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v26.1 to v26.1a Patch Data: Download

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Remember to load your save from the town square.

Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.


  • Fixed ticket variable using the old one and not the new one causing a crash if you've never played the slime parade game. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

  • Mod menu drag and drop now copies rather than moves files to improve file permission compatibility. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

  • Repeat Beris brothel visits now properly swap to an inn room BG.

  • Order a Shot Glass of Angel Ambrosia. scene now properly swaps from the bar BG to the player room BG.

  • Small typo fixes.



😆I love the idea of the game being like, "You've never played Slime Parade!?" and just crashing out of sheer astonishment.


I hate to say this, but Beris is far too OP. her stat boost stacking indefinitely makes her way too powerful after 4 fights. You need to remove the stacking effect from her since her base damage becomes 200 with her crits becoming basically guaranteed by the fifth fight dealing an average of 350 per hit. I'm triple her level and getting swept by her every time. I can't pass the third floor of the Labyrinth if she keeps stacking. I love this game' But literally find her encounters unfun and enraging after a bit. You need to nerf her because you basically force people to avoid her to progress.


The labrynth basically tells you you are supposed to run away because they become stronger every fight. Just flee. if you want to do the fight for the content their is a maze mode after beating labrynth which is perfect for that.