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-Will be updated as the game progresses and if I think of other things to add to it or forgot to add things. Let me know if you have any questions! Or if you think I missed something.

Last updated: September 5th, 2023

Current Update Plans

-v25.6 - Smaller scale content update due to time constraints this month.

-v25.7 - May end up v26.1 instead depending? Some content stuff for art I acquired. Though some might be in v25.6? The current plan is very rough due to the time constraints.

-v26 - Just gonna do the capital Eros District here I think?

Otherwise the current plan is more scattershot and to work on things that I feel like which could range to existing character content to Capital stuffs.
Also a reminder that the Capital itself will be done in chunks as otherwise it would be way too long between things.

(The Capital is intended to be broken up into chunks to avoid a Labyrinth situation.)

Overall Plans and Stuff

Main Locations and Content.

Town/NPC content

Brothel Content

Mystic Forest Content - Exists

-Forest Dungeon - Exists

Mountain Zone - Exists

-Mountain Temple – Exists

The Caverns - Exists

-The Labyrinth – Exists

Monster Girl Capital City - Intro done, but doesn't exist proper yet.

-The Casino

The Desert

-The Pyramid

Demon Queen’s Castle

Character Content – In no particular order

Check here for characters that are on the 'to be updated list', but don't expect the updates to come quickly for them, there may be polls so check here before you vote for someone.

May not contain people because I forgot to put them there, or because they aren't waiting on a needed content update.

General/Side Characters


-Trisha – Full succubus next time. More lovey dovey things.

-Kyra – Date the tsundere lizard, gets stronger over time as you fight her. Needs content badly.

-Generic Lizard gal - Also needs an update badly.

-Nicci –  Needs more content badly.

-Blue Slime - She gud. Could maybe use a trap/ambush type event though.

-Elf - see elf village sidequest.

-Selena - Probably could use more lewds. But she's not exactly high priority.

-Alraune - Could use an ambush type event?

Forest Dungeon

-Ancilla - More forest dungeon related events. More random facts.

-Vili - More post mini dungeon/visiting content. Better integrate into other forest dungeon characters dialogue such as Ancilla.

-Mika - Butt cat is in a very solid spot, so she likely wont get more for a while.

-Imps - Have a lot of content for a generic enemy. But I also know people would likely want more. xD

-Matango - Could use some content, including event linked to Ancilla.

-Sofia - Stuck in sad succubus bed jail until post capital/casino.


-Camilla – Needs more content badly.

-Jora – Basically done, some interactions with Piri would be nice.

-Succubi Trio – Camping with them, combat with them. They will also be in the capital.

-Manticore - In a a very solid spot, but could maybe use some fun/fluff scenes.

-Harpy - see harpy village side location.

-Minotaur - Likely needs some combat tune ups.


-Tengu - Needs some combat revisions at the very least.

-Kotone - In sad kitsune jail for having too much content. But I do wanna add more.

-Feng - Likely needs a better romance progression, and needs more content that aside.

-Minoni - Make her less obscure, and have a better progression path.

-Shizu and trainees - In a solid spot at this time, could maybe get a few extra scenes here or there. Shizu herself though could wait on more content specific to her.

-Trainees - Could use at least 2 ambush events.

-Aiko and Bed-Chan - Aiko could likely use some kind of progression? Not a high priority. Bed-Chan is Bed-Chan. Bed-Chan is coming for you.

-Harpy Tengu - Combat might need some more tune ups?

Oni Twins - Aside from their fight likely needing tuning, they def could use more interactions. But are lower in priority.


-Tabitha - Sub/Dom progression paths. You can do both.

-Amy - Could certainly use some assorted bonding/interaction scenes.

-Nova - Pretty solid at this current time given her intent.

-Lumiren - I want to add more interaction and even progression with her. But it's not high priority.

-Toxi Matango - She's basically fine right now.

-Salarisi - Tempted to add a larger boss one, but other than that they might need a bit more interaction in some way out of combat?

