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Vana Mirralinde

Age 23, human female, silver-ranked adventure and ponder streamer

Appearance- Vana is a short girl standing at five foot three with dark brown skin and messy, short blue hair that falls over her wide, shining teal-colored eyes. Her body is slender except for wide hips and a big behind that are obscured by her clothes.

In her normal life Vana wears big, bulky robes with hoods that cover most of her face, baggy pants, and pointy mage shoes. She doesn't cast spells through either a wand or a staff, instead using her crystal ball as a catalyst. She always has a pouch strapped to her that carries her tarot deck.

When streaming on ponder, Vana exhibits a drastically different style. She prefers the color black, fishnet, leather, and things of that nature. She always wears a big blindfold over her face. Beneath it, her eyes change color and are purple and spiraling. Her hair becomes much longer and takes on a crimson color that fades to purple.

Abilities- Vana is cursed with exemplary talent in divination magic to the point where she wishes she wasn't. All throughout the day she sees frequent visions of what could happen to everyone around her, including occasionally herself. Her visions are almost always minor ones but they are useful nonetheless. When she actually tries to get a read on the more serious future using her crystal ball or her tarot deck, she can narrow things down significantly which is quite rare for your common diviner. The drawback to all of this is Vana lives with a near inescapable headache at just about any given time. Seeing into the future is a very powerful skill and those who possess it are often saddled with unfortunate fates. It's a magical headache so healing magic will do nothing for it and all the alchemical potions she's tried have never worked out.

She is reasonably skilled at combat when pushed to her limits. Vana is able to summon manifestations of the tarot arcana to do her bidding, each of them having unique effects symbolic of the arcana in question. When out on adventures, though, she prefers to stay in the back lane and not contribute since she's usually brought along for her divination abilities and not her strength.

Personality- mysterious, awkward, patient, persistent, secretive

Motivation- Vana is after a life where she doesn't have to constantly deal with her headaches. She wants to live a normal life and do normal things, but barring that, she would be happy to find someone who understood her special needs and be with her despite them. At the start of the story, Leo is her goal because of a vision that will be detailed below.

Interests- Because of her crippling disability, Vana does not have many hobbies. Most of her free time is spent napping, but she does enjoy listening to music streamers or storytellers on ponder, since she can curl up in the darkness and listen without having to look. She is interested in large plushies that she can hold on to. At some point she will be introduced to RealMonster but it hurts her head trying to play it because her visions packed up at all the immense possibilities a card game has, so she can't play. That, and she is at an unfair advantage.

History- Vana is from the Tior province, though where specifically she does not know. Every major town in Tior has dedicated child inspectors that look over children for any signs of magical greatness. The tests they perform aren't anywhere near as detailed as the ones that House Palemist puts its own children through, but anyone with a hint of potential is sent to Mithimere whether the parents want that or not. The children are well cared for and upon turning six are entered into Mithimere's famed Magicademy, the greatest magical school in all of Karnalle.

Vana was one such child and was taken from her parents after it was discovered she had a talent for precognition early in her life when she was just a toddler. Her disability made it hard to connect with other children and she was kept out of most general classes and didn't get to live life very much during her time growing up in Mithimere. She has poor memories of all the other children doing amazing magical feats around her while she had to stick to the shadows. Even the greatest mages in the land couldn't do anything to heal her headaches, and she took the chance to quit schooling when she turned eighteen instead of continuing on to the Magicademy's college track. She was met with some resistance, but so long as she started paying back the money they spent taking care of her and putting her through school she was allowed to leave.

Now in need of a source of income, Vana left Tior as there was no need for a fortuneteller in a province filled with mages. She settled down in Hollobel at first, a city to the east of the Rhoivan province not far from the Tioran border. There, Vana made a living as a shadowy fortuneteller with reasonably accurate results for one of her kind. It wasn't much, but it was enough to get her started. She spent a year and a half here before realizing she was merely existing and life started to seem hopeless.

