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Don't worry, the rewards ain't going anywhere!

A friend of mine in my server made a suggestion for the Monthly Reward Images that I really like and I wanted to ask all of you what you think about the idea too.
I currently do three fetish-related images every month and while I do love doing them, I also really like the idea of potentially doing more pinup pieces to keep things fresh.
I like the idea of occasionally just drawing a character without having to think too much about giving them a scenario or a fetish to partake in.
So the change I'm suggesting is that every month there'd be two polls instead of one.
The first poll will be for two fetish-related images, and then the second poll would be for a pinup image to round up the image count to the usual three pics a month.
I feel this would add a bit more variety to what I can potentially draw (since not every character has fetish potential) and would help to keep things fresh.
It's also worth noting that the pinups could occasionally still have fetishy undertones to them, it just wouldn't be a focus persay.

What do you guys think? Let me know!



I think you should totally go for it.


I am very supportive! Please include the text descriptions tho. I might keep harping on this until they're properly back with each image. They're my favorite consistent aspect of your work, aside from you being a very good artist of course


Totally! I agree and it might even lead to you making something new and interesting.