movies The Godfather and Goodfellas so outside my comfort zone and I loved it!


…and it had to crush multiple polls before it was begrudgingly given the green light. I’m not saying my interests are more valid than anyone else’s in here and I have not criticized any of the content that doesn’t interest me personally. All I ask for is honesty.

Delanie Dyer

Please do Gen V 🙏🏼

Roy Koopa

You remind me of like a cable provider. Like when you call up and be like ‘Hey, I saw this cool deal and I was-‘ And they’re like ‘Oh, no, that’s for new customers only’. And then you’re like ‘But I’m a loyal customer! It’s thanks to me that you have this business, why you screwing me?’ And they’re like ‘Don’t you want us to have new customers?!’


Yes please, unless you guys have watched it already then please let us know. I know you both will love it.


this is just wrong. like they said, 32% was for Invincible and 20% for OP. and there was around 10% for both. so actually less people wanted neither.


Hey Sudden, do you know if they plan on watching the HP Reunion?

FullMetal B

Look at this guy who's definitely a mature grown up with his childish whining and mario cartoon profile picture. Just a shining example of maturity.

Joe Mags

It’s like a 10 week break with anime driven content 🤢


LOST.... that is all


Until Death Note comes along, there's not a single slot that i'm interested in atm unfortunately I'll be back when movies come back. See y'all !


Please. If you poll 2 shows, and the top result is neither at 48%, the community is sending a clear message. If you choose to ignore that message, it is what it is, it’s your channel and ultimately your decision. But don’t fault the community for questioning it. Especially when they are doing it respectfully.


Seconding Lost and The Hunger Games series if you really haven’t seen them!


Alright! As I said, you guys do you. Hopefully that series goes quick then, for us who aren't into it 😀


I think a lot of people here simply are not into anime (or in these case anime based series). No hate though

wanira 11

It's a shame tho, they are missing out on great storytelling. But that's also why it's live action. To make it more accesible to people who woudn't normally watch anime :)


Hunger games would be a good choice as the new movie hit cinemas not long ago

Zach Greenleaf

You should definitely react to the show LOST. The character development alone is mind boggling with all of the mystery, suspense, and science fiction stuff going on constantly. Highly recommended based on your reacting style and theory building!


I’m not against them doing it, despite the fact that the poll results indicated the majority didn’t want it. I believe they should be able to react to whatever they want. I just don’t understand the choice to do it NOW considering every slot is currently anime based apart from BB… that just doesn’t seem like a smart decision in terms of the channel or a fair decision in terms of the community. Seeing as nothing will be on the agenda that I will be interested in for some time I will check back in at a later date. 🫶


Let them watch what they want geez it’s only 8 episodes and many reactors, who didn’t know one piece, LOVED this show

Lindsay Mathieson

I'd be very keen to see a reaction to "Blue Eyed Samuri", its outstanding and I think you would love it.


I think you would both really love The Last Kingdom, especially Spartan. It's right up his alley. It would be a commitment equal to Breaking Bad though, so no rush!


I watched an episode and didn't care for it. So yes, its possible for people to check it out and not like it. I am not into anime in general though. I am not saying its a bad show, and I haven't seen enough of it to be able to make an informed judgement like that anyways.


I understand that some patrons are upset about the focus on anime, as I am also not an anime watcher. But I came into the page knowing that S&P react to a lot of anime. I’ll check back in with the page at a later date when there will be more alternative content. You are free to suspend your subscription until then, and just let S&P do what they want to do. We may not be satisfied with it but they have finite amount of time and should be allowed to watch what they enjoy and want to do, or else they won’t have fun doing reactions anymore.


If y’all don’t like it you can unsubscribe and come back when they watch something you like…. Either way they will get many new subscribers due to one piece who will take your place

Phil Jacke

I'm not a huge anime fan but I really enjoyed the live action one piece. Excited for your reactions to it!


