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Game of Thrones Uncut Reaction S7 E2 'Stormborn'

Full Length Reaction Guide

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    We hope you enjoy the video!

    Love Spartan & Pudgey


Full Length GoT S7 E2

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. These reactions DO NOT include our intros and discussions. You will have to refer to the original edited version of the video. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey


Rich Plumb

when she said "that's not you" she meant she isnt the type of wolf to follow her, she is her own wolf.


In regards to Nymeria. It was her. “It’s not you” is referring to it’s not in Nymerias nature to be at winterfell as a pet of sorts. She’s with her own and already home. And it’s also a callback to when Arya said the same thing to her father when they were talking about her being a princess.


Having only recently switched to watching the unedited reactions, I wonder how many past videos i’ve missed where Pudgey spends the first 5-10 mins dying laughing


Great idea for Arya to put on masks of all the great characters. There's only one problem: She needs the actual face to do that. As you've seen in the house of black and white is that they collect the physical faces and prepare them as masks, so it's not some kind of magic.


Gray worm and Ned Stark totally disagree about the concept of bravery lol


Grey worm indeed has no worm

Pat man

I know i'm probably the billionth person to post this, but the "that's not you" line from arya about her dire wolf was a call back. That definitely was Nymeria, but the 'that's not you' line was supposed to mirror Arya's "That's not me" line when talking to her father. When she was expected to be domesticated, get married and have little lords and become Lady of her own castle, and she simply said "that's not me" to her father. Arya wasn't meant for that life, and Nymeria wasn't meant to be a pet. That was Arya understanding that.

Stryder Garvey

Arya saying thats not you was a callback to when Ned told her that she would be a lady and marry a lord and she said thats not me so I think she was just referencing the fact that she is a new person now in a way.


Dany is insufferable in this ep but she becomes one of the most annoying people on the planet next episode, every reactor hates her next ep and for good reason.


Did you catch the reference the archmaester and Sam made? He said, "I'm not writing 'The Chronicle of Wars Following the Death of King Robert I' so it can sit on a shelf unread. And Sam suggested he name it something more poetic. ... I.E. A Game of Thrones


"That's not you" is a call back to Arya leading her on life never wanting to be a lady. She forced Nymeria to go survive on her own and be on her own. She is a wild animal now and not someone's pet so Arya's is understanding the situation the same way she would tell people she didn't wanna be forced into the confines of the social construct she was born into


Your GOT and ATLA reaction made my day 😄🫶🏽


While you're correct that they need the faces there is some magic involved because the hair (which is not preserved) and HEIGHT also match up when a faceless man puts on a face so there's some magic involved either way.


people project their own experiences and feelings for the characters onto in-world characters with a different perspective and history/lived experience. I think that is the issue really. Most leaders in the world of GoT, if they were in her same position would likely have behaved at least somewhat similarly, and we see that when looking through the history of that world prior to the shows time period. Jon is an anomaly in a lot of his behaviors in this world, so much so it actually got him killed at one point.


@Kunal Indeed there is some form of magic involved. It's some extremely powerful form of what is called a glamour. That term is used generally in fantasy but its also used specifically in the GoT books. Melisandre also uses a glamour, but it doesn't seem to be quite as powerful as that used by the faceless men (although its strong enough to fool most permanently).


It is Nymeria, however she is now a free wolf. She is paralleling Arya’s place in life and her journey. That’s not you is a call back to Arya not falling in line of being a lady. :)


To my friends who are disappointed by the show’s final seasons:


Another great Episode. When Arya said to Nymeria: "Thats not you", she was right.


I agree. D&D did an amazing Job finishing an unfinished, unadaptable Story that became too large for itself.

Rey Jr

They definitely did not an amazing job. Even youtoubers did a better job in writing an ending for the show😭


"D&D were in an impossible situation here". This is not true at all. HBO offered to hire more writers, extend a few more seasons, whatever it took to get the series completed in a way that will keep the fans happy and subscribed. Instead it was written as a rushed half assed job by people with a foot out the door. D&D didn't want to give up creative control (or more realistically, the credit that went along with it), even though they had clearly lost interest in the story.


All youtubers do is crying and come up with unoriginal alternatives that take no effort to come up with at all.


It was their show, why should they give it away? HBO wanted more seasons before of money not Story quality. D&D promised 70 hours before 1st season aired and they kept that promise. Martin on the other hand kept no promises at all and is not even defending them at all. He is there to grasp after every emmy award there is, but when the show faces backlash, he js distancing himself from it.


Also HotD has other and multiple writers... how is is thats its not even close to Season 5 or 6 of Thrones?

Robin Lee Melendez

Emilia Clarke/Danaerys looks so beautiful in this episode. The scenes she has with Lady Olenna are just gorgeous.


Should we be talking about this? Anyway, if it's ok then I'd say my only problems with S7 are one subplot and one episode, both of which I find absolutely dreadful for sheer laziness, utter lack of logic, and character betrayal. 🤷‍♂️ Not hard to guess which of each I mean.


Was so glad Euron killed the sand snakes. As always, Theon's actor deserves every award.


mid season 7 is insane, can't wait for the next few!


I understand this point of view. Either way people think though, there are some gems that are amazing to enjoy in even the last season. There are wonderful moments.


If Theon had rushed toward Euron I'm sure Euron would have slit Yara throat. So Euron Jumping overboard itself saved her life.

thank u next

I kind of agree with you. As disappointed as I am with Season 8 specifically (won't go into detail), I can't put that on some TV show writers who essentially had to fly blind after their driver fell asleep at the wheel.

thank u next

@Milorad This is also possible. And if so, f*** them. Regardless, we can't change any of it now so I need to let myself be at peace lol

Ailene Evangelista

Nymeria can't be domesticated just like Arya never wanted to be a lady!


