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Avatar The Last Airbender 3x3 Reaction & Review | 'The Painted Lady'

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Avatar The Last Airbender 3x3 REACTION and REVIEW | FIRST TIME Watching | 'The Painted Lady'

Avatar The Last Airbender | Book 3 Episode 3 | Reaction & Review | "The Painted Lady" We are super keen to finally break out into the animated show community, and what better way than with Avatar The Last Airbender. This has been requested heaps by our viewers and hyped up, so we can't wait to delve into Aang's life and see what his adventure has in stall for us! Click the link below and join NOW for exclusive content on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/spartanandpudgey If you would like to support our channel, click on the JOIN button and receive some extra perks such as membership badges, exclusive custom emotes and priority reply to comments! Introduction: 0:00 - 7:04 Reaction: 7:05 - 23:13 Discussion/Review: 23:14 - 29:35 Like and SUBSCRIBE and click that bell to turn ON POST NOTIFICATIONS if you enjoyed the video and want to keep up to date with new posts! Connect with us on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spartanandpudgey/?hl=en OUR DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/aPbnMXbYkM Connect with Spartan on TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/cpaspartan #ATLA #avatarthelastairbender #reaction



This is not my fave episode, but still enjoyable

Sean Carroll

This is the only episode in the series I actually fell asleep to

Martin Robertson

I'm very much looking forward to five episodes after this one.


Yea, great divide, cave of two lovers , and this one r episodes I skip sometimes. Also avatar day at times... (And one more later on lol)


People hate the painted lady but idk I feel like after watching the entire series a few times (more than a few lol) it’s one of the ones that I remembered perfectly from when I watched it as a child. Like if I had to name 5 episodes of AtLA that I can remember the most, this would be on the lists. It feels very nostalgic to me, like I can remember watching this when it came out so I can never hate it. And I think as someone who’s not too much of a katara fan, it made me root for her more bc of how much compassion she showed in this episode. She’s very compassionate in general but this just took the cake for me. This episode is enjoyable for me bc of the nostalgia and bc of katara but I understand people finding it boring.


I get you bc this isn’t a “favorite” but when I first watched growing up, I remember thinking Katara was so cool and fierce after this episode (and is haha). Every time we “played Avatar” I had to be her from then on lolll. Nostalgic for sure

Jenny Tolls

Yeah I literally haven’t watched the great divide since it first aired on Nickelodeon 😂 I hate the cave of two lovers as well. I only watch it when reactors do.


Probably considered the worst episode in the seroes and definitely the worst post toph introduction. The rest of the book is great👌🏼

Theory doesn’t make sense because we see the actual painted lady, face in tact, at the end of the episode, not to mention we’re in a fire nation village, and it’s another spirit, there’s zero connection there. We gotta remember a lot of the non canon stuff is just complete speculation, this is a kids show, at the end of the day they give you all the information, if there was a correlation it would’ve been made abundantly clear.

Not sure why everyone’s hating on this episode, it’s not one of the most action packed, but it not bad at all and has great character development and that iconic line from Katara, part of why she’s my favorite character in the series.


There's only 2 episodes this season I skip the reactions for and this is one of them.


Nah Cave of Two Lovers has cool backstory about Omashu, the first earthbenders and actually has cool development of Katara and Aang. The Great Divide and the Painted Lady however, are basically fillers (but still enjoyable).