It’s mostly people who don’t like anime in general who are hating on their decision


Are you counting the marvel stuff in with fantasy? You said "be a niche channel that only does fantasy/anime content" yet they have multiple shows on their page already that don't fall into this category, many more planned that don't fall into that category, which they have openly stated repeatedly, and their main show also doesn't fall into it. That was all I was saying there. Either way, yes their starting foundation for their channel was primarily content like The Boys, Witcher, the marvel shows, and a little bit of anime. A certain type of content. If you have been here for more than a few months you would be aware they have been actively trying to expand out from that. BB and movies are the start of that. It's not disinfenous at all. Have you looked the past shows on their channel, have you read their community posts on YouTube about wanting to expand variety of content out? Unfortunately plans that are medium and long term take some time to come to fruition because they can only react and edit so much content at one time, and so they need to wrap something up to start something new.


Sean we understand this might not be your cup of tea but there will be plenty of variety this will be down your alley way in the near future! this is just a show we wanted to experiment with


100% agree. I'm currently rewatching the show right now, so good


Yes, I was counting the marvel stuff, superhero content is generally considered fantasy. Obviously each story can delve into other sub-genres.


But yeah, I've been here a while. Found them early in GOT. I enjoy the reactions, just hoping to see their lane get wider, that's all. There is a lot of great content out there.


The guy has a koopa from mario profile picture, I wouldn't take him too seriously when he's calling things childish/cringe lol. I have to assume he is just trolling.


One of the best shows of all time. Also one of the best react shows. You guys would immediately love this show. Only issue is that it’s twice as long as breaking bad but who cares cause it’s amazing.


There has been some casual discussion among some folk in the discord about doing 1 season reactions to certain shows that are structured in a way where the first season can work as a self-contained story, that have more controversial later seasons and then either stopping there or continuing based on their feelings on the show etc. Not sure how well that would work in this or certain other instances but I have seen some channels do it quite successfully.


Whoops 😬 lol could it be any more obvious that I’m a new patron member? Thanks for letting me know!


Understood. Thank you for clarifying. I am not someone that watches anime myself and while I do enjoy fantasy there are many other things that are more grounded or much different from the majority or all of their recorded content that I would like them to watch, so I understand the appeal towards some other content, hopefully we will have some more of the stuff you are looking for before too long. Cheers.


No worries! This is actually a quite common occurrence in general with youtube. I have seen many instances where people are completely unaware of certain reactions, or gaming lets plays on channels they have followed for months or years even, and someone tells them, and they are shocked. People miss stuff like that all the time, including here. I have suggested to S&P that they make a post on patreon and youtube of all the shows they have on their channel just to update people that might have missed something, maybe they will do that at beginning of the new year.


I am a big fan of LOST, however the tricky thing about LOST for reaction channels is really the length. Its a risky endeavor. If the show doesn't manage to pull in enough views on the channel its very hard to justify it, especially with the amount of shows/episode upload pacing they can currently manage. Its twice as long as Breaking Bad, and we are looking at 2 eps/week. The show isn't quite the albatross it once was, between the controversial ending and its age as a lot of reaction community is aged out of having been around when it was airing.


Sons of Anarchy, Sopranos, Lost or Dexter would be my suggestions


Star wars if by any chance you haven't seen that yet :))


Anime has plenty of fans, and that's cool. Just not my cup of tea personally


Yes!!!! One piece!! You guys keep picking my favorite shows.


Wish you guys the best but anime just isn’t for me. Maybe will check back in here in a few months when more interesting content is added. Kinda a bummer as this is one of the few reactor channels that delve deeper than “wow that was cool, this movie is great lol” 😔


I'm not into anime either - but have enjoyed the live action One Piece.