-Ghosts - Fairly solid at this time I think.


-Ceris - Could use even more comf sex and frantic sex.

-Beris - She's doing pretty solid atm given the brothel content.

-Ushris - Could use more interactions and lewds outside of the labyrinth.

-Iabel - Could use more interactions and lewds outside the labyrinth.


-Gothy Mimic and Auria - Could use more content each. Auria will for sure later.

-Stella (Bag mimic) – Could use some tune ups to the stuff I did do to her, and more interactions.

-Galvi - Content likely needs to be gone over for consistency, and also does needs a bit more. But she's low priority due to not 'appearing' until around the capital.

-Mara - Perfectly fine as is, could maybe get one or two scenes, but really doesn't need anything till the capital.

Main Story Linked characters

-Perpetua – She came back! And will get stuff everyso often.

-Nara – Could use some extra fluff stuff after clearing the mountain. Next chunk of content for her is planned for some time in the Monster girl capital update.

-The Black Knight - Not until the end game zone basically.

Town/NPC characters – Some will be linked to main story progression. Many need better pacing so they don't drown you in text.

Belle (Vivian’s Bartender) – Some talking and a brothel scene or two. Alcohol/Drink recipes.

Amber – Learn more about her, Test some things in her store with her? Sex toy upgrades.

Elena – Drunken Brothel scene related content. Some revisions for consistency. Talk about her work before guild.

Elly – Talk about more magic/artifacts/world building. More experiments leading to fun.

Vivian – Look but don’t touch. For now.

Lillian – More cute.

Lucille -  Could probably use some non-exposition dumping content.

Side Quests – Not yet added content I would like to add.

Elf Village Quest Chain. - Will likely put this off for a while due to the scope.

Harpy Village. - Will likely not have any related quest, but will be a location with birbs.

A Slumbering Dragon has awoken. In Caverns. - This concept may end up moved or redone.

Another kitsune character. I have a lot of ideas for this. Much mofu mofu.

I have many other things in my list but I think it's bet to hold onto them until they matter.

Other character related things I would like to add.

Have characters further character interaction options in your room at the inn?

Cross character interactions. Aka: Some of them interacting with each other, and the potential consequences of this.



Character CGs

Lewd CGs

Gameplay Plans

-Allow for ambushes/rest/mimic type events regardless of events chosen for adventure. Still at player discretion.

-Look into streamlining sleep and return to town recovery method.

-Look into revising/altering the debt repayment system to be more than just a boring money sink.(?)

-Add more options for altering game difficulty on playthrough start.

-A better, more refined tutorial/game intro.

Combat Related

Level Drain – Eta: Probably sometime around the Capital City.

More player skill options. (?)

More perks for the player, such as luck and willpower ones.

More items and equipment.

Possibly rework consumable items to use a limited stock system, making items stronger while preventing endless spam of recovery items, will also require status effects altered as to not make certain fights impossible.

Potential new status effects – May not happen if at all however, as combat events can handle a lot of cases for gimmick fights.


-Fascination - Update charm to be tiered while keeping it simple?

-Kiss Marked? (More likely as a combat event)

-Petrification   (More likely as a combat event)

Existing status effects that may need reworking to be less cancer or more engaging.

-Charm - Very odd spot as a utility effect, but it's simplicity and effect are good.

-Paralysis  - No way to deal with it if you dont have an item for it, basically ends you.

-Trance  - Some specific fights need going over to stop stun locking you with combat events.

-Aphrodisiac - May need a better timer set up or stacking system so it doesn't get horribly out of hand?

-Restrain - May need more player option while restrained?

QoL and System changes - Too many wanted/needed to properly list everything, especially given a lot are in maybes.



This is the first game i've ever played where I was interested in the generic characters as if they were named characters.


Getting to Stella's core in the capitol w/ mouth oriented domination, and more Oni breast hypno similar to Vivian's training or Kotone's hypno events are my personal hopes.


