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Once Auguris demonstrated he meant no harm, he took his leave and was promptly replaced with half of the Baddest Bitches, who let themselves in. Coco barreled ahead, getting her first look at this place from the inside. She narrowed her eyes and started sniffing random objects, but the smell of lewd activity put her on edge. Marlie on the other hand came in and leaned against the nearest wall. She seemed tired today, more frail then Coye was used to seeing.

"You don't look so good," Coye pointed out.

"And you're much better?" She countered.

'She's got you there.'

"Hope we weren't interrupting something." Marlie said as she got a close look at Byng clinging to Coye's side.

The playful Gengaggi smirked and said, "actually, you were. He's naked under this blanket and I just sucked his dick."

"Lewd!" Coco said from her position inside of Coye's pantry, where she was looking for food.

"Byng-" Coye blushed, sat up and the blanket fell off of his torso in his embarrassment. Coco and Marlie both stared at his half nude form for a moment, neither saying a word.

Marlie paused for a moment and then asked as she pointed toward the door. "Was he watching, or something?"

"Okay, technically he interrupted first and now you two are here. Any reason for that, by the way? You're keeping him from the next vital steps of his recovery, gahaha!"

"Don't think mating will help Coye feel better!" Coco stated before thinking about it for a moment and correcting herself. "Not in that way, I mean!"

"Can we not just visit?" Marlie shrugged.

"Well we're not that close so It is a little weird for you to just barge into my house, lean against my wall and go through my food-"

"wasn't Coco!" She insisted, although she was halfway through eating a bag of salted almonds, bag and all.

"But it's nice to see you guys."

'Just make sure she doesn't go sniffing around your hat...' Shayla nervously warned, keeping her eyes trained on Coco.

"Sorry about her," Marlie looked at Coco as she continued digging through Coye's food. "Somebody left her wanting."


"Nothing!" Coco answered. "Went to bed early last night. Forgot to eat! Eat lots now make up for it!"

"You can eat as much as you want," Coye smiled at the girl. "Make yourself at home."

"Will." Coco gave him a brief look before wagging her tail and moving on to his cupboards.

"How about instead of stuffing your face, you come over here and tell him you wanted to say, Coco?" Marlie suggested, and the girl made a strange face of conflicted emotions. Her ears drooped and she forced herself away from the interesting smells of Coye's kitchen to approach his bed.

Coye was surprised. He expected her to freak out when she got closer because he was shirtless, or perhaps because she'd smell sex, but Coco was keeping her composure for the most part. He noticed she was a little fidgety, though, but he gave her plenty of time to speak.

"Yesterday... You were... Really cool." She struggled to say every word of that, but by the end of the sentence her tail was wagging fiercely.

"Oh, um, thank you..." Coye wasn't expecting that and it made him blush, much to Byng's. "Was that all?"

"Yes! That's all!" She stood there awkwardly next to his bed, and then she found it hard to look at him as the closeness reminded her of how his face felt on her tail. The longer this awkwardness dragged on, the more Coco felt out of place. She felt the need to justify herself being here, so she said, "also Coco... I just wanted to come and see you today. You said I can come here whenever. Didn't you...?"

Shayla sensed how hopeful she was for his answer but before she could warn Coye, he seemed to pick up on that himself.

It might have been a little forward, but Coye reached out and took her hand without even thinking of it. It was the first time he'd ever felt a Beastfolk's paw, and it was remarkably soft, but he squeezed it tight and smiled at her. "I did. And you can stay as long as you want, whenever you want."

"Really?" Coco's ears perked up and she blushed heavily his touch which was gentler than Britni's yet somehow more reassuring.

"Long as you don't mind what I'm about to do to him, gahaha!" Byng clutched onto his arm and squeezed, causing him pain.

"Bad! Bad sex goblin! Don't hurt him!" Coco started barking and Marlie sighed, seeing the need to intervene.