Kevin Bandy

Yeah, I'm not at all interested in anime. I don't think I can even force myself to even try to watch it lol


no worries! we have a big lineup of future content planned so dont stress if the current roster isn't to your preference there will be many more

Elora D. Dragneel

Omg I didn't expect this! Super excited to rewatch OPLA with S&P!! <3


seconded. hoping they'll tackle some solo movies on a more regular basis sometime in the future! Spartan & Pudgey, you guys are such a great reaction channel, you feel incredibly genuine, and so we nerds are really passionate/intense about which of our favourite shows you choose to watch. Here's to hoping we're all in this for the long run, with many great reactions still to come. I'll be tuning in for One Piece <3


You guys would love Pirates of the Caribbean! Please react to that one at some point


watch dark on netflix!! one of the best shows of all time and you both will love putting it together. some amazing mind blowing absolutely incredible reveals as well that make for good reactions


One of my top 4 shows of all time =) Never would have thought that would be the case when I started that show on a slow dreary Sunday one day. It really is one of the best fits for their theorcrafting loving minds. I think the tricky part is moreso getting the timing right so it does well enough with community viewership.


i want to just leave some movie suggestions that i think you guys might like (they contain some form of message or have an interesting story): The Shawshank Redemption, Schindler’s List, The Matrix, 12 angry men (old version), Whiplash, Se7en, Shutter Island, Pulp Fiction, Inglorious Basterds, Django Unchained, Gladiator, Talented Mr.Ripley, Beautiful Mind, American Psycho, Inception, Interstellar, Wolf of Wall Street. Ofc thats a lot of movies but they are considered classics or very well written. Just take some you like into consideration pleae! :)


I would love to see you guys react to Deadwood. So good!

Professor Rizzard The Third

It’s actually a decent adaptation. Don’t get me wrong as a fan of the actual manga/anime it wasn’t perfect but it was as good as it gets for adaptations.

Professor Rizzard The Third

It’s been voted as a no by the community. Each to their own but I don’t think they are a good edition to the franchise. Also they are never going to be finished it seems so pointless to start them

Professor Rizzard The Third

Why be so needlessly snarky. People like it, the LA may be a little young in tone but the manga isn’t. Recent chapters tackling a ruling class using a genocide game for entertainment. I’m sure some of your likes aren’t to everyone’s taste, just unsubscribe and come back later if it’s such an affront to you personally


If you really want to know more about the Wizarding World, might as well explore it. :)


Thats common with polling. The sample group that votes is meant to be representative of the whole. If they don’t vote they yield their say 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's completely fine S&P. I have been here since the early GoT days and always respected that anime is a significant part of this channel, even if I'm not interested in that for now. Also I have to admit I also needed a small break from the fantasy universe after watching LOTR, hobbit and HP right after each other. So I'll just keep watching your BB reactions and wait patiently for whatever comes next in the 3rd slot.


There is no confirmation whether or not they will be finishing them or not. Considering there is only two more to go, they may as well finish it



big harsher

since one peice is taking the harry potter slot, does that mean we would get an episode every week or twice a week like breaking bad?


finally something to agree on. Imo its my favourite mode of entertainment ever. I don't think a book, movie, TV series or game will ever come close to having a better written piece of entertainment.


thanks guys - hope to subscribe again into he future

Lyn Hurst

Thank you, Spartan and Pudgey. It is hard to please everyone, but listening to requests and getting a consensus based on your personal tastes is a good strategy. Speaking for myself, I am grateful you all continue to engage with your fans.

Jackson Natoli

I really hope for you guys to get to Black Sails one day! Incredible characters I just know spartan would love Flint and Vane!


I really hope for Black Sails. Because it's just perfect for you guys personality's it just fits your channel so well in my opinion.


Still hoping for the Expanse (and BSG), but those are a bit longer. Maybe some good Movie like The Martian would be an idea.


Pirates of the Carribean


I would love to see you guys react to Lost. The Walking Dead/Better Call Saul would be amazing too.