I think bad ends could be a good idea, I liked it with dark perpetua, also it seems silly that no monster girls have the idea of snatching the stone before you disappear


Wow, I like the ambitious plans you have laid before us. I do have concerns with the additional status effects though. Would all of them be curable via items? If not it could create frustration from losing control of your character excessively. Losing control for a turn or two is no big deal but sometimes enemies like to spam the same attack and having a move remove your ability to retaliate is bothersome.


Yes they would, the only status effects I plan to leave a problem are restraints and stun, and stun isn't a very common used status effect. Most would have delayed effects like the current sleep effect allowing you to react.


Wait, Kunoichi is Main Story related? Colour me intrigued,

Random Guy

Maybe I'm blind an it already exists, but a way to change perks would be nice.


Very ambitious. If I could make a suggestion: add advanced tooltips to skills explaining their base and scaling damage. I would LOVE that.


You probably could make a ridiculous expensive item to reset stat/perk points. Or let altering your build cost EXP or something.


I am endlessly grateful that this exists. Thank you. On the one hand, I am really interested in a potential Goddess Venereae set of scenes to meet and flesh her out. (And I can't believe I only just caught that it's a double-pun on "venerate" and "venereal.") On the other hand, I had a bit of headcanon that I'm suddenly worried will be contradicted. Oh well. We'll see? Buying a house would be interesting, plus a money-sink. I feel like I accumulate more gold than I know what to do with playing the game most times. And I relish the idea of getting everyone to move in together and try to get them to live together happily, if possible. As a family! (Which I think will get better results than "harem.") Kind of surprised that, once we get to the capitol, it's a bit of a straight shot to the other dungeon, then to the final dungeon. Then again, I guess that it was a straight shot from the woods to the mountains, and I just don't remember it that way because I try to do all the side content before moving on... Also, it would be nice to bait, feint, or otherwise maneuver an enemy into assuming a particular stance, for reasons both prurient and strategic. Tricking monsters into going for a blowjob, for instance.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-26 05:58:47 >level drain. Oh boy.
2019-08-20 23:31:26 >level drain. Oh boy.

>level drain. Oh boy.


Reading through it all the only thing that I feel I wanna put my two cents in is the slumbering dragon: if the choice is between the mountain and the caverns, I would choose the caverns. On the mountain there would be overlap: 1-there is already the manticore as a "sleeping then awakened" character 2-Jora is on the mountain as a draconic character. She talks about dragons and that could function as a great foreshadowing device, but having both her and this slumbering dragon character both on the mountain would bloat the area just a tad.


