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Estimated Release time: Monday April 11 Noon EST. Or when this post is 18 hours old.

You've probably figured out by the fact that this post wasn't posted earlier today, that something wasn't right.

The reason for the slight delay is: I'm trying to add two versions of the fight system, and the questionnaire will help me decide which one will be "the main" one. I'll be pulling an all-nighter to try and make it work, and if it doesn't, there will be just one fight sample inside the release.



Well, my upload speed just took a dive, and is pretty much non-existent. Usually it fixes itself within an hour(usually faster), so I'll use that time to write the Questionnaire post.


Ahem. Right as I wrote my comment about upload speed internet completely died, and remained dead up until now. Fun. Will post the release in a few minutes.