Unfortunately I’m going to have to unsub if you’re only picking up one piece for the time being. Not a big anime fan or their adaptations. Especially if you’re planning to do one episode a week. I’ll check back in in a few months I guess ✌️


'Lost' would be absolutely incredible, if they got to it someday.


I know some people like anime and that’s fine but it’s very clear that most people prefer live action tv shows and one piece is still anime so Im really not sure about this decision , Yall are the best reactors but again I don’t really understand this big focus on anime when the majority prefer the fantasy stuff or even regular films.

Rasegy Buldiga

So glad you're doing One Piece. I feel like most of the people who didn't vote for it didn't watch it just because it was an anime adaptation. Which I don't get because half of your content for the past year was avatar reactions which is practically anime. Btw have you considered watching standalone films?


When there was Harry Potter + 2 episodes of BB per week, it was my happiest time on this channel, along with the emotions of reactions to Game of Thrones. Spartan and Pudgey are the best reaction creators I know. But now... when there are already 3 different anime a week... Yes, I know that this situation will not always be the case, but now I'm just disappointed. It seems like they just want to show it without considering the audience's opinion. In a way, it's right, that's what authors should do, but... it's a damn anime. I really don't understand why anyone would watch it if there are products that evoke the same range of emotions and pleasure, but are much stronger and more interesting. Just my opinion.


I'd love for you to react to the Harry Potter Pitch Meeting and the HP 20th Anniversary.<3

Chris Illsley

@Callum they spent $15 mill an episode it had a massive budget and the effects are actually very well done so not sure what you mean. Literally much better CGI then the last 5 years of Marvel


S&P! I don’t believe I voted yes for OP but the show was AMAZING. Everyone who is frustrated their choices aren’t picked simply need to wait for their options to come along. I started following for GOT and I love watching them react to everything. That being said, I’m excited for what is around the corner and (can’t wait for them to get on the Star Wars train😂😌)

Chris Illsley

Obviously up to you, but I had never watched an anime in my life either, came here for LOTR and BB but loved the One Piece live action. Since they are reacting to it might be worth trying along with them it’s super fun with great action and a lot of heart!


The answer is LOST

Rey Jr

Not to sure about that. I love One Piece. I read the whole manga and I would recommend everyone to do so. Oda really created something special. The live action is solid. But in my opinion the magic from One Piece is kinda missing. It’s very different compared to the anime


Because you guys react to “The boys” you should probably watch Gen V. It’s there spin-off that’s just as good. And will tie directly into the new season of the boys


Yea same bro , To me im sorry but I really don’t understand how adults watch anime , like it has terrible acting, not so great animation and most of the time bad writing so yea I will never watch it.

Mama Browsss

Just browsing through the comments, it seems like a lot of the people that are not hyped about One Piece is because they don't like anime. I'm not a fan of anime either, I've tried watching and couldn't do it. Wasn't planning to watch One Piece but my daughter wouldn't leave me alone until I did. Now it's like one of my favorite shows, can't wait for season 2. I tried to watch the anime version after I watched the live action but couldn't get into it. Just as well so I don't get spoiled. Anyway, for those who haven't even watched an episode, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised - like I was :)




It would be perfect timing too with the prequel coming out this week. it would definitely bring in a new audience.


so excited for OPLA<3


I wish people wouldn't make assumptions on why people are opposed to something.


Its not tenable with the current pacing of shows. The current pacing is 2 episodes a week. It would take them a little over 15 months to complete the one show and they can only do so many shows at one time. Perhaps someday.


It all the same bro , we don’t want animations or anime , most people are here for movie series and actual tv shows


All great films but something tells me they have never seen a great film so I highly doubt they’ll react to these though I would love if they did.


oh yeah i actually have green mile in my notes as well i just thought i wrote it down already lol


I love Blood Diamond and Project X , I feel like no reactor ever watches project x, it would be a good watch.


