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Ok so we have listened to your requests, and considered what we can do. We are going to let you guys decide what you prefer. There are two 2 parter's coming up in book 3, Day of the Black Sun and The Boiling rock. If we are to combine these into 1 reaction, then that will likely be the only upload for avatar in the week (unless we manage to edit a 3rd which may or may not happen depends on time). So the choice is yours, would you rather we react to them separately as 2 episodes for the week or as a single reaction? 



Sorry for the quest. When is got 5x10 uploading? can’t wait. Much love from Madrid, Spain. 🇪🇸❤️

Jonny Rey

I might have said to do some of the other two parters as one whole part in the past, but now for the remaining two parters I’d just prefer they stay separate like the rest. The two parts mentioned don’t necessarily flow into each other as nice as some of the ones in the past, and you could probably have a whole in depth discussion about the second one in the time it would take to discuss both.


If you do decide to release them together, another option is to keep it as 2 separate episodes (or 4 for the finale) but just drop them at the same time. That way, you don't have to cut out as much and can still give each episode time. I understand this would take more time to edit, I personally don't mind waiting. You'd essentially just be holding on to the first episode until you're done editing the final one but maybe that's what the people want? 🤣 Also I think some people think that you're actually WATCHING them separately if you're releasing them separately which I don't think was the case? However you decide to do it, I'll be here to watch (GoT AND ATLA 👀)!


I would assume doing it in one part wud b easier for u guys as well, so u don't have to stop halfway thru a storyline in order to do analysis.


Thank you.. And this is what people don’t get that’s why they were quick to vote the 1st option 🤦🏻‍♂️ The way you guys were doing it was perfectly fine, people just didn’t understand that you were already watching them together for some reason. If it’s a 2-Parter, it’s obvious they’re gonna watch it together. And y’all literally wearing the exact same clothes in Part 2 of the 2-Parters lol and you clarified in Part 1 that you’re watching them together as well. It baffles me how people are this dense

Richard Flores

I've talked on this before, nothing new to add. To ATLA. What I will say is that I've enjoyed your ATLA reactions AS IS so much that when I watch GOT for the first time, it will be the same setup. First, edit w/ commentary. Just to see the initial commentary. Then pause that video, synch up mine with full un-edited, and watch/pause/watch that. Then go back to edit w/ comments, and listen to what you both think. I cannot wait to watch that show with you both for the very first time for all of us.


@S&P I hope you guys don’t go with the poll. It’s obvious the people who voted the 1st option aren’t considering everything else, otherwise they’d try to prove their point here which nobody is doing lol.

Augustine Lee

dont listen to philippe

Jenny Tolls

That’s literally not true at all and it’s quite the opposite. The next two parters flow into each other directly. It’s like A to B.

Jenny Tolls

Daniel, you’re so damn wrong and you’re calling us dense 😒 we know they watch them together. We can see them wearing the same shirts as well you moron. We just don’t wanna wait for days to see the reaction for the other part of the story. You might not mind that but it’s annoying for a lot of people, which is why a lot of people voted for the first option. It’s that simple. How can YOU be so dense??

Jonny Rey

I got the meaning of their original post confused, what I meant to say is that Day of the Black Sun is good enough to stand on its own, but I was forgetting that it two is broken into two sections. I think they should be viewed together, but the Boiling Rock one I wouldn’t mind seeing split up.

William Abbott

Single episode reaction please. 20 minutes isn't enough time to get cooking.


@Jenny First of all calm down, we can talk about this civilly. Secondly, as I stated multiple times now, nobody is forcing you to watch Part 1 when they release it. You can easily wait until they release Part 2 and then watch them together yourself. Having them edit both parts at the same time, you will be waiting the same exact time or maybe even longer since they haven’t done it before, as to just letting them release it separately and waiting for Part 2 after the separate Part 1 upload. You and all the other people who aren’t considering this are making us lose 2 full ATLA uploads for no reason. Do you understand now miss?

William Abbott

You guys should just pause in between the 2 parter and give a few thoughts.


