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Game of Thrones Reaction & Review S6 E1 'The Red Woman'

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FIRST TIME Watching Game of Thrones! | 6x1 Reaction and Review | 'The Red Woman'

Game of Thrones | Season 6 Episode 1 | Reaction & Review | "The Red Woman" You read it correctly... We have NEVER watched Game of Thrones before! We are House of The Dragon fans, FINALLY starting our GoT journey! We are super excited for you to join us as we delve into the infamous world of GoT for the very first time! It's definitely been a long time coming... Buckle up, because it's going to be a long 8 seasons! Be warned, Winter is definitely coming... Click the link below and join NOW for exclusive content on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/spartanandpudgey If you would like to support our channel, click on the JOIN button and receive some extra perks such as membership badges, exclusive custom emotes and priority reply to comments! Introduction: 0:00 - 9:45 Love/Like/Hate List: 9:46 - 15:01 Reaction: 15:02 - 38:18 Discussion/Review: 38:19 - 47:17 Like and SUBSCRIBE and click that bell to turn ON POST NOTIFICATIONS if you enjoyed the video and want to keep up to date with new posts! Connect with us on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spartanandpudgey/?hl=en OUR DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/aPbnMXbYkM Connect with Spartan on TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/cpaspartan #houseofthedragon #gameofthrones #reaction



Lmao Im laughing with pudgy! I thought Spartan was saying "D Vo T" but he was saying devotee lmao


Forgot how cathartic the Brienne/Sansa scene was!


Tormund on the like list and Brienne on the love list—is it my birthday and I forgot? So much love to you two! Great reaction.

Daniel Siegel

Glad you’re hyped for season 6!


Idk why, but when brienne says, " I once *AGAIN* offer my services" I giggle every time. I know it's not her intention to be a jab at sansa, but it was totally a, 'I told you so' kinda feeling. At least in my opinion


I love both of them and yes, I get the vibe of, “Please don’t make me ask again.” :D


I’m curious who you guys consider your favorite actors/actresses from the series?? They’re really all amazing!


If this question was for everybody, not just for S & P (please weigh in!), my pick is JACOB BASIL ANDERSON FOR THE WIN, though I admit his later role in IwtV really gives me extra bias. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2760664/

Ailene Evangelista

To finally see Sansa and Theon get free from Ramsey was such a satisfying moment!


I think it’s kinda wild how easy it is for Tormund to get on your love list as well as any other man can do the bare minimum but Dany has to prove herself consistently to even get any type recognition LOLL 😭😭 like Wow atp I can only laugh about it


I love Brienne. She is such an honorable character.


He elevated Brienne to love list tonight, and approved of Pudgy picking Ollena for her like list, so I don’t think he’s biased against women. Dany may yet make the list. Also, LMAO that there’s “too many characters” in this show for the lists, and then a couple more characters get killed off in the episode.


Miranda dies and Ramsay says to feed her to the dogs. Never thought I’d say this about Ramsay, but DUDE WE NEEDED YOU a couple seasons ago! Specifically, when Cersei wanted the wedding feast to go to the dogs instead of the poor people—they could have done BOTH and just fed Joffrey (who died soon after that exchange) to the dogs and given the food to the people! Everyone wins! (Ramsay to Cersei: “Say your goodbyes, be sad a moment, but this is good meat.”)


Why is there always someone trying to make it a sexist thing? Why can't you just accept that Spartan has different faves to you? It's so boring and played out.


I have Arya Red Wedding Anxiety for this season. Meaning, we’re finally here and soooo close, but now I’m afraid that the internet will no longer be a thing, or something crazy will happen like that and I’ll never get to see your season 6 reaction, because this is what I’ve been waiting for😂😂


Melisandre has the ability to hide her identity. She is actually 400 years old or even more that means she is alive during the dance of the dragons war. They might show her in HOTG show.


Melisandre actually being old has always intrigued me I don't know if it's true but I remember reading a theory online that she's like 300 years old and may actually be the only person alive to have seen Valyria before the doom if this is true she's the one character in Game of Thrones that could theoretically appear in House of the Dragon as well I don't know if the writers are going to go there but it would be kind of cool to see her again


Season 5 was excellent. We forget that we’d been watching for 5 years (!) by this stage. You guys are far more informed than I was. I’d forgotten heaps and the Lore videos came out very slyly without fanfare.


