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Hello, here I am with an unexpectedly delayed release.

My internet went belly up, right as I was complaining about slow upload speed. And I had to sit in front of the computer until it was up to upload the release and finish this post.
Just my luck, I guess.

Anyway, here's the link to test release: Download 

Things that are showcased in there:
- New Active Character Schedule system(it loads up when you enter an area, and puts characters in place, according to various conditions)
- Losing clothes: Event sample + mechanic
- Character lust + Relationship menu info
- Small mechanic that handles multiple people opening the door to the apartment

I've had some spare time to make sure everything works, but not enough to implement missing features.

Things missing:
- Combat system update
- TV ratings

The reason for their removal is pretty simple: all my new additions are worse than "default" systems before the overhaul.
I've tried two different new approaches to the battle system, but after playing through the old battle, the way it's done there is superior.
In other words, I shouldn't try to fix what's not broken.

Note: Despite the fact that fight system got removed from test release, there are two questions about it below.

Alright, now it's time for questionnaire.
If you wish to participate - read the list of questions and respond in the comments on what do you think about them. You can just write a question's number and a simple Yes or No, or if you have additional suggestions/comments, you can post those instead.

Question 1: Accidental loss of clothes, either through an event, or getting too many drinks at a bar. Will it make it too annoying to temporarily lose your favourite top/jacket?
Yes or No(No means you'll be given a choice to sacrifice your clothes for an event).

Question 2: Random people opening the door(if multiple are inside the apartment).
Yes or No

Question 3: Character lust meter: Keep it always hidden?
Yes or No(In case of no, it will be hidden until an item is bought at Desire Shop that reveals it)

Question 4: Character relationship progress with Serena: Keep it hidden as well?
Yes or No(In case of no, it will be hidden until character quest is progressed, or an item is bought at Desire Shop)

Question 5: Many copies of Ms. Stone in Dream Realm:
Yes(keep it as it was before overhaul) or No(make it so Ms. Stone encounters are all "boss fights"), and instead of "regular" Ms. Stone fights, make a bunch of Dream Realm minions.

Question 6: Combat RNG attacks:
Yes or No(this one is basically your stance on RNG heavy combat, where you gamble on dodging grabs/landing stuns).

And that's about it. Hopefully this test release soaked up all the bad luck, and actual 0.6 update will be smooth.

Oh, and if you don't feel like commenting, you can press the poll below.

I'll post conclusions to this post on Wednesday or Friday, and the schedule for 0.6 will be posted by the end of the week.




1) no 2) yes 3) no 4) no 5) yes 6) yes


1-No, 2-Yes, 3-No, 4-No, 5-Yes, 6-No