Vana typically didn't ever tried to use her ability for her own means as doing so would only make her headache worse, but she decided that something needed to give and that she would make an exception. She would then perform a divination on herself, asking her crystal ball to show her a future where she was happy and free of pain. Surprisingly, she only got two results. One had her clearly in love with a blonde boy in a city she didn't recognize but figured was Imperalis due to the castle she could see in the background, and another showed her masturbating on stream. Both of these visions shocked her, as she didn't imagine she would ever find love and her headaches eradicated any sexual desire she had.

After her divination session, Vana would try it out and discover that sexual stimuli considerably lowered the severity of her headaches. This was a huge breakthrough for her as it was the closest thing she'd had to relief in her entire life, even if it only lasted for as long as she played with herself. She did discover that doing more extreme things would lead to greater relief, however.

As for the other vision, it wasn't like her to put so much stock into her premonitions but she couldn't help but curious of the boy she saw and it led her to pack up her things and head to Imperalis. Given that it was a gigantic city, Vana didn't know where to start and had to rely on her abilities again. She asked her crystal ball where she would find the boy, and it repeatedly showed her vision of the Adventurer's Guild. Since it was the only lead to go off of, she signed up after poking her nose around.

Surprisingly, she's done well for herself. Her talents are well regarded and she works with a number of adventuring parties who bring her along and ask her for advice. She's even helped clear out some dungeons in her time, her future sight proving invaluable for trap and ambush detection. This has allowed her to coast off the work of others and make some serious gold, one of her first investments being in the newest model of catalyst from ponder, the smart-orb.

When she first got her smart-orb, she realized instantly after getting into the sex streaming part of the site that this was what she was doing vision. She was streaming and talking to her chat. Vana didn't know what to think at first, but eventually, she tried it. It turns out that streaming helped her headaches tremendously as it increases the pleasure for her many times over knowing she's being watched. She started making it a regular part of her life from then on, but her goal was still to find the boy from her vision.

It didn't go the way she planned and he ended up finding her instead.

Shortly after Leo joined the Guild, there was an incident where Vana was having a headache and emerged from an alleyway that Leo was just about to turn into during a delivery. They did the classic bumping into each other routine and Vana was left very disoriented. For this initial scene she's not looking at him so the reveal is later. Her head was spinning the pain, and Leo was very kind and noble during the whole thing. After explaining her condition to the stranger, he offered to help her back to the Guild and thinking little of it he physically carried her in what felt like a stirring romantic gesture. He carried her to her dorm and only at the end of their interaction did she look at him and discover that it was the boy from her visions. She gets his name and although her crush initially began out of a desire to cure herself and live free of pain it becomes more genuine as she has further interactions with him.

The only problem here is that Leo doesn't think much of her. Because of her condition, she is a very strange person more often than not. She is quiet, soft-spoken, and a little vapid and dull at times, as well. Furthermore, he finds it weird how she is always seemingly around. Like if he and Dev are chatting, she'll show up and stand on the sidelines saying nothing until she is referred to. Other times, she'll give him cryptic advice relating to visions she's seen of him.

I want to stress that she is not a stalker type character. She refrains from purposefully using her powers to dig up information about him, but ever since meeting him she's seen more visions about him than anyone else. This is how she knows where to find him, but she doesn't have any yandere tendencies beyond that. Most everything she learns about Leo is not of her own volition. You could argue that her visions are purposefully showing her what she wants to see, but I don't think it's fair to blame her subconscious for that.

Because of her foresight she's seen multiple paths that led to them both hooking up but to her dismay she's never been able to make any of those visions come to pass. It usually comes down to her not being able to do any of the daring actions she sees herself do. Luckily, one of her visions showed her that he uses the orbnet regularly and enjoys talking to lewd stream girls. This is one such advantage she was able to press. As her alter ego she made contact with him and successfully caught his interest, luring him into her streams.

As with the other girls, he's been in a pseudo-sexual relationship with her for around a year at the start of the story. Vana is husky-voiced femme fatale in her streams and uses her insider knowledge about Leo to frequently taunt him sexually, leading him by the nose. He gets the impression that he knows this person in real life because of the way she talks about him but the difference between Vana and her alter ego is so vast that it's not even a remote possibility in his mind for them to be the same person. That's mainly due to her different personality and the fact that she's able to mentally function much better in a sexual environment.

