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Well, the good news is - I managed to avoid hospitalization. Still have to be bed ridden for a while though.

But the Bad News is - no release until the end of the month.

I mentioned yesterday that I'm a stubborn old git, and this time I'm going all in.

Either the 0.6 is fully out by September 30th(with all the events that I have listed for it in my to-do list), or we have a poll about what to do with the release as a whole.
It means either hiring some help, releasing source code + all materials, or pausing the project.

I know many of you will be unhappy with the decision to not release anything yet again, but I will be more unhappy if I release it and you don't like it.
Because at that point - why do any of this?

So you'll have to bear with me one more time :)

I'll be recovering at home(and enduring a course of painful injections) and going back to work as soon as I can. 

The only question is - should I post updates during my race to September 30, or should I go dark this time?

I feel like constantly promising releases and not delivering gets pretty annoying, so maybe not posting anything and quietly dropping a release on 30th(or the failure poll) will be a change of scenery.

I'll be going back to bed, I'll check on this post probably at the same time tomorrow.



Maybe you should release your current game progress and rest until next month


I really want to play 0.6ver. Is fine . We're know it all the game have been through hardships time. How about just post the new 0.6ver , and we meanwhile to report some problems?


I can't wait to see such a cute girl Selina


Good point, maybe not to all, but to the highest patreons so they can check for bugs, quirks in story, movement, maps and so on.

Voodoo Child

body first bro.maybe you can often release some pictures about Selina


As we have learnt from most mainstream games, compromising quality to make a deadline has inevitably killed it. Take your time buddy and rest up. All your degenerates will still support you


Let me do some mysterious magic from far east to boost your health. LOL