She stepped up and grabbed Coco shoulders before turning her around and patting her on the back. "Why don't you sniff the rest of the place, Coco? Go search for rats."

Coco was delighted at the idea of chomping down on some big juicy rodents, and her body couldn't hide it. "No rats will escape Coco's stomach!" She declared before stomping off to the other side of the room.

'Please don't tell me she actually fucking eats rats...?' Shayla shivered and hoped they could train that one out of her.

"Sorry about her, she had a rough night. Britni dropped her off this morning before heading out with Tiph on a quest."

Coye frowned and looked over at Coco. "What's wrong with her?"

"Relationship problems, if I had to guess. I have no idea the kind of shit that goes on when it's just the two of them, but I know Britni and I worry about the kind of shit she puts in that girl's head."

"Wait, are you implying that Britni is anything other than the epitome of a loving and caring partner?" Byng covered her mouth in mock surprise.

"Shocking, I know," Marlie sighed.

"What's going on?" Coye couldn't help but inquire.

"Why, hoping for a chance to swoop in and adopt a dog in need of a home?" Marlie raise an eyebrow.

'She's got your intentions pegged, baby.'

For once, Coye didn't like the accusations that were being thrown against him. He frowned. "Can I not just be worried about her as a friend?"

Marlie studied him for a moment before nodding politely. "I suppose it's not fair you if I automatically jump to that conclusion. Sorry."

"Don't be too sorry. I'm not big on animals but a dog might liven this place up a little bit, right, short-stuff?" Byng nudged his elbow.

"I'm not going to answer that." Coye sighed and stopped himself from imagining what it might be like to have Coco around on a more permanent basis. He then looked up at Marlie and asked, "so are you just her chaperone or did you have something you want to talk about, too? Byng, you said my sword was missing, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I couldn't find it after the match. I thought Britni said she knew where it was, but-"

"I know where it is," Coye said while staring into those slightly freaky purple eyes of hers.

"I told you what would happen if you mistreated it," Marlie clicked her tongue and extended her hand, fire and smoke erupting out a bit as she pulled his sword from her personal armory. "Not my fault you threw it away."

'I had a feeling...' Shayla grumbled.

"I was barely conscious," Coye defended himself. "All I remember is thinking how bad I needed to punch that guy in the face. I might have tossed the sword away, but it was only for a second!"

"That second was all it took, it's mine now." Marlie admired her prize but in her tiredness she failed to hold back a yawn that sent smoke billowing out of mask.

"Something tells me you aren't gonna put up much of a fight if I come over there and take it back from you." Byng proposed.

"Hm. I suppose you have point. Perhaps I should've thought about that before coming here..." Tired of keeping the joke ongoing, Marlie spun the sword around extended the hilt to Coye. "Take it, but don't come crying to me if things aren't how they used to be."

Coye didn't know what to make of that but took the sword and immediately noticed the difference. "Something is off here..." He remarked.

For a moment, Marlie almost looked satisfied that Coye noticed. "Is there?"

"I'm pretty sure it was cracked yesterday..."

"You're welcome,"

"but there's more to it than that..." Coye narrowed his eyes and turned the sword around in his hand, studying it. It weighed less. Not much, but enough that a swordsman such as himself could tell the difference. It had a better balance than it did before, and the blade felt denser. He had half a mind to test the edge on his finger but intuition told him not to. It had been sharpened far sharper than he'd ever seen it before.

Coye's inspection was interrupted by their visitor, who was now finished sniffing around the cabin. Coco invited herself onto his bed and started pacing around on all four near Coye's feet. She scratched at the blanket multiple times, coming close to ripping it with her claws. The entire act was adorable to Coye, but the animal skeptic Byng was less than amused.

"Can we help you?" She asked.

"No. Can help myself." Coco shook her head and continued to scratch at the bed until she'd made it suitably comfortable enough to lay down. After yawning cutely, she did just that.

"Did you forget he's naked under there?" Marlie teased.

