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Hello lovely Patrons! 👋

As we dive into August, I wanted to share some of the exciting plans I have for this month! I'll be heading to a delightful local farmer's market soon to indulge in some fresh produce and some artistic knickknacks 😋 But that's not all! Next week, I'm planning a visit to a charming art gallery to get inspired by some breathtaking masterpieces, I’m so excited!! 🎨✨

I hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend! I’m sending you all warm hugs and gratitude for being part of my journey 😘 Stay tuned for more updates!

Yours Always,

Ophelia ♥️



I'm always looking forward to your content! Love it!

VanderMeme Productions

Jealous! A nice farmers market always makes the day better. They always have some cool stuff!

Big Bear Audios

Farmers markets are always an absolute joy. You always find the choicest produce and homemade goods. Living in a town surrounded by farms my town is no stranger to farmers markets and people selling their pride and joy ☺️

Emperor Penguin

Oh that's great! I love farmers markets! And art museums are great, I live near the famous Art Institute if Chicago and have been to it 3 times and each time was amazing! I hope you have a wonderful time Ophelia. Have a great August, and stay hydrated and stay cool!😊🚰🍹


I love our farmers market! They have really good egg rolls there. And the art gallery sounds fun too!! Then again, you don’t have to go far to see art when you have mirrors at home!!! Cant wait for the next audio Ophy!!

Brandon Curtis

How lovely! You better be safe out there, and enjoy your trips.


It was so lovely, it’s always wonderful to go there and have a good look around!


They do, don’t they? It’s just so picturesque and it makes me feel all warm inside every time I get to go! 🌹


Oh that sounds amazing!! I’d love to live near an art museum or gallery! Thank you, have a wonderful August! Stay cool too 🥰


Yay for farmers markets haha! Aww Venge 🤭 You’re too sweet, thanks! 🙈 I hope you like the audio!!

Big Bear Audios

Haven’t been to one in years. Should probably go again next time I’m available ☺️


Fresh produce sounds amazing! I wish there were more local farmers markets where I live I live to go to them. An art museum sounds so fun, I can’t wait to see how the inspirations turn out! I hope you have a great time!


Hi Ophelia, nice to hear that you are enjoying yourself. Do take care! Maybe you can use some of that for inspiration for future audios 🤣


It’s so good! I could have stuffed my face with all the different kinds of bread they sell! Thank you, have a wonderful week ahead!!


Thank you Remy, I shall! That’s what I’m hoping, maybe some romantic portraits will inspire me! 💫

Hazardous 088

Hello, mama Ophelia!!! I’m happy you’re enjoying life and all. I only hope you can continue enjoying it. I’ve oddly enough never been to a farmers market but have always wanted to go. Hey, quick question (if you don’t mind answering, that is), who does the art for your thumbnails? Do you commission someone or do you do it yourself? Just wanted to say that it looks great every time and seems to get better with every piece. Anyways, talk to ya later, mama! 😊

OpheliaASMR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-11 22:57:10 Hey Hazard! Aww thank you, I hope you get the chance to go to a farmers market soon! I don’t commission my thumbnail art, it’s done with AI. I am hoping to get some official art pieces done by an artist sometime for all the different Ophelias in the future 🥰
2023-08-07 16:25:09 Hey Hazard! Aww thank you, I hope you get the chance to go to a farmers market soon! I don’t commission my thumbnail art, it’s done with AI. I am hoping to get some official art pieces done by an artist sometime for all the different Ophelias in the future 🥰

Hey Hazard! Aww thank you, I hope you get the chance to go to a farmers market soon! I don’t commission my thumbnail art, it’s done with AI. I am hoping to get some official art pieces done by an artist sometime for all the different Ophelias in the future 🥰

Abdi Nadh (edited)

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2023-08-11 22:57:06 Hellow, glad you are going into local farms to get some fresh product. I remember working a little at a farm next to where I live and the owner really worked really hard to make everything work also the food that came from it was really fresh and good <3
2023-08-08 09:38:53 Hellow, glad you are going into local farms to get some fresh product. I remember working a little at a farm next to where I live and the owner really worked really hard to make everything work also the food that came from it was really fresh and good <3

Hellow, glad you are going into local farms to get some fresh product. I remember working a little at a farm next to where I live and the owner really worked really hard to make everything work also the food that came from it was really fresh and good <3

OpheliaASMR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-11 22:57:10 Aww that’s so lovely Abdi! I’m so jealous, I wish I got to work on a local farm and have all the wonderful experiences you get from that! 🥰
2023-08-08 11:47:14 Aww that’s so lovely Abdi! I’m so jealous, I wish I got to work on a local farm and have all the wonderful experiences you get from that! 🥰

Aww that’s so lovely Abdi! I’m so jealous, I wish I got to work on a local farm and have all the wonderful experiences you get from that! 🥰