Yeah we see her with a PAINTED face, that’s the idea. It’s hard to believe you’re an Avatar fan when you come in with the “its just a kids show”. The creators spent 5 years developing the world and lore of this series before the pilot aired, and they laboured over every detail. The level of detail is astounding, a lot of stuff that no kid is gonna take the time to notice. In addition, the creators have expanded on the lore during and since through comics and a book series, as well as through the sequel show. There’s plenty of stuff, particularly concerning the magic and lore, that is not made expressly clear at any point - an easy example is Azula’s flames. If you can be open to the idea that the creators actually put a lot of thought and care into this series, here’s how the theory goes (this is all CREATOR CANON) What we know about The Painted Lady: 1) She was human before becoming a spirit (Legend of Korra, Director’s Commentary) 2) She existed prior to Avatar Kyoshi (Shadow of Kyoshi novel) 3) She is a water spirit who heals people 4) She wears white robes, glows and has black hair and a crescent moon painted on her forehead. What we know about Ummi: 1) In season 1 we learn that Koh stole the face of the love of a previous Avatar and he attacked Koh in vengeance. It is further specified that the Avatar in question was Kuruk (Kyoshi’s predecessor), and his lover was a Southern Water Tribe girl called Ummi. 2) Ummi was on her way to their wedding at the North Pole when Koh came and took her through the Spirit Oasis (that’s the pool with Tui and La, the Moon and Ocean spirits) into the spirit world and stole her face. 3) We see her face, which in shape is a match for the Painted Lady but has brown hair. We see another human become a spirit: Princess Yuë. Yuë was saved by the Moon Spirit, Tui, which turned her hair white (the colour of the Moon Spirit). When she saved the Moon Spirit’s life, she became a glowing, white-robed spirit and Tui’s fish form was restored to the Oasis. Other related info: 1) Kuruk wears a crescent moon shape on his necklace (like the shape on the Painted Lady’s head) 2) La, the Ocean Spirit, is black 3) The Spirit Oasis water has healing properties (just like the Painted Lady’s supposed powers) 4) Yue translates from Chinese to “moon” 5) We learn about Tui and La from Koh the Face-Stealer himself, who is responsible for giving Aang the information that leads to Yue becoming the Moon Spirit (narrative symmetry) The theory is pretty straightforward - since we know that the Painted Lady used to be a human, the idea is that after Koh took Ummi into the Spirit World and stole her face she had some sort of encounter with La which turned her into a spirit. In the same way Yue’s hair turned the colour of Tui, Ummi’s hair turned the colour of La (black). Losing one’s face robs one of all identity so its possible that this healed her memory, but it wouldn’t have restored her face because we see that Koh still has it in the present day. So she paints it on, and to commemorate her lost love she paints his crescent moon on her head. Now I’m not saying that the creators planned all of this out by the time they introduced Yue (though its possible). And if all of that isn’t enough to at least make you consider there is some connection here, here’s one last parallel between the story of Yue and that of Ummi:

 Can you guess what the Japanese word for “Sea/Ocean” is?

Elias Flores

This is like an extra episode. Not my fav but definitely fun to watch. After this its great. Ep 5 n 6 really good! im sure guys might tear up on one of those 🥹🥹🥹


Wow you guys are alive


100 percent facts, its a great episode, but the other ones are just god tier.

Augustine Lee

can someone explain the random techno trance thing in their preview, just before they start watching? i didnt get that at all


it was super random. Spartan started singing for a joke, was meant to be off camera stuff. then Pudgey just started dancing. we found it funny so added it in 😅😂


I understand that you love the show, we all do, but theres no reason to say or lie that this is not a boring ass episode, especially compared to the other ones in the season that are god tier. For any other show it might be good but its kind of like a normal season 1 episode.


Arguably the weakest episode of book 3, still good though. Like the last one, showing that the war affects people from all over the world, including the fire nation too. Also the fact that Katara wants to help everyone regardless of where they come from, even though the fire nation has caused all this harm on her, she doesn't let that cloud her judgement. Fun fact: the schedule Sokka shows throughout the episode is in fact the actual show's schedule

[spoilers kinda]I’m just letting you know, that regardless of how much work was put into building the lore and mythology, at the end of the day this was aired on Nickelodeon and was targeting a children’s demographic. That being said, anything that would’ve led to this theory being true, would’ve been more properly laid out, if like you said they had planned this extensively for 5 years, they wouldn’t have left all this other info out of the episode when they could’ve very well included it if they wanted. The painted lady was a stand alone spirit character, as was Koh, they were both only featured in one episode and you have to take in only what the creators decided to depict on screen, there’s nothing else that points to any of these theories besides random details that you’re cherry picking from without looking at the overall context, if there was a connection there, it would’ve been made abundantly clear, just like every other connection. This is about as absurd as the theories that Ty Lee was an airbender, it’s just not backed up by anything canonically. You can cherry pick things all over the place to come up with any theory you want, that doesn’t mean it’s at all reasonable or true. Backing up what’s actually canon makes me more of a loyal fan than you, who is trying to retroactively create a story that wasn’t there 🤷🏻‍♂️

LOL, I SAID WHAT I SAID. how about you just speak for yourself. This is MY opinion. It’s not a boring episode to me. Katara is my favorite character and I love this episode.