I see a lot of interesting stuff on the list. But one other area I think needs some love is the difficulty levels. Right now the early game is very easy no matter what setting you run on, and it really isn't possible to get stuck or lose at the game as a whole. Even if you start in hard mode with all your stats set to one, all it really does is make you need a little more grinding before you can tackle each subsequent dungeon. Even if you intentionally load yourself down with high fetishes and low will, there are only a few particular subplots (i.e. Kotone's challenge, Sophia) where it makes much difference. I’ve been experimenting with modding the game to create a more challenging experience, and it actually isn’t very hard. Some things I’ve tried with interesting results include: 1) Give the character much less starting money, and lower the quest rewards. This means you have to carefully pick and choose which skills to buy, and creates a feeling of progression in the early game when you’re trying to save up enough money to fill out your skill list. 2) Add a penalty to escaping stances that you have a fetish for. Better yet, make high arousal, aphrodisiacs and trance levels increase the penalty, while high willpower reduces it. This makes it a lot more important to manage your character’s current condition, and adds some interesting complexity to your character development decisions. Applying the same concept to resisting combat invitation maneuvers also works well. 3) Replace those event calls that check your fetish level with a more complex function that includes a random roll, and factors in the same modifiers for willpower, current arousal and trance levels as the stance escape function. For extra fun, tweak all those events where a monstergirl politely asks for permission to warp your mind so that they just go ahead and do it to you if you can’t make the resistance roll. 4) Make a lot of the more competent, magical and/or insidious monstergirls give you a debuff perk if they defeat you, that makes it harder for you to beat that type of monstergirl in the future. Removing these debuffs should be a fairly expensive option on the angel’s menu, or maybe require a side quest with one of the town NPCs. That way an occasional loss isn't a big deal, but if it's too much of a habit it has a real impact on your gameplay. 5) Add extra penalties for low stats. With the current stat scaling the difference between a 1 and a 10 is pretty modest, so having low starting stats doesn’t actually hurt much. Adding some extra penalties for really low power, technique and will scores (especially for scores below 5) makes hard mode feel a lot more significant. Implementing this kind of thing makes it a lot more important to manage your fetish levels and loss rate, because you can actually get yourself into a downward spiral if you’re careless. It’s really embarrassing (but also thematic) to have a 30th level character struggle to get through the forest dungeon because you just can’t pass up that glory hole encounter, and the imps drain you dry every time. But it’s never going to be permanent, because the forest encounters are so easy you’ll always be able to grind them for cash and XP until you can work your way out of trouble. Of course, I realize a lot of people would think this is too much. So if you do introduce any of this kind of thing you might need to tie it to the current difficulty setting. Maybe you get half as much starting money in Hard mode and twice as much in Easy mode, or loss scenes only inflict a debuff perk in hard mode.


Difficulty setting options are definitely something I want to add in, more than just the stats i mean, some togglable options, like forcing you to only save in town. But v23 will be doing a ton of stuff to combat and progression, so things are going to be shaken up a lot from what they are now.


I'm really eager to play the next parts. Keep up the magnificient work!


Very excited to see some of the things on the list. The house part is needed very badly. After playing for 100+ hours, i have walked up and down the will-power temple 100's of times and probably spent 2 or 3 hours just walking back and forth confirming that i have a 100% completion file. Perhaps a place to store certain non-relationship enemies would be good as well, like the frog girl. Gameplay-wise, it would be nice to have a few more AoE abilities to use. Right now there is only two, a magic and a seduction ability.


Looking great, as much hypnosis themed content as possible please 👀


Free Mistress Kotone!


Ancilla and Matango content, all in a single package?! Yes.


Mayby I love this game to much but I fine with perks. I think I whas already done with using Perk Points at 150. Right now I am somewhat over lvl 200. Dunno played last with Venefica Quest introduction because wanted to continue when full quest with all the possible ends is revealed.


Do you have plans for the western half of the map ? For bonus dungeons perhaps ?


I really look forward what I see here and now I wish I would be either a Cainite to put myself into torpor to awake when we got all this awesome stuff or a mage to block my mind to think about this unless it is completely done. Another thing, how about with slime girl that we feed her so much that she evolves to a slime queen so that we can do now Ancilla a favour too because she will be able to keep the slimes in line. But yeah if I would not be already on the highest lvl I would say now "Shut up and take my money!"


"Aiko could likely use some kind of progression?" I happy "Not a high priority." I cry


The "Ask about Bed-Chans real name" dialog hints at a scene that I find highly appealing but as far as I know doesn't exist. Sad :(


At this point Thresh should just make a spin-off game for Kotone and dump endless content for her in there


I really enjoy Lillian but maybe instead of lewd we can just do a cute romance or even just a cute date


Level drain @.@ Good times ahead :)


Know it would probably be a long ways off but would love some events where the player helps rekindle the friendship between Kotone and Sofia


We were given a lot here, and I hope that the characters in the labyrinth get more development; I do enjoy Beris and her interactions at the bar; they can be pretty funny with the right timing, but Ceris, Label, and Ushris are all left on the wayside thus far, I'm sure you got plans for them either in the capital(Name pending) or other interactions in the labyrinth.