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Given some people complaining about her art, I figured a poll would be the best way to judge overall reception.

Also doing this due to a lot of the quality and smaller details in the art being lost when put into the game.

Plasmid is the artist who made Vivian's art if you didn't know. Who also made the mimic's art.

Updating this so people know what each option will actually do. 

Also to remind people to vote as we're still missing about 100 votes with 4 days left, also slightly extending the poll end date.

I think her current art is fine as it is. - Art will still get updated with some outfit updates I would want, and possibly some other stuff. (Can only win if over 50%, otherwise defaults most likely to tweaking option. As this is the only option that leaves her art mostly untouched.)

I think her current art needs tweaking. - Tweak face and some other features, as well as the above outfit updates.

I think Plasmid should redo her art. - Entirely revise Vivian's art by Plasmid at a different art level in their commissions, as it would make it cheaper to afford extra poses and outfits, as the current iteration has a lot of detail lost when put in game.

I think a different artist should redo her art. - Another artist will redo Vivian's art. Artist undecided. Vivian's current art will be re-purposed, tweaked, and updated into another character (who is not currently in game.) Most likely a succubus teacher. Same will occur if Plasmid redoes the Vivian art from scratch.



great body, face looks a little off, proportion-wise.


I don't really know who Plasmid is (no offense intended) so I just voted different artist.


Vivian's art might need a bit of tweaking but I was never really bothered about it. For the future I would recommend letting her draw what she is best at: Succubi! I mean you have a trio in the mountains and that one in the inn that still does not have artwork :)


I already wrote about twice the length of War and Peace about this in discord but I feel like Plasmid is a dead end for her and we need an entirely different artist to remake her more, uh, actually attractive. That said, unfucking the face would make her tolerable instead of offensively ugly - I still wouldn't LIKE her but I'd stop complaining about her lol.


...I didn't know lots of people disliked her. Whelp. While I'd like to vote that she's fine as-is, I feel compelled, like any American, not to throw my vote behind a losing third party, so I'll instead vote for tweaking rather than a new artist, since I like Plasmid and it was his involvement that led to my discovering this project in the first place.


Given that the story says she's appealing and her current art is...umm...very much not...yeah, I voted for a different artist.


I would like to say that even if I get another person to do vivian's art, I'll most likely get vivian's current art reworked into a different character for most likely the capital area.


Wow, close call at the moment between reworking the art and a complete redo by a different artist


I have a preference for small breasts so I am biased, but what I dislike about Vivian's art is the absurd proportions. All the other humans have believable proportions, and only a few monsters have ridiculous ones but that can be justified by being non-human. Something slightly more proportionate would be less jarring


Personally I think Vivian's art fits her personality, but her art style which looks more western really clashes with the other character's more anime inspired style. It wasn't a huge deal back when there's not that many characters with artwork, but she's really starting to stick out like a sore thumb now.


She looks a bit out of place but since i dont really have to interact with her much it is not a problem