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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (EXTENDED EDITION) | UNCUT Reaction

Full Length Reaction Guide

We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync.  Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen.  Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0.  Here are some popular ways people sync up the reaction with their own copy of the show:

  • Use a dual monitor PC setup to watch both screens simultaneously
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  • Use your Smart TV or Gaming console to play the YouTube reaction and your Phone/Laptop to play the show (or other way around)
  • Use Google chromes picture in picture mode to overlay your own copy of the show over our reaction in a smaller window size (Link to the extension here: ( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/picture-in-picture-extens/hkgfoiooedgoejojocmhlaklaeopbecg?hl=en )

We hope you enjoy the video!

Love Spartan & Pudgey


The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Uncut

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey



This and T2 still might be the best sequel movies of all time

Martin Robertson

Hobbits never wear shoes or boots because they have thick, leathery soles and hair on the tops of their feet.


Ohhh I’m so ready

Ersin Günay

I am so mad that I just saw that this was uploaded like 30 minutes ago right before going to bed! I was waiting for this since the first movie and now I have to wait till tomorrow to watch it...


I feel so spoiled! I started my vacation with the first movie and now I get to end it with the second. I am really enjoying these movies and watching them for the first time with you guys!


Let's gooooooo


Unfortunately it's too late for me to start the movie now. At least I know what I'm doing tomorrow after work.






Yaaaaaasss! So you get to watch Viggo (Aragorn) break his toe on camera in this one. When he thinks Merri and Pippin are dead and he kicks the helmet and screams, he’s not screaming as Aragorn, he’s screaming as Viggo because he broke his big toe on the helmet when he kicked it and then screamed in pain. And they put it in the film. Lol makes me cringe everytime I watch it. I’ve broken my toe 3 times and it hurts way more than it should. 😬🥴 He then had to spend days filming running shots over mountain terrain on the broken toe. Viggo is a legend!


The first hobbit is the only decent one. I will not be watching the Hobbit reactions lol I'll wait for HP or Star Wars.


Nah f smeagol


It is Billy Butcher


The wraiths/ringwraiths are the black riders from the first movie, and they are also known as Nazgûl. They are the ones that do the high-pitched shrieks. The “dragons” they ride are called Fell Beasts. People tend to confuse the two and think the winged creatures are the Nazgûl. But, the riders are the Nazgûl.


Their primary name is actually Nazgûl-birds. Probably why people get them confused with Nazgûls.


The only thing with the hobbit is do not compare it to LOTR. For me the hobbit films are enjoyable films


Pudgey, he is Billy Butcher lol. Was hoping to hear y'all pick up on that.

Petteri Ahlberg

These movies are a BEAST to edit and even more harderd to get uploaded on Youtube without any issues. But i would think we will get the uncut version by the end of this week. At least, thats my hope...


you have to watch the hobbit after if you like the dwarv humor haha


Yes watch the hobbit, not as good but still a good watch


I personally would love to see you react not only to The Hobbit trilogy but The Rings of Power show as well if you feel like it. It was great rewatching Two Towers with you. Gollum is such an amazing character, and considering he is a CGI creature done in motion capture, what an amazing tour de force that is. Can't wait for the final movie, it's gonna be spectacular. It is the only one of the three I saw in theatre and wow, never saw anything on that scale since then, I'm still waiting for a movie as epic as The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Thank you guys!

Michael Chase Vickery

For what it's worth Gandalf, Sauruman, and Sauron are a part of a race called the Maiar. They are essentially angels to a group of Gods/Titans called the Valar. There was a Valar called Morgoth who is Sauron's master and was once the dark lord before Sauron fell. He is referenced multiple times in the movies. Gandalf being reborn was him being sent back by the Valar to aid Middle Earth against Sauron


I liked the back story of Boroimir, think it really expanded his character, in the first movie you saw him practicing swords with the hobbits, he was worried several times about them, even when he was getting shot with arrows he looked at them and tried to fight more and when dying the first thing he asked was about the hobbits. I think a lot of that came from him being a big brother who really cared about his little brother


not sure if anyone pointed this out, the orcs were not CGI but actual extras which is even more impressing considering the scale of the movie and its time.


The ability to hide like that (the rock) comes from special elvish cape that Galadriel gave to every member of fellowship ;) Like the rope was a little magic, so are the capes.


Vigo Mortensen (Aragorn) loved that horse, he ride with him very much and then he bought him and keep him until his death.


I would throw in my two cents (new demi god here) to say I would love the reactions to The Hobbit. For The Rings of Power, I wouldn't be anywhere near as enthusiastic. Would probably still watch, but i think these reactors deserve far better, so if I could humbly suggest a follow-up here -- BLACK SAILS!!!!


Just to give a little back story, Eru Iluvatar is the Creator of Arda (that's god and earth, respectively). He also created something like demi-gods called the Ainur. Below the Ainur were the Maiar. You can think of them as angels and they're strong and immortal but they can be killed. Then there were the Valar - the first beings created for Arda. Essentially, the Elves, who are also immortal. So . . . Melkor was an Ainur and was second in power only to Eru Iluvatar but grew jealous of Iluvatar and corrupted Arda. When Melkor was cast down, he got a name change to Morgoth. Morgoth was Sauron's boss way back in the First Age (the movies take place in the Third Age somewhere around 10k years after the creation of Arda)). Sauron was a Maiar like all the other wizards. We only meet two of them in these movies (Gandalf and Saruman) but 5 total were sent to Middle Earth to help guide the inhabitants against Sauron. All of the wizards were Maiar and good aligned and each had a specific task to accomplish. As you know Saruman eventually fell to the dark side and when Gandalf died and was sent back, he took Saruman's place to accomplish Saruman's task as well as his original one. Maiar can only be killed when they're flesh and even then they revert back to their spirit form as Maiar. That's why Sauron didn't really die at the end of the Second Age. He went back to his spirit form and it took 3000+ years for him to reform for the movies times frame. That's also why Gandalf didn't really die, either. But he had a helping hand in coming back, thanks to the Ainur Manwe (or perhaps Eru himself).


I would suggest you could check out Wheel of Time as you are not book readers, you will like it very well. All the hate for TV show will come from readers of the books. Still it's decent new fantasy story and soon season 2 coming out. If you want to see another new fantasy story.


Cannot wait to watch this tomorrow and the third the day after. Wonderful. Enjoy!


You said it. This movies MUST be rewatched. There is soooo much more that you notice and different connections that you see. Love the reviews. I'd say you two should do a rewatch (non reaction) and then make a video on your thoughts for all 3 the second time around. Cheers!

Garrett Serbin

Have to do a rewatch for Christmas one year guys! You'll love it even more the 2nd time through it