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Checking in to let everyone know what's going on.

Gumroad is balls now apparently, so I dunno how I'll be able to set up to sell individual sets or anything. The only option for people that might want specific old stuff is the $5 tier(explained below), but seeing as how I was planning on pricing sets around there anyway, I guess it works out, except locked posts blur the previews.


Sub billing will resume today, which I think will be opening the new sub tiers up for everyone to switch to, if they wish. They're broken down as follows:

$1(Tip Jar): If you just want to see the new pics as I post them, here you go: Access to new finished images as they go up, until another finished post is uploaded, at which point the previous post gets locked to the $5 tier.

$3(Gift Envelope): Access to new finished images, along with their corresponding work-in-progress materials(sketches, timelapses, screencaps, etc.), and other random sketches or test animations I may be posting. The materials for posted finished work will be bundled up with the finished images and locked to the $5 tier as new work is posted, but other misc. stuff will remain available for viewing/download in this and the $5 tier.

$5(Mysterious Briefcase): Everything from the above tiers, with full access to older work, regardless of sub date. If you're already paying $5, nothing changes. Mainly for people that want to donate a bit more, though I may add something else to this like poll access or something later.

I'll be adding icons/art to the tier breakdowns soon, when time allows.

I just draw anime boobs, I'm not very good with this planning stuff.

As of this post, all of the old posts(should)have been set to their intended tier levels, and edited to condense things and make it easier to get to the stuff related to the one you might want. I'll admit the file naming and organization is a bit of a hack-job, but it's something I'll work to improve down the road. I'll likely be making mistakes with organizing/setting things up to start with, so feel free to let me know as politely as you are able if something isn't right and I'll work to fix it when I can.

Also, all of the Nijisanji stuff is free to access for everyone, regardless of tier or sub date, going forward. I don't know if I'll do anymore NIjisanji fanart or commissions going forward, but I didn't want to delete any of it(some of it is among my favorite work), and I didn't feel good making any money off of it either, so it's there for anyone that wants it. This includes the 2022 stuff, though be warned that a lot of those drawings are very scuffed(not to say any of the newer ones aren't, lol).

Update 40 is still being worked on, if the linework isn't done by the time you're reading this, then it should be up in the next couple of days. The coloring won't take nearly as long, but we'll see, I guess. Not much else to say about it; it's taking a long time b/c I want it to be good, and hopefully the final result shows that.

TL,DR; Billing resumes & new tiers go up on the 26th(I think), #40 is still WIP, 2434 stuff is free going forward

Thank you, everyone, for your support. Whether you've been a paying member, dipping in and out over time, or just sharing and liking my stuff on socials, I appreciate all of it. One of my goals this year is to get to the point where I can focus at least part-time on working to improve my workflow and animation skills. Above all else, I want to keep improving and make stuff that's worth people's time and money. Maybe get to do art featuring vtubers that might not have a big NSFW following(as long as they're okay with it). Pipe dream stuff is to be able to do splash art/design work for someone I watch, that'd be cool.

Who knows what the future holds...?

Either way, I'll keep working on art when I can, and at the very least, I'll just keep giving life to random obscene ideas for your amusement.

More to come soon, take care everyone!


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