I have grown to be hated by the Anime kids. I welcome the adversity 🫡

Sean Carroll

The series finale sozins comet has a 4 part episode, what’s the plan for that? I’d personally love one big video to end the series

Jenny Tolls

First off, I’m a guy. A lot of people don’t realize my name is a play on words. Read my name out loud over and over again until you get the joke lol. Second, I completely understand what you’re saying. We all do. I just don’t wanna wait for a second reaction. I like their analysis but I don’t need an in depth one for two episodes that are on the same topic. That’s just unnecessary. And it’s not the same amount of time, it would be shorter because he would edit them in one sitting, render it out from his editing program, and post it all at once. I’m an editor myself, I know how it works. If they split it up, they would have to render them separately and they would post them separately to space out the content. Now we’re getting it all at once. You may not like that but this is what a lot of people including me have been wanting.


You have not been talking civilly at all. Throughout this whole discussion all day. Calling people stupid and lacking common sense.




I’m sorry S&P if my suggestion has you stressed out. I did not intent for fights and arguments to be happening within the discussion. Some people don’t know how to voice their concerns properly. This is suppose to be a safe space. But I appreciate you both for doing a poll. Thank you for giving it a chance. Much love! ❤️


@Destinee Of which you do. It’s your fault and your lack of understanding why this poll even exist. If you have nothing constructive to say on your behalf then don’t comment


Right! Saying I have no common sense is very constructive. Do you realize people can have different opinions?


S&P literally said we’re gonna skip 2 full uploads of ATLA and the analysis that come with each upload because of this so yea you would be waiting the exact same time if you just let them do it the way they’ve been doing it.


I am also a paying patron just like yourself. I am free to voice an opinion. Having a poll will gather more information on where the majority lies


That would be awesome. But there is so much to absorb. I think 2 episodes with the 4 parter would be perfect. But we will see

Jenny Tolls

@Daniel, you can’t be talking to everyone as if they’re the biggest idiots and then be like “we can be civil 💁🏻‍♂️” lmao gtfo here

Jenny Tolls

For the people that are upset that we’ll lose an entire analysis if they don’t upload the two-parters separately, S&P could still give their analysis and thoughts on both episodes after they end and just upload it all into the same video 🤷🏻‍♂️ idk if they’d go for that but it could be worth suggesting? That way everyone wins


You literally have no merit to your explanation, I just told you you’d be waiting the exact same time as to if you let them do it the way they’ve been doing it which most likely will be true. And you’re making us miss 2 uploads with more analysis just for this, so congratulations. If y’all just do as I suggested it’s a win win but y’all can’t for whatever reason smh


It is not us. It is the majority. If anyone is crying it is you. Having a poll is the most fair system


You know you’ve officially made it when simple questions and polls turn into war zones with both sides confident their way is the only way, we’ll get the reactions either way. Everybody take a chill pill.


We can't make assumptions on what people do and do not know or WHY they are voting the way they are when answering the poll. They may very well have considered everything else and just have a different opinion/weight the factors differently in importance. At the end of the day it is likely not even a 4th of patronites are even going to respond to this poll as well. They have mentioned repeatedly in their 2 parter episodes that they watch them at the same time so I imagine the people mistaken on this are probably a minority. Polls have flaws no matter how you slice it but the goal is to get a bit more community feedback on a regularly discussed topic and hear peoples though so they can make a bit more informed and in-tune decision. Some people say they don't listen to their community, other people get upset when they try to do exactly that and post polls. You can't win, someone will always be unhappy.