"D&D were in an impossible situation here. They didn’t sign up to finish the story, it was supposed to have been finished before this point in the series." This argument would hold up if they hadn't already been screwing things up when they had book material. They cut out, changed, and ignored a fair bit of book material and replaced it will lesser quality content. There were even high quality fan contents in large, large amounts (over a decades worth) online they could have pulled from. They also rejected George's concerns, there was a breakdown in communication with him, and they rejected HBO's offerings for 1. More seasons and more episodes 2. More writers etc. etc. If you really want an in-depth examination of what happened with this show, there is a book from someone that was documenting this on the set itself, called Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon: Game of Thrones and the Official Untold Story of the Epic Series by James Hibberd. You can gleam many details from this that are generally not well known by the majority of viewers. That having been said, this really is not the best place to have a whole discussion about this. This kind of thing belongs in the discord channel because eventually people will get too detailed about future content in discussing this.


Re: Euron & Theon: Euron is kind of known for mutilating. His ship was called The Silence because he cut the tongues out of all of his men (that’s why they don’t say a word to Ellaria when she’s captured. They literally can’t). So, Theon was right to fear being captured by him. It’s one thing for Theon to be ready to die but ready to be possibly tortured again? That’s a different story. And Pudgey is right, PTSD is unpredictable and will rear its ugly head at inconvenient times.


@Sudden, I literally just saw a video about that book today lol. How odd. I obviously haven't read it but the takeaways from the book are interesting with regard to the direction of the show vs the books. It's wild to realize that so much of what the fandom dislikes about latter seasons will happen in the books, albeit in a different way but w the same outcome or close. Definitely didn't see that coming, including where a certain character with the "best story" ends up.


Spartan thought Qyburn *created* a dragon lmao


@Julien, the problem is not WHAT happens. The problem is lazy writing, cringe dialogue, teleporting all over the continent(rushing) and plot conclusions that don't fell earned. The book will be VERY different, even if some things from the show happen.


Literally the entire Game of Thrones is Cersei's fault.


And Catelyn’s…but that’s splitting hairs I guess 😅🤪 lol.


I Stan Daenerys STRONGborn ! 👑


Absolutely! It makes me laugh that we got to have him in the role in no small part because his sister, Lilly Allen, wrote a song about him being lazy basically telling him to get off the couch and get a job. That’s why he auditioned for GOT. 😂😂😂 She’s the GOAT


@suddenimpulse Thank you for pointing out this would be better in Discord. You’re right. I’ll delete my post so it won’t be a nightmare for the mods.


First, Spartan needs to look up eunuchs. Maybe that will explain some things. (LOL) Second, when Arya says, "That's not you"--it's a callback to Season 1 when Ned told Arya she would be a Lady and have little princes and Princesses. Her response was, "That's not me". Nymeria is a wild creature who will not be tamed--just like Arya. Arya understood why Nymeria would not come with her. Now that we are approaching the end, callbacks will be common.


Yes, and Little Finger’s. If any one of these three people hadn’t made the decisions they did, we wouldn’t be where we are.


I have watched this show more than 10 times now, and every reaction on youtube, and never made this connection until now. I never quite got that part, thank you for this!!!!

Victor Radoi

Strongborn is like a Aemond diss


Is that why he auditioned??? Haha i used to love that song


So when Arya said “That’s not you” ….jk am i the only one who deletes my comments when I realize 10 other people already answered the same question I did and I didn't feel I was adding to the conversation?


Lmao…yes! So grateful that the song got him off the couch and into Westeros! 😂🤣


I fucking hate this episode holy shit. Why would Melisandre not tell them she fucking resurrected him when they asked how she knows the lord of light chose him? Why would they go from speaking common tongue to Valyrian for no reason other than so that Missandei could tell the audience “actually it could totally be a woman”. It’s so bad.


I’m completely calm? You’re ignorant if you think criticism of art is inherently crazy. Negatives exist, you can’t have a protective bubble around everything you like. Grow up.

Gam Mac

It's the game of politics. Knowledge is power. What would Melisandre get from telling Dany about Jon's resurrection? Dany would've either assumed that Melisandre is crazy and making shit up, or Dany would've believed it and be threatened that there is another Westerosi ruler that is more special than her. Melisandre played her cards right and said just enough to get Dany to at least meet Jon.


It's one of the strangest phenomena in comment sections everywhere 😂. I don't really get it either.


Thanks to Pudgey for calling out the PTSD aspect. As someone who's had PTSD for a long, long time, even when you're fully medicated (Theon isn't), it still triggers you, you just don't necessarily feel the same feeling as a result. Call and response-- there's not the same response. Anyway, it makes sense that he would fail like that. PTSD is brutal.


Melisandre has probably said the prophecy in her head a million times in Valyrian. She probably just said it in her natural tongue. I'm guessing you're not bilingual, because people switch languages for particular sentences all the time... And see Gam Mac's for your other stupid point.

Stannis loves grammar.

Danny heads toward the great game. We are reminded fire can not kill a dragon .


I've said it once, and Ill say it again and again. Jacob Anderson is a really incredible actor. It wasnt until I watched him in Interview With the Vampire and then rewatched him in GoT that I really appreciated his ability. Def didn't give him the credit I should have originally.


25:00 such naive reactions from pudgey ahahhahaj


28:17 oh pudgey


How have you gotten to season 7 and still not realized that Littlefinger is a villain. Just how?


Pudgy is the best