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Hey Everyone,

we have heard your concerns and we will continue to investigate and if preferable we will keep uploading our videos to YouTube until we get a better solution. It seems Patreons video player has a few limitations so we are looking at going back to YouTube for now, but let us know in the poll below which video platform you prefer 


John Neiberger

I've never used Patreon's video player, so I just tried it out. It seems like it forces me to either watch it full screen or really small on the page. I like watching the YouTube version because then I can have it and my normal HBO streaming service in browser tabs and switch back and forth, which I do fairly frequently. The full-screen Patreon player doesn't let me switch tabs, so I'd have to minimize it first. That would be a little annoying. This isn't a deal-breaker, though. Of course I would continue to watch your GoT and HotD reactions either way.


I prefer YouTube but voted "both work fine for me" because at the end of the day, this is a very minor detail in the scheme of things.


I don't think you are losing a lot of revenue from link sharing. I doubt many of those people will start becoming patreons.


I like the way you guys having been doing things. It’s worked great for me but I understand and support any changes you need to make.


Somebody said that Vimeo vids are secure and can be used here in Patreon? I'd vote that then, if that's the best option for you. Now I voted "both work".

Andreas Köther

I use my Ipad for the reaction and watch the show on a big screen, so it doesn‘t really matter (so that was my vote). If I needed to airplay the reaction to the big screen, I‘d need another screen for the show, so it‘d be a bit inconvenient but I would adjust.

Brandon Tracy-Hurst

Patreon for full length if it helps with showing vid and not requiring streaming on another device


Agree with John, not a fan of the options Patreon video player gives. But Vimeo would be a good alternative as well.


Have you tried having them in separate tabs and then expanding them into their own windows? Since you can resize them however you wish you can have them side by side playing on the same screen without having to switch between. I've done that before. My apologies if that is what you were saying and I just misunderstood.

James Woodford

Patreon app for ios has problems for me when I’m switching between landscape and portrait. If I go to landscape then switch to portrait and back to landscape the video will no longer play in landscape. It’s alleviated by accessing it through the browser instead. Prefer YouTube but it’s not a deal breaker.


Prefer youtube cause the miniplayer/audio works better but not a huge deal


I prefer the youtube player because I can start the video on my phone and then watch on my TV


I typically put the reaction and the original side by side in 2 tabs/browser windows so that each tab is in a 10.5:9 aspect ratio on a 21:9 monitor. With youtube you can put the video in theater mode so that it matches the width of the browser window. Maybe I'm misunderstanding your comment but I don't believe that's a feature with the patreon video player. I've just tested it with firefox, chrome and edge and all 3 only support maximizing the video. Although there might be a browser extension that fixes this problem?


I prefer YouTube's player because it's a better UI experience on mobile. But Patreon's works fine as well so it doesn't matter that much.