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There's no point in delaying this further.

In the last two days my health took a nosedive(can't sleep, no appetite, nausea, tiredness, headache), and it feels like it's getting worse by the hour.

Since the waiting room post yesterday I've done zero work and I kept telling myself that it'll go away by itself, but it didn't.

I don't know if it's physical or psychological, but I'll be calling my doctor and dealing with this asap.

Release will be posted later today or tomorrow(I'll be taking some pills and trying to rest for a bit) - it will be cut down significantly(I already mentioned that in the waiting room post), and will not be tiered.

The missing parts of the update will be added by the end of the month. If I can't do that - we'll have a poll about what to do next with this page.

I'm sorry for waiting until the last possible minute to do this - I am very stubborn to my own detriment.



Put out what you can they get some rest your probably exhausted