"If like you said they had planned it exclusively for 5 years" The internet exists bro, you can Google all of this. It's extremely annoying to engage in a debate with someone and give them references and have them ignore them and just spit feelings as fact. Just a heads up, writers/directors/creators leave easter eggs in their stories across mediums - its one of the things they find entertaining, and a lot of stories have extra lore that was left on the cutting room floor because there's no time for it in the episode. How is it "cherry picking information" when the creators - Brian and Michael - literally said the Painted Lady used to be a human? That's not cherry picking, its called using appropriate evidence. You have not responded to single piece of the ONSCREEN evidence either, and the idea that this is "not backed up canonically" is wild. Outside of the Director's commentary, every point I raised is from the canon, with the only thing I pulled from outside the show being the Shadow of Kyoshi novel, and that is canon according to the creators so....? Have you even read it? Do you think it's a coincidence that Yue's name translates to moon? You think that was just a happy accident? And the idea that in fiction every connection has to be made abundantly clear is the antithesis of good writing. Ever heard of subtext? Subtlety? Part of your problem is you think the only things that are canon is what is said explicitly in dialogue. There is subtext, theme and visuals to consider - and in animation the visuals are key for expressing theme and world-building. Btw Koh appears in more than one episode of Avatar so I'm wondering how much you've even watched this show. At the end of the day, this is a THEORY not proven fact, I definitely can't argue that. But guess what - theories are not made abundantly clear hence why they are THEORIES. This is not unique to Avatar, but world-building and mysteries in the lore are the bread and butter of fantasy across mediums. You're really missing out if all you enjoy is what's presented to you. It's fun to speculate and imagine what could be, it makes the world feel more real when there are mysteries that are never solved onscreen/page and allows the fans to engage with the world beyond the story. Not participating in any of this doesn't make you a more "loyal fan". It doesn't make you a less loyal fan either. Shitting on the idea of theories and speculation does, however, make you quite a buzzkill and demonstrates a real lack of imagination. [PS use paragraphs dude. Its hard to take you seriously]


Just got around to watching this as it’s not a fave of mine either. But hey, thank y’all for the double shoutout! The Zuko/Iroh analysis was from me too lol. Spartan, you should’ve brought up the actual quote from the co-creator that I provided to further prove you were right 😂 Even though Pudgey wasn’t necessarily wrong lol. I was thinking about not commenting here anymore as some of the patrons here rubbed me the wrong way recently but I’m only here for y’all anyway so it’s all good 👍🏼


@Mzuka Idk why Sudden hasn’t noticed this yet but this is a blatant spoiler.. The Avatar’s name you mentioned hasn’t even been brought up in the show yet only a vision of him has (in 2x1). A mild spoiler but it still is and you should edit your comment. Probably too late already tho smh

Jenny Tolls

yeah you probably shouldn't comment anymore. You seem to be very full of yourself.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 22:20:05 Man lol I can’t catch a break from this dumbass.. The last thing I wanted was to have a conversation with you. What have you ever done but complain to them and say that they don’t listen to their community? All I’ve ever done was provide added insight of which S&P and others have appreciated. But yeah you’re actually the #1 reason why I would not comment here anymore. I wouldn’t want to share a comment section with the likes of you. Why are you even a patron of theirs if all you ever do is complain to them?
2023-04-19 11:32:17 Man lol I can’t catch a break from this dumbass.. The last thing I wanted was to have a conversation with you. What have you ever done but complain to them and say that they don’t listen to their community? All I’ve ever done was provide added insight of which S&P and others have appreciated. But yeah you’re actually the #1 reason why I would not comment here anymore. I wouldn’t want to share a comment section with the likes of you. Why are you even a patron of theirs if all you ever do is complain to them?

Man lol I can’t catch a break from this dumbass.. The last thing I wanted was to have a conversation with you. What have you ever done but complain to them and say that they don’t listen to their community? All I’ve ever done was provide added insight of which S&P and others have appreciated. But yeah you’re actually the #1 reason why I would not comment here anymore. I wouldn’t want to share a comment section with the likes of you. Why are you even a patron of theirs if all you ever do is complain to them?