If they consider everything, the obvious choice would be the 2nd option but people just see a poll and vote without reading the comments. I’ve already exhausted my point and if you seriously just can’t wait for a separate part 2 upload and then watch both parts after that then I rest my case. It’s such a simple thing to do and even if they’re going to release the edited combined reaction a bit earlier why does that justify for us to miss 2 whole uploads with extra analysis? It’s really inconsiderate to the other side but whatever I’m done here. Y’all won the poll congrats I guess


@Sudden I wasn’t replying to you


we would most likely do it in 2 parts as it is 90 minutes long. however aim to watch it in one sitting. we have seen many other reactors do it like this and we think it works for us

Jenny Tolls

If y’all do the finale in two parts and release within 2-3 days of each other then I don’t think it should be too big of a problem. I know most of us would prefer just one video for the reaction but hey it’s better than you just watching it one at a time and releasing once a week which I’ve seen other creators do and I completely stopped watching them because of that 😂

Elias Flores

So true! stop bitchin about it daniel. lol is all vs you


I’m not bitching about anything, I’m just proving my point which is valid. S&P themselves agreed to it. If you actually read my comment and my suggestion it makes complete sense.


I'm sure most of us are older than your infantile ass


@Jenny Also you calling me a moron for pointing out that y’all weren’t even aware they were already watching the 2-parters together, when clearly that was the case. Go back to that comment section that led to this poll and read what the person initially commented and what you all agreed with her on


Word for word what she said: “I don't mind if we have to wait longer. Please react it together” “If they can react to a 1 hour episode of GOT then they can combine those ATLA episodes together. It is meant to be watched together. If they don't it will totally ruin the viewer experience. I will be extremely upset” As you can see, she was completely unaware that S&P were already reacting and watching to the 2-Parters together and she based her entire point on this which all of you agreed on lmao


Well at the end of the day, Daniel, too bad for you. You've cried, and bitched and moaned and insulted the intelligence of most of the people who participated in this poll, but it's not gonna change shit. 'If they consider everything, everyone would make the same choice I did' 🤦🏿‍♂️ Do you have any idea how obnoxious and stupid you sound? You literally can't fathom the idea that some people - the majority, in this case - can have the same information as you but a different preference.


@Mzuka I explained my point and the negatives that come with the majority vote. There’s a simple solution that I pointed out that you chose to ignore which would benefit everyone which is completely fair and valid and that S&P agrees with. You and the other person dismissing my post as bitching and moaning when it’s obviously not the case proves to how bad you are at interpreting things lmao


And I didn’t insult anyones intelligence as they already did themselves in the comment section that led to this poll. They really weren’t aware that S&P were already reacting to 2-parters together, read my posts above yours

Jenny Tolls

@Daniel, tell me you literally didn’t read anything I said without telling me you didn’t read anything I said. I know they watch it together. I said that if you actually read my comment. Go back and reread it, it’s still there. I said I just wanted them to post it together which is what we all wanted. You’re completely missing that part and are tryna lecture us on something we already know. Talk about being dense lmfao you need to get better at comprehending what you’re reading.


@Jenny Im not talking about your comment here cuz you’re just back tracking now that I’m calling you out for it. In the other comment section,she CLEARLY was not aware that they were if you read what I just quoted her and you all agreed with her. Also, if you read my replies to her there, you can easily tell I proved that point and she didn’t think of the simple suggestion and solution I’m giving you all here. Maybe you understood that they were but you made no effort to correct her as she was clearly mistaken if you read what she said and my replies as I just stated. For you to suggest otherwise then I’m done talking to you lmao


Another quote from her proving she wasn’t aware: “If they do episode by episode on those 2 parters. It will feel as though it came to an abrupt stop.” How the hell would it be an abrupt stop if they’re watching it together? lmao


No one knows or cares who "SHE" is. We're here, on this post, tallking about it. I didn't see this damn comment you're referencing but I - like Jenny Tolls and many others - was well aware they watch them together cause it's bloody obvious. Like you, I can clearly see that they're wearing the same clothes. Unlike you, I can actually fucking read. Jenny Tolls said a long time ago that as an editor, he knows that they will finish quicker combining them than if they edited separately. This means that even though we won't get the combined episode reaction as early as we would get the first episode if they were separate, we will probably get it before or at latest at the same time as we would get the 2nd reaction episode. Now I want you to understand this part, Daniel, so I DARE you to read and internalise this: I WOULD RATHER HAVE A COMBINED REACTION AND ANALYSIS THAN A PART ONE REACTION. This is regardless of whether or not it's late or early or whatever. Day of Black Sun and Boiling Rock may be 2 episodes, but its one complete story. The interrupted pleasure of a part 1 episode is not worth having an extra episode, especially when the analysis feels so incomplete. It's like telling me to cut my burger in half and eat it the next day: I won't be full from this meal. Quality over quantity.


