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The waiting is over and it’s time to announce the winner but before this – a small shout out for guys who wanted “Fluff and tails” option to win so badly they made several accounts to vote for it.

Please don’t repeat this. Doing something like this defeats the main purpose of public polls and may lead to problems for me in the future. On the other hand, I saw several patrons from League of Corruption days while filtering the results – it made me really happy. Thanks for supporting me all the way to the third project!

As for the final score, Cyberthing wins with an enormous lead - 309 points. The second place is shared between Fluff and Tails + Fallout 69, these got 110 points both. The last place goes to League of Corruption rework with a score of 98.

But you can say something like ”Mike, Fluff and Tails has more votes than Cyberthing - how can it win with such a lead?” In short, the voting power decided the winner. Plus, after clearing up the spammed votes for F&T, it felt back in place with other options from the poll, close to the result you could see during the first week. Cyberthing easily regained leadership by vote quantity too.

Okay, what’s next? Now I have the theme and the setting to flesh out and prepare a detailed plot for the game. This means I can proceed to phase II on preparing the new game after tweaking and testing the last tech bits about animation plugin. Guess a week should cover this.

Stay tuned for the developer’s plans, I’ll provide more details about the new project’s status and what I plan to do next. Plus, you can check out fresh news in weekly reports.



I'm excited to see the new MC :), but please do some straight content in this game please haha


Don’t worry, cyberpunk setting doesn’t force any kind of pairings unlike the monster girl theme so you can expect a mainly straight H content. Of course, I will add other events like yuri at least for variety’s sake.