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-04-25 22:20:06 I’ve been commenting on their reactions for a while now and not once have I ever seen anything worth looking at from you and you’re telling me to stop? 😂 You literally never provide or contribute to anything here lol. In all honesty, I wish S&P would just sacrifice the $8 from your ungrateful ass and ban you from their Patreon. It would be a much better place here without you
2023-04-19 11:35:54 I’ve been commenting on their reactions for a while now and not once have I ever seen anything worth looking at from you and you’re telling me to stop? 😂 You literally never provide or contribute to anything here lol. In all honesty, I wish S&P would just sacrifice the $8 from your ungrateful ass and ban you from their Patreon. It would be a much better place here without you

I’ve been commenting on their reactions for a while now and not once have I ever seen anything worth looking at from you and you’re telling me to stop? 😂 You literally never provide or contribute to anything here lol. In all honesty, I wish S&P would just sacrifice the $8 from your ungrateful ass and ban you from their Patreon. It would be a much better place here without you

Jenny Tolls (edited)

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2023-04-25 22:20:06 Wtf are you talking about?? You were the one complaining all over the place. You were so mad at a decision made by the majority, that S&P left up to us to decide. I've only complained once in here. I've always supported them and defended them in the comments. Now I know you're lying lmao "sacrifice the $8 from your ungrateful ass and ban you" lmaooo for what??? I've always defend them. You definitely don't read my comments so now we know you're a liar as well. You're so butthurt its amazing to watch. You're the one being dramatic and spreading negativity. I'd be embarrassed if I were you and would delete all your previous comments and take some time self reflect and reevaluate yourself.
2023-04-19 12:02:58 Wtf are you talking about?? You were the one complaining all over the place. You were so mad at a decision made by the majority, that S&P left up to us to decide. I've only complained once in here. I've always supported them and defended them in the comments. Now I know you're lying lmao "sacrifice the $8 from your ungrateful ass and ban you" lmaooo for what??? I've always defend them. You definitely don't read my comments so now we know you're a liar as well. You're so butthurt its amazing to watch. You're the one being dramatic and spreading negativity. I'd be embarrassed if I were you and would delete all your previous comments and take some time self reflect and reevaluate yourself.

Wtf are you talking about?? You were the one complaining all over the place. You were so mad at a decision made by the majority, that S&P left up to us to decide. I've only complained once in here. I've always supported them and defended them in the comments. Now I know you're lying lmao "sacrifice the $8 from your ungrateful ass and ban you" lmaooo for what??? I've always defend them. You definitely don't read my comments so now we know you're a liar as well. You're so butthurt its amazing to watch. You're the one being dramatic and spreading negativity. I'd be embarrassed if I were you and would delete all your previous comments and take some time self reflect and reevaluate yourself.


I skip this one and runaway when I’m watching the show myself. But I’m not gonna skip Spartan and Pudgeys reaction! It’s fun to see others experience my favorite show for the first time, even when it’s not the BEST episode of the show!

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-04-25 22:20:06 Lmao all you ever do is complain about something from Spartan in every other reaction. That’s mostly what we ever get from you lol. Are you gonna try to deny that? As for the the poll, I wasn’t complaining about the result as I’m not even completely opposed to it either. What I was opposed to was the reason why it came to be which was due to you and others whining to have your way. I was satisfied with the content that S&P were already providing us and there was a way for them to continue on as they have, while still accommodating to everyone. All my comments before that poll were just added insights that were liked by S&P and others here in the comment section and you can go back and see for yourself you ungrateful prick.
2023-04-19 12:05:35 Lmao all you ever do is complain about something from Spartan in every other reaction. That’s mostly what we ever get from you lol. Are you gonna try to deny that? As for the the poll, I wasn’t complaining about the result as I’m not even completely opposed to it either. What I was opposed to was the reason why it came to be which was due to you and others whining to have your way. I was satisfied with the content that S&P were already providing us and there was a way for them to continue on as they have, while still accommodating to everyone. All my comments before that poll were just added insights that were liked by S&P and others here in the comment section and you can go back and see for yourself you ungrateful prick.