That whole comment section is why this poll exists, that’s why I’m bringing it up 🙄 If they were all aware that S&P were already watching them together, they would have corrected her but nobody did. Her mistaking them reacting to 2-parters separately is what brought up this conversation. And ok? Lmao obviously that’s your preference but you not considering the very plausible way that S&P has been doing it all along and me pointing out valid options where everyone wins just for you to dismiss it as bitching and moaning makes no sense whatsoever. You guys already won the poll, so it’s irrelevant talking about it now smh


Bro it doesn’t Matter we all pay for this shxt. You don’t have to like this option but you need to realize that the majority of people paying for this context prefer it that way. No point crying about it because you didn’t get your way


@Ken S&P themselves don’t prefer it this way otherwise they would have done it by now as there has been multiple 2-Parters already. You have to consider their preference as well. There’s a way to have everyone win and still for S&P to continue on as they have as I pointed out in my initial comment that they agree on. So I didn’t comment here to cry because I didn’t get my way. This poll exist because people were complaining about how S&P were doing things and mistaking them for reacting to 2-parters separately. Their crying and misunderstanding is what led to this


I’ve never seen them say they don’t prefer it this way. Even so, If they felt strongly about it then this poll wouldn’t even exist. They’ve decided to accommodate the wants of the viewers and 70% of viewers prefer it this way so there’s really nothing else that needs to be said. It doesn’t matter if you view their reasoning as illogical or whatever else. vast majority want it that way and S&P don’t seem to mind doing it that way so that’s how it should be


@Ken Like I said it exists because people were literally whining and crying to have their way while at the same time not being aware of the fact that S&P were already reacting to 2-Parters together. They can’t refute with these illogical viewers as it’s a bad look on them and would probably make said viewers unsubscribe. I’m not completely opposed to the other side either but the reason to why this poll exists and why S&P are now going to have to go out of their way to accommodate those viewers is what I’m opposed to.


Came to the comments NOT expecting to see such fierce debate, but damn. In the end it doesn’t really matter! We’ll see both episodes and your thoughts on them and it will be great. I only really watch the edited versions and so if keeping them separate means you get to show more (analysis but also more actual reaction) in each episode, I say go for it. Not sure how that editing/copyright works. But again, whatever you decide I think everyone will survive. Though some of the comments have me not so sure…. 🤔😂


“infantile ass” Grown man on the internet getting mad over a cartoon


You misunderstood me. I already knew that they watch it together. I meant us as viewers are also meant to watch it together


You totally misunderstanding what I said and turned it into a big deal and created your own narrative. Sheessssh just let it go! You seriously have trigger fingers typing away every second.


Lmfao! I did not misunderstand anything. All those quotes I posted here of you, it’s clear as day that you did not know they were watching together and my replies to you there as well prove it. Yea exactly and you can still do that by what I suggested to you in that comment section over there, and what I said here which even up until now is something that you can’t grasp 💀


Yes you get it! I meant an abrupt stop & “interruption” for us viewers. No shit! I know that S&P watch them together


You’re fucking stupid now. And I’m done being nice to you. I already corrected you and told you that I knew that they watched it together and I meant for us viewers it would be wrong if we don’t watch it together with them too. Even when you stand corrected you don’t take accountability. Geeez seriously let this shit go.


Like I said multiple times you idiot, you don’t have to watch part 1 right away and you could’ve just wait until part 2 comes out thus there’s no abrupt stop for your dumbass. Stop trying to back track now lmao pathetic


Do you even have a life? Replying every second. Super hasty. Go to sleep and feel better when you wake up


Lol you always revert the conversation when you know you’ve been proven wrong. Same shit you did in previous comment section. But whatever I’m done with you and everyone else here that agreed with you over there and are now trying to switch it up when I called you out for it lol. Pathetic!


