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I felt the need to create this post because it has been many months since the last update to the game.

And while I tried to maintain constant logs about the progress, it's better to make a post like this that serves as one big disclaimer about what to expect from tomorrow's release, and what will be focused in the updates that come after it.

Also, we decided in a poll that this release will keep the version number of 0.6, so that also might be confusing to someone that discovers the game in the future.
And this post will help to make things clear, and there will be some text file packaged with the update with more info(nobody ever reads those, but what can you do).

So, what is Succulence 2[0.6]?

The upcoming release is a complete remake of almost every single aspect of Succulence 2.
The character images, some newer systems(like the wardrobe) and some dialogue parts are the same, everything else has been changed, tweaked, reworked, upgraded or removed.
The goal of the remake was to make the game more or less a sandbox RPG with character management mechanics and interactive events, with big focus on wardrobe variety.
Which was always the primary goal for the sequel, but I couldn't get it right for the longest time because of numerous technical difficulties.

"Under the hood" it is a completely new game that happens to share locations, characters and some events with Succulence 2[0.5].
Story-wise it's a "do-over" with some main events remaining the same(because they got upgraded once already), and some being different.

Past versions:
0.5 is completely obsolete at this point, and 0.6 is a combination of features from 0.53, 0.55 and 0.58 with lots of new mechanics built on top.

0.6 features a Prologue and the beginning of Chapter 1. Screenshot at the top features the time it took me to get all events(I played slowly and thoroughly because I was looking for bugs though - and getting all the secrets too).

The story:
The story was touched the least because the main focus was the gameplay and technical aspects. However, once the prologue is over the story direction will be  different from Chapters 1 and 2 of Succulence 0.5. Personality traits and story-lines of almost all heroines have been changed as well.

The remake was officially started last October, and it was originally planned to finish it in 3-4 months.
But, development hell was very real, unfortunately. There have been numerous setbacks, changes, issues, reworks, personal problems, etc.
But better late than never.

It would be great if we could all pretend that this is a brand new game that I was developing since last October, but alas.
New Synopsis and game info will be posted after the release is done, and there will be a separate changelog of things that are different from 0.58.3, which is the most recent release.
After 0.6 is done we return to 4-6 week schedule of releasing updates. 0.65 will be focused on expanding the sandbox elements, and 0.7 will be the main story update.

That's it for this post, until tomorrow.



Is 0.6 updated today