Lmao all you ever do is complain about something from Spartan in every other reaction. That’s mostly what we ever get from you lol. Are you gonna try to deny that? As for the the poll, I wasn’t complaining about the result as I’m not even completely opposed to it either. What I was opposed to was the reason why it came to be which was due to you and others whining to have your way. I was satisfied with the content that S&P were already providing us and there was a way for them to continue on as they have, while still accommodating to everyone. All my comments before that poll were just added insights that were liked by S&P and others here in the comment section and you can go back and see for yourself you ungrateful prick.

Jenny Tolls (edited)

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2023-04-25 22:20:06 Bruh you're such a liar lmao. All I ever do is complain?? Okay go back before the post about them asking about the two parters and find me multiple examples of me complaining. Go ahead I'll wait. Not one or two, but find me multiple examples of me being overly dramatic or very negative, especially towards S&P. Would love to see what bullshit you come up with so I can keep making you look stupid.
2023-04-19 12:12:01 Bruh you're such a liar lmao. All I ever do is complain?? Okay go back before the post about them asking about the two parters and find me multiple examples of me complaining. Go ahead I'll wait. Not one or two, but find me multiple examples of me being overly dramatic or very negative, especially towards S&P. Would love to see what bullshit you come up with so I can keep making you look stupid.

Bruh you're such a liar lmao. All I ever do is complain?? Okay go back before the post about them asking about the two parters and find me multiple examples of me complaining. Go ahead I'll wait. Not one or two, but find me multiple examples of me being overly dramatic or very negative, especially towards S&P. Would love to see what bullshit you come up with so I can keep making you look stupid.


I always wondered if the Painted Lady was just a really weak spirit? She chose to show herself to Katara but didn't help the villagers. Perhaps she was unable too? We have seen spirits destroy before so it does raise questions.


I literally just mentioned it you moron. Why are you even talking to me? The last thing I wanted was to talk you again. If I ever comment again on future posts, just leave me be and I will most definitely do so for you.

Jenny Tolls

Lmaooo I knew you were gonna say something like that because you got nothing!! Lmaoo such a disingenuous prick you are. Do the world a favor and please stay in school. We already have enough people like you in the world. We need more educated folks. Do better.


I’m being for real like please don’t talk to me. You’re an idiot and a weirdo. I’m pretty sure Spartan thinks the same 😂 Like wth, you’re constantly complaining about something from him and you’re subbed to his Patreon 💀

Jenny Tolls

And here you are still lying out your ass because you know you got nothing and got exposed by me 😂 you’re such a pathetic little man. Cope harder.


Wth am I lying about? And what did you expose from me? Lmao

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-04-25 22:20:08 Like I said, the last thing I wanted was to talk to you again. You’re the pathetic one and you came here just wanting more of my attention for whatever reason lmao. I’m not going to give you any more of it though and I’m not going to comment here again as long as you’re a patron of theirs. So hopefully S&P sees this and can sacrifice your $8 and make you fuck off permanently
2023-04-19 12:33:31 Like I said, the last thing I wanted was to talk to you again. You’re the pathetic one and you came here just wanting more of my attention for whatever reason lmao. I’m not going to give you any more of it though and I’m not going to comment here again as long as you’re a patron of theirs. So hopefully S&P sees this and can sacrifice your $8 and make you fuck off permanently

Like I said, the last thing I wanted was to talk to you again. You’re the pathetic one and you came here just wanting more of my attention for whatever reason lmao. I’m not going to give you any more of it though and I’m not going to comment here again as long as you’re a patron of theirs. So hopefully S&P sees this and can sacrifice your $8 and make you fuck off permanently

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-04-25 22:20:08 You truly are a pathetic weirdo. I couldn’t care less about whatever the fuck this was and you’re here celebrating like you won something lol. If S&P ever mention you in a video, it would be Spartan asking why the hell are you a patron of his 😂
2023-04-19 13:26:18 You truly are a pathetic weirdo. I couldn’t care less about whatever the fuck this was and you’re here celebrating like you won something lol. If S&P ever mention you in a video, it would be Spartan asking why the hell are you a patron of his 😂

You truly are a pathetic weirdo. I couldn’t care less about whatever the fuck this was and you’re here celebrating like you won something lol. If S&P ever mention you in a video, it would be Spartan asking why the hell are you a patron of his 😂