Oh yeah, Milisandre is ancient 😂😂

Hugh S

"Oberyn wouldn't want this" yeah thats why the Dorne sub-plot was very bad and shoddy writing, some of the worst in the show, majority is made up and not taken from George RR Martins work which is a big part of the reason as GOT's writers had zero experience writing or on shows and failed when deciding to and having to come up with their own writing, and not adapting writing from the books - The producers loved Elarias actress and said "when you get someone of her caliber you reconcieve the role to their talents" so they created a entire subplot just to have Ellaria on the show more and do more thats extremely divergent from the book and the character. As you're right about what Oberyn said and Ellaria listened to and respected him and held same beliefs, shes distraught in the books and wants it to end doesn't want action taken further as everyone involved in Oberyns sisters death are dead. Shees also a very minor character in the book, more-so in the background

Jenny Tolls

So what if it's a little different? They changed so many things from the books. The whole entire plot with Sansa and Ramsay is way different in the books. The television series can't adapt every little thing and adding stuff that you don't agree with doesn't make the show horrible. Look at House of the Dragon. That whole plot with Visery's weakening health was barley part of the story and he most certainly did not have that epic walk to the throne in the books, and yet nobody is complaining about it. It's okay if not everything is exactly like the books lol


I can't believe Brienne has yet to make a love or like list - what does she have to do??

Hugh S

Yes the point is sansa ramsay , dorne subplot etc. is all terrible writing, makes zero sense, the characters literally say nothing its just close ups of the actors making faces lol, dan and dave literally said it "we stopped writing dialouge because look at those faces.. those faces" . the problem isnt the difference, the problem is its bad, all these parts that have been changed aren't the characters from the books, they are completely changed, its literally just the actors and actresses making faces and saying lines as themselves not their character from the books. and before you say show sansa vs book sansa etc., there is no show sansa, sansa isnt real, she only exists inside the book as shes written, the show isn't show sansa, its just sophie turner talking and making faces. HOTD is a history book, not POV, its incomparable. Its sad because the books are such literary excellence and the show writers had zero experience with show running or writing, even the earlier season although adapted fairly well, the quality of earlier seasons is low, the cinematography and overall production value etc. is bad to non existent, which somewhat improves and budget for the later seasons, but then its not adapted anymore and being written without george by two people who dont know what they are doing and then the writing and characters are terrible in the later seasons, opposite of the earlier seasons. Its sad such a great piece of writing was butchered by the fools Dan and Dave. HOTD involved george and was a very faithful adaptation and had essentially 10/10 production value in all regards, it did Fire and Blood justice so far. I still enjoy watching Spartan and Pudgey watching later seasons obviously, but its hard to see these things first watch, especially when you havent finished the series yet, on rewatch of GOT its painful obvious and very bad in parts, and gets worse each rewatch. Either way looking forward to upcoming episodes!


Giving Sansa Jeynes Arc was the second best change the show did. Best Change was removing Lady Stoneheart.


I agree with you about Lady Stoneheart, but Sansa's book arc in the Vale is much better than seeing her abused by Ramsay (we already got plenty of that with Joffrey and Theon). Giving Sansa Jeyne's arc diminished both Sansa and Littlefinger's characters.


Please read and review the comment and spoiler rules we post on each video.


If folks can't follow the rules then one of two things will happen: 1. Our mod team will screen and copy over comments for S&P to read. 2. They will stop reading the patreon comments on show videos altogether. Please.

Jenny Tolls

I deleted my comment. I don't understand why it matters if we mention what happens in the books. Do they plan on reading the books? If that's the case then its completely understandable. Im not arguing Im genuinely curious.


Coming from a female, maybe we love the characters we relate to the most, and it's not that weird that sharing a gender can play a part into that. Stop demonizing normal human behavior and let them gravitate towards the characters they want.


He was so brilliant on that show. I mean, he totally blew me away. The scene in the confessional???? Emmy worthy.


Best season of the show! For Melisandre, remember what she said to Stan is in season 2: I've been fighting far longer than you. So she's actually been around a very long time. SHE just doesn't feel any hope right now. I don't think Jaime did anything that wasn't honorable this episode. He's hurt, and just saying that they have to protect each other, and only they matter. Remember, Jaime loves his family, particularly Cersei.