I’m not backtracking: you are literally quoting my words and turning into a completely different narrative. And I stand here telling you that you misunderstood what I meant. I understand your suggestion. And I hear you but that doesn’t stop me from still wanting them to release one episode. You have a power trip. And don’t realize other people have different opinions. Super defensive about it. It has to be your way or no way mentality. Lord I hope you find peace. Cause this is draining seriously


I already suggested for you to wait for the 2nd part to release and then watch the 2 parts together BEFORE your abrupt stop comment so you were not referring to the viewers when you said that, you were referring to S&P thinking they’re reacting to the parts separately. The way you worded it too ‘episode by episode’ it’s clear what you were thinking is that they’re not watching the 2-parters together. That’s it, I’m done with you


I’m also taking into consideration what S&P prefers which nobody else here seems to be doing. The way they’ve already been doing it truly is not problematic at all. Also having it in separate videos instead of 1 gives them more revenue as each part when released on YT will garner the same amount of views for them, rather then combining the 2 parts into 1 video and basically splitting their revenue in half. If you actually look on YT, the majority of reactors have the 2-Parters uploaded separately most likely for this specific reason.


Nobody was mad until you decided to pipe up. They were never going to stop watching because you asked, that's not how reaction channels work. It is pretty funny to see you try to take the high road after arguing with everyone and their mom "over a cartoon." You went into a specific community, insulted it and then acted all surprised when people didn't like that. Learn when to move on and stop being so dense.


please quote one insult I made. insulting a cartoon is not insulting people.


I know S&P react to it together. I’m wasting my time replying to you


Yeah, now you do lol. Also, having it in separate videos instead of 1 gives them more revenue on YT, rather then combining the parts into 1 video and essentially splitting their revenue in half. If you actually look on YT, the majority of reactors have the 2-Parters uploaded separately and even the 4-Part finale separately most likely for this specific reason.


-Day of Black Sun as one reaction only because of how the story flows -Boiling Rock can be separate reactions -Four-part finale as three reactions (Parts 1 and 2 together) so there is time for analysis/admiration for the awesomeness Ultimately whatever you guys decide will be happy. This is your journey. The rest of us are just along for the ride.


Perhaps look at the original comment we're currently replying to? Condescending much? You've made it clear you're too stubborn to care though.


Get a fuckin life bro holy cringe stop writing essays 😂


I'm just here for the juicy drama ✌🏽


Even funnier how fast you abandoned your logic of not insulting people but the show. Guess you ran out of ideas 😂


@FlipnMoron Lol wtf? They might be essays to you but just mere replies to me. Stfu if you’ve got nothing to say about the topic you imbecile


People replying to me and me simply responding back is writing essays lmao get a fucking education dumbass 😂


So the 4 pt finale could be 2 uploads ..


If it’s me you’re talking about, I have no concerns whatsoever, nor have I voiced anything improperly. I’ve only responded to YOU in a different manner because you came at me sideways calling me an asshole and saying I’m ugly. I was completely satisfied with the content S&P was already providing us, it was you and all the others who were complaining to them and pleading to have your way, which forced them to have this poll.


I’ve only ever provided extra insight in the comment section on their reactions which S&P always appreciated. I will no longer be doing this as I don’t want to share a comment section with the likes of you and those other ungrateful viewers in it.

Jenny Tolls

Stop liking your own posts lmao its pathetic @Daniel

Jenny Tolls

@Philippe, you literally just insulted the people in here as "Anime kids" insuating that they're mentally inferior to you because you think they sound so dumb that they must be kids. Then you go "tell me when did I insult anyone" lmao amazing


Dang… I was just gonna say that you should do both, give analysis in between with a natural stopping point. Drop it on Patreon as a 1-parter and chop it up into two parts for the YouTube peasants. But it’s wild out here in these comment streets