You’re actually deleting your comment after I reply to it 😂 but you can still see it on the app btw so there’s no point lol

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-04-25 22:20:09 Round 2 of fighting lol. In all honesty Daniel. Despite how bad the discussion about the poll got. I have let it go. I appreciate the insightful comments that you do bring. In the future I hope if I comment it won’t turn into something nasty. As I enjoy S&P reactions a lot. Enough to be a patron. I want to enjoy their content in peace without any negativity so I hope we both can squash the beef and move on from this.
2023-04-19 14:11:36 Round 2 of fighting lol. In all honesty Daniel. Despite how bad the discussion about the poll got. I have let it go. I appreciate the insightful comments that you do bring. In the future I hope if I comment it won’t turn into something nasty. As I enjoy S&P reactions a lot. Enough to be a patron. I want to enjoy their content in peace without any negativity so I hope we both can squash the beef and move on from this.

Round 2 of fighting lol. In all honesty Daniel. Despite how bad the discussion about the poll got. I have let it go. I appreciate the insightful comments that you do bring. In the future I hope if I comment it won’t turn into something nasty. As I enjoy S&P reactions a lot. Enough to be a patron. I want to enjoy their content in peace without any negativity so I hope we both can squash the beef and move on from this.


@Destinee I really wasn’t hoping for this, idk why that person had to come reply to me again and bring it up. Yeah, me and you are cool Destinee. I actually appreciate what you replied to me in your post, I was just thinking at first that it was sarcasm that’s why I didn’t say anything lol. But you don’t have to worry about me responding to anything from you or anyone else though because I really am not going to comment here any longer as long as this Jenny person is here commenting. This did it for me lol I’ve had enough of this nonsense. But thank you though!


A common headcannon is that The Painted Lady's power was tied to the river, so polluting it weakened her. Although even if that's the case, she probably should have tried something before it became that bad...


I’m sorry but this thread was quite funny lol. I haven’t followed the beef between you two but please don’t let someone drive you away from commenting. Don’t give that person the satisfaction. Just don’t engage back with ppl who are toxic. Everyone should be able to voice freely :)

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-04-25 22:20:10 We didn’t even have any beef before that poll and agreed with things in the past if I’m not mistaken. He and the others even won the poll but they were still getting offended by me just making a valid argument for the losing side smh. I guess some people just get overly offended by the smallest things and can't let it go. Destinee on the other hand, we’ve actually said worse things to each other, yet we were easily able to move on from it as if nothing happened. But just judging from his comments here and some of his comments in previous reactions, I can tell he’s either really young or just really immature. It's just not even worth it for me to comment here with people like him around. But I'll still comment sparingly just for S&P in future episodes that I’m looking forward to.
2023-04-20 08:39:22 We didn’t even have any beef before that poll and agreed with things in the past if I’m not mistaken. He and the others even won the poll but they were still getting offended by me just making a valid argument for the losing side smh. I guess some people just get overly offended by the smallest things and can't let it go. Destinee on the other hand, we’ve actually said worse things to each other, yet we were easily able to move on from it as if nothing happened. But just judging from his comments here and some of his comments in previous reactions, I can tell he’s either really young or just really immature. It's just not even worth it for me to comment here with people like him around. But I'll still comment sparingly just for S&P in future episodes that I’m looking forward to.

We didn’t even have any beef before that poll and agreed with things in the past if I’m not mistaken. He and the others even won the poll but they were still getting offended by me just making a valid argument for the losing side smh. I guess some people just get overly offended by the smallest things and can't let it go. Destinee on the other hand, we’ve actually said worse things to each other, yet we were easily able to move on from it as if nothing happened. But just judging from his comments here and some of his comments in previous reactions, I can tell he’s either really young or just really immature. It's just not even worth it for me to comment here with people like him around. But I'll still comment sparingly just for S&P in future episodes that I’m looking forward to.


lol thats fine, im just saying in general it is a pretty boring episode compared to the rest of the series, no reason to get riled up, sorry if my initial comment was irritating.


@Girl gag Lmaoo I was always Toph but I feel you 100%. Idk how anyone can’t respect her after this. Her compassion and fierceness in this episode is as a thing to behold.