Ain’t no way this guy just compared garbage anime to the Harry Potter films 🍿 😂.


yea i was the same regarding anime(and to many animes im like that still) but the 3 animes i've watched were actually kind of good. Death Note is i think the one you would like, it has a very unique story and it is very engaging. Just give it a try, if Death Note can't do it for you then I think you gave it a fair shot at least. :)


Or, I don’t know, people will react to whatever they want to react to? In the end, it doesn’t matter what other people want, all reactors should not watch something unless they really want to, or else reacting wouldn’t be fun anymore and they wouldn’t want to do it. If it upsets you that much, take your viewing elsewhere where you and everyone else will be happier. I’m sure there will be plenty of new subs to take your place.


I feel like y’all need some anime in your life. Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Death Note.


Same. I couldn't finish the first episode. Just not my thing, but I'm looking forward to future films S&P select for slot 3 (and the continuation of BB, of course).


I'd recommend doing a reaction of Andor. No idea if you guys are into Star Wars though


If you're looking for movies I would suggest Star Wars, of course, Pirates of the Carribian, Back to the Future, The Matrix, Shawshank Redemtion, Forrest Gump, and The Princess Bride as some must sees and popular reaction videos. You two are the best reactors out there and I hope this doesn't evolve into an animal only reaction channel but you guys need to do what is best for you. I love your passion so I would suggest to follow what you two are passionate about.


Lol I know it sounds like I might be mad in my original comment but im not, Im loving their BrBa reactions, I loved their GOT, HOTD and the boys reactions. Im just frustrated in the way the polling is done. Even mods don’t think its the way to go about it. If I don’t say something then nothing will be said u get me? I respect that anime (LA) is gonna be part of the channel, Spartan has said that many times I just don’t like how the polls are done


Also, I understand your comment about passions and I agree their should be passion in their reactions but how will they know they enjoy something? They didn’t know anything about GOT now its one of their top shows, they were very hesitant about BrBa now they are loving it


Hello! Not sure if this is the best place to ask this, but I was curious if you guys would ever consider watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood in a future anime slot? :) It's a personal favorite of mine, and it's a really fun one to watch people react to! Really fun one for theorizing. Lots of twists and turns, good pacing, great story with consistent writing, and a ton of amazing and well developed characters. I think the both of you would find a lot to love!


they recently did a poll for death note vs FMAB, death note won but they're aware of how popular FMAB so will definitely consider it in the future


it definitely won't become an anime only channel and pretty much all of those are on our to do lists! thank you

David Linares-Plata

The Hunger Games is a really strong franchise that you could get into, and there’s a prequel about to release in theaters this week!


One pieceeeee


Jurassic Park and Hunger Games!


Finally. That’s definitely a must watch. The reactions would be so good.




Pirates of the Carribean has all the humor, lore and intrigue that you loved from Game of Thrones. Star Wars would be a really strong choice for your channel as well


I suggest that all Star Wars movies/shows in chronological order would be a big choice


My hope is that one day you react to the most epic TV show of all time - 12 Monkeys. This is the definition of a hidden gem. Almost no one knows about it, there are barely any reactions to it online, and it is BY FAR the best show I've ever seen. From beginning to end, it is perfection. I've watched it 6 times and it is still just as good. To anyone reading this message, do yourself a favor and watch 12 monkeys. It is just THAT good.


If you like 12 Monkeys (great show btw) I highly recommend you check out Dark if you haven't.


The hunger games movies! Such a good series


I had zero interest in watching the One Piece anime. After watching the live action, I'm now over 700 episodes in


Blue Eye Samurai!


Definitely react to Star Wars

Garrett Serbin

You two would LOVE the show ROME. Its an older HBO show but one of the best 2 season shows ive seen. Shorter so won't take forever to get through, learn about history as the show tries to be fairly historically accurate, great acting/writing/action. Game of Thrones b4 there ever was game of thrones

Zehra Shad

Please watch 'Society of the Snow' I think it might land as a favorite for yous.