@SuddenImpulse030 Yeah I'm a little unclear if you were talking to one person or this entire thread? I thought these details were book-only and in the past as far as the show is concerned, so I didn't see them as a spoiler. If you disagree, I don't mind deleting my comment or having someone else delete it.


Jamie is parroting what cersei said to him after jofferys death. Seems like hes just saying what he thought shed want to hear from him


No hI didn’t he just said he loved her more so what her actions which he aalways loves Danys actions he doesn’t reprimand ofc. But he def has yet to put Brienne on his official love list but we’ll see. My point really is that Dany compared to any other character.


We are here to watch newbies react with fresh eyes, not preemptively sour the experience for them with writing or adaptation grievances. S&P read the comments. What exactly do you want them to do with these? Do you want them to like the show less? Be less invested? Be more alert to shitty writing? Do you think that would make for better reactions? Like, what's the point of posts like these?


Saw these last few episodes late, but I hope one of the mods or comments are telling Spartan about how show Stannis compares to book stannis. It’s great to see how much he supported him throughout the show, and like all of us, he seemed a little let down by his fate. There’s hope yet for Stannis the mannis!


It would of been cool if they watched the dance of dragons up to the point where season ends, and see characters they know from GOT speak about HOTD characters


First Solution actually doesnt Sound that bad and Safer for them.


Brienne and Jorah are the best, loyal to the core! Do not get hung up on fate/destiny so much, you two.


Hard disagree about Lady Stoneheart but I can't say why because they haven't watched a key part of my argument yet 😛


Did you watch? Spartan promoted her real time to instant love list.


@Hugh S apparently never learned about run-on sentences so Idk how tf you guys managed to decipher all that anyway


I'm pretty sure that second sentence is against the rules. Just let them watch the show ffs. S&P really need to probably stop reading the comments. Non stop people setting expectations and downright spoilers.

Hugh S

Yeah, glad you agree (my reply was to you right before you deleted your comment? do you remember what you wrote, can you repost or summarise?) I dont think they plan to read the books, I think the reason is because it sets expectations that the show is doing it different and this is a bad or good thing. I dont see a problem with discussing whats discussed in my comment. Think its directly relevant and part of the fun and not a spoiler at all. but if they think its a spoiler so be it. Also, I'm not even comparing the show to the book. The writing is poor, compared to the book or not. Even if the show was a standalone.

Hugh S

sorry haha, I typed it on my phone in a tiny line-by-line text box. I did write it properly, i dont know why it was compressed with no paragraphs.

Hugh S

Whether you believe it was a good change or not, the writing was terrible. The was no dialouge, the actors were just making faces because thats what dan and dave wanted. 'Sansa' in the ramsay story line wasn't even the character Sansa anymore. It was literally Sophie Turner saying dialogue and making expressive faces. I dont like making Sansa in place of Jeyne here because it super compressed the story, took out so much more story and depth of story and involvement with the Lannisters and others with fake Arya Jeyne. The winterfell jeyne story line was amazing in the books the intrigue and all these plots of people together in winterfell, and Theon walking around like a shell/ghost being the POV for it all, Stannis converging. It also cuts out where Sansa is in the books and removes so many things that have been built up for her character. And again if you liked the change I can respect it, but without the source material they had no idea how to write Sansa the character or build a cohesive story and make the change good. Do you know the reason Dan and Dave made this change? they've admitted it on bluray. to end the show early because they didn't want todo it anymore. and mainly for the Sansa rape scene to film close ups of Sophies face and Theons face. go rewatch, they zoom in on theons face so close making such expressive faces, they believed this is what makes good writing and good quality tv and production. and they did it because they said it was to pander for Awards like emmys etc.

Hugh S

Yeah I intentionally gave no show spoilers and only talked regarding to the book or what Spartan and Pudgey had said and picked up on themsleves

Hugh S

It was more for discussion of viewers. I haven't previously commented anything like this but it was in line with what spartan and pudgey were saying as "Oberyn wouldn't want this". they picked up on it themselves


The game of thrones books are told from characters perspectives, Bran, Tyrion, Jon, Dany...and in the whole series there is ONE chapter from Melissandra's perspective. Shes extremely intriguing and is likely hundreds of years old.


Also can we just acknowledge how stupid it was to leave Jon’s body just laying around when the *DEAD KEEP RISING*!? Forget not hiding their crime, they’re lucky he didn’t turn into a damn wight


It's only hinted that she can't remember things implying she's old