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Hello. Yesterday I was taking a little break from endless deadline rush and made this pregnancy sample picture. Doesn't look that bad, although that's compared to previous samples I've made in the past that were too bad to even post.

Today is more of a mini-post because there's still a lot of work left to do, more coffee to drink and no hours left to sleep.

Also here are links to image I posted in the comments under Friday poll if you missed them.




Personally... meh... Besides... a pregnant succubus... its like saying that rock is water =_=

Kitson Lim

Damn, any chance this will be added to the current game?


I mean, everybody has to reproduce somehow. Though the pregnancy will probably be restricted to one of the endings in this game. In the sequel though, it might be explored more(side characters will all be regular humans), if I improve the quality of the images enough.


I have some possible events/endings in mind, but nothing concrete yet.


Nice. Will pregnancy be a game mechanic or just a possible ending?


I'm fine with it as some kind of ending, but it's not something I really care to play running around a city doing things. I'd be happy if it wasn't there, but I can live with it as an ending.


As a mechanic, not in this game. The most of what might possibly be added is an area to explore and trigger different events(like school just before maternity leave for example), as a part of playable ending. But that depends on how the standing image will look in the end.

Justa Badge

I'm 100% on board with it as an ending and 200% as a mechanic.