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I figure it's time to do a check-in, since I've been hinting at some changes coming for a while now.

Apologies in advance for the length.

Random stuff first: I'm close to clearing my commissions backlog, so I'll be able to put more time aside for personal projects for a bit headed into late March/early April, somewhere around there. Probably earlier, at the pace I'm working these days. I'd like to experiment more with animation loops and smaller, more focused pieces for a bit when I do, but I'll still be doing the usual stuff as I go. For people waiting for slots to open up, I probably won't be doing that until around the end of April/beginning of May to be honest, if only so I have time to focus on other stuff for a bit.

Now, for the important stuff: With Update 40, tiers will be set up as follows:

For people who just want the most recent finished pic/s: $1

For people who want that, plus the WIP stuff: $3

When new finished work posts go up, the previous post and all it's related materials will get locked; if you want everything plus access to old posts(or just want to give a bit more): $5

$5/mo is kind of a lot for what is basically some .png files and video clips, and I don't want to put everything behind that amount. For people who only might want one specific set occasionally, I'm looking into putting single sets on Gumroad(the final art+WIP stuff)for maybe $5-$10 each, that way if you want something specific at some point down the line, you won't have to interact with Patreon at all, saving a bit of hassle. The price range isn't final. If I decide to go that route, I'll have more info on that later. I'll also be reorganizing stuff and revising tags, grouping, etc. to make things easier to find and keep track of.

I know I might lose some people with this move, but it seems like the right one to make.

I'll be pausing payments until I both get everything set up and have Update 40 ready to post, shouldn't take more than a month, though I'll extend the pause another month if I need more time.

Update 40 & beyond: I'm still working on the Update 40 wallpaper, but I'm also juggling the last couple of commissions in my current backlog, so it's gonna take a bit longer to finish than I'd like. That said, it should be done before the middle of March. I'm putting a lot into it, so it'll be worth the wait, I think! I'm not sure what I'll work on after that, to be honest. Recent drama has kind of dropped my enthusiasm for vtubers in general, but I'm not going to stop drawing, or delete any old work. I might just switch to other characters or do original stuff every once in a while, though I still have lots of ideas for vtuber stuff. Animation is always something I'm eager to get back into, but I just need to make the time for it, and right now it's financially more viable for me to take commissions when I can instead of, say, practicing animation during my free time, though that'd change if I can really get Patreon going.

TL,DR: Commissions are almost all done, so more Patreon-exclusive stuff is coming, tiers are being revised & payments are being paused for supporters, and Update 40 is still on the way, slowly🙏 Maybe animation sometime in Spring?

Thanks everyone for being so patient with me, I wish I could make the time to draw more than I can now. As always, thanks for your support, and I'll have more to show you soon!



Thank you for the update! You’re doing great, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for ya! 🫡