Throughout the course of the first volume, Leo will be in a worse and worse mood questioning a lot of his decisions and his path in life. Vana will be sensitive to this and in her real-life appearances she will be supportive of him which Leo is strangely thankful for. He'll still think it's weird, but it's surprisingly effective. On the orbnet, though, she will be trying to motivate him into action.

Ultimately, it's her who will succeed in getting him to take the next step in life and try and work past his issues. She offers to give him a tarot reading in a private stream when he's at his lowest and rather than giving him an authentic one she gives him a very leading one where she manipulates the outcome and purposefully words it in a way that theoretically leads him to her. Vana makes it sound like there is a girl in his day-to-day life that he knows through work who is always there for him and very supportive. This backfires as the reading will very easily apply to Liri and since he's already hesitating on making a move on Liri anyway, he interprets it as being about her but doesn't vocally say as much so that it's a surprise when Vana sees him next and wonders what the fuck he's talking about when she asks about his mood or whatever.

Additionally, the way that his motivation will be sparked is through a fun magic sex scenario I have in mind. She will do something he's never done before in their private stream and places her dildo against her smart-orb and tells him to place his hand on his. She activates some sort of function that will transfer his hand movements to the toy so that when he strokes himself, it will be like he's controlling it. He can't feel it, but she will use her words to taunt him asking how long it's going to take until he finally gets to do this in real life, asking if he's tired of jacking off alone in a room and things of that nature. The scene will seemingly end with a huge cumshot on his part, but she knows he can keep going and taunts him that if he's lucky he'll find a girl who would do this for him and then places the dildo against her ass and the scene repeats but with anal and he's obviously super motivated by this.

She will be depressed at him hooking up with someone else but after consulting her abilities she sees that this isn't without a path to victory. She's able to look through the near future and glimpses at a portion of the events that will actually unfold, only this time it seems a lot more foolproof. She learns that if he goes after Liri she will push him to form a harem and then becomes supportive to the point where Vana actively engages in the stream where Leo and Liri lose their virginities to each other. She'll pay for voice messages to congratulate him at key points and offer suggestions, and Liri will notice that her 'presence' makes him even harder whenever she talks and after the stream that's going to be something she discusses with him and part of what leads down the whole harem track and will get him to reveal that he has two other close streamer friends that he was in similar relationships with.

He goes after Sylvietta first, but Vana will still remain a active part in the story until then. There will be some sort of roadblock I'm sure because it'll be anticlimactic if he just discovers it or she just reveals herself, but I think she might be irritated and want to tease him and put him on a runaround before officially joining the others. She and Liri will get along great while she gets on Sylvietta's nerves because of how playful and teasing she can be, but Sylvietta will be oddly protective of her because of her condition.

Streaming Persona- When on the orbnet, Vana goes by the screenname 'DireFuture' and is called Dire for short. Her personality is drastically different as mentioned before because as soon as she gets sexual stimulation her mind starts to clear up. In this form, she is sultry, seductive, proactive and incredibly naughty. She has the highest followers of the starting girls because she chases more extreme pleasures like light BDSM things. Vana does penetration with her toys and acts the sluttiest while still giving off an air of playing hard to get. She's also teasingly dismissive of her fans, giving her a slight femdom vibe that doesn't explicitly extend to Leo. I wouldn't call her an occasional brat like I would with Liri, but she is definitely a power bottom.

When the time comes to join the harem and the streams, she is something of a wildcard and will often come up with very naughty scenarios to put them in. No hesitation when it comes to anything no matter how naughty, even more so than Liri who might be down for anything but would at least show momentary surprise. She's the best at encouraging donations because of her experience as a fortuneteller. She's used to getting more out of people so that she can 'see more clearly beyond the veil' and other such nonsense.

Despite sexual stimulation being the key to changing her personality, when they have sex without her in costume, she still acts similar to her normal self because it's more embarrassing. She can effectively be bullied in her normal form and won't hold a grudge about it like Sylvietta does.


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