"So? Just did mating. Won't pounce on Coco..." She blushed as she said it, and wasn't entirely convinced she was correct. Whether or not she cared went on said.

Coye definitely didn't have anything against Coco wanting to sit there, it was better than tearing up his cabin, but he didn't want her getting in trouble with Britni so he made sure to ask. "Are you sure Britni wouldn't mind you being in my bed like this?"

"Very sure." She growled. "Doesn't matter, anyway. Do what I want, Britni doesn't own me."

Again they looked to Marlie for an explanation only to get none other than another shrug of the shoulders. Without anything else to do, Coye went back to inspecting his sword. "So, what exactly did you do to it, exactly? I can already tell it's stronger, but I want to know how you pulled it off."

"Sorry, but that's a secret I'm keeping close to my heart."

'Better make sure she didn't use some evil demon magic on it, baby... Maybe take it to the church and get it blessed? I don't know.' Shayla advised.

Coye couldn't conceive that Marlie had any bad intentions by fixing up his sword and giving it back. He simply smiled and sat the blade across his lap. "Well, thank you for powering it up. I don't know how I can thank you, but-"

"you can thank me by taking better care of it," Marlie cut in, her long, leathery tail suddenly pointing its heart-shaped tip at him like a finger. It wasn't one to one, but it was close enough to a succubus tail that it slightly freaked him out. "I'm not giving it back next time. I mean it. That sword is even better than I thought."

'Shit, really...?' Shayla looked at the weapon with skepticism. 'I still don't see it, but... I'm starting to feel bad after the things I said about it.'

"Did you come here exclusively to spout off cryptic bullshit or what?" Byng laughed. "Like, damn, girl. You could at least tell him something halfway useful."

Marlie felt a little called out and she turned away to hide the smoke coming from her cheek cracks. "Do you even know your sword's name, Coye?"

Coye thought back to Marlie's ramblings. She talked like she could actually talk to weapons and mentioned their names multiple times and how those were a source of power, or something. She wasn't very clear.

"No, I didn't know it had one..." He felt a little embarrassed to say. "Did you find out? I'm guessing you, um... 'talked' to it, didn't you?"

"Who can say?"

"She's doing it again," Byng whispered into Coye's ear.

"Yes, I talked to the sword. Now do you want to know its name, or not?" Marlie crossed her arms and grumbled.

"Please, tell me!" He was quick to beg.

Marlie looked over her shoulder and for a moment found amusement in the way he was so desperate to know. She supposed she had best reward such desperation and said, "Gleamrender."

"Gleamrender?" Coye looked down at the sword and noticed it almost seemed to sparkle in his hands, ever so slightly. Something about the name felt right. If there was any doubt Marlie was lying, it was gone now.

"Fancy," Byng whistled.

"Pretty name!" Coco added.

'Kind of lame if you ask me. Who the hell names a sword Gleamrender instead of something more threatening?' Shayla thought.

Coye clutched Gleamrender tighter in his hand and smiled at the weapon. "I like it. Thanks, Marlie. Is there anything else you can tell me about it?"

"You've already got a full plate with recovery and figuring out all the other nonsense going on in your life right about now, so what's a little more mystery? You already have all the answers. You just need to think about it more." Marlie started making her way to the door and then patted her thigh, signaling Coco to follow. For once, she was reluctant.

"Are we going already? Don't want to!" She refused.

"Let him rest, girl. You're just going to get restless and annoyed before too long and then you'll get upset because he can't play with you."


"Well if you want to stay, that's cool with me," Byng draped her arm around Coye's midsection and teasingly ran her hand down his chest. "But you probably don't want to be here for this next part..."

"Byng, d-don't...! Not in front of guests!" Coye whined, especially as her claw brushed against his nipple, but he was too weak to actually escape her.

'That's not what you said about Tammy the other day,' Shayla teased. 'You little voyeur.'

The sudden sexual display made Coco astutely aware of her lack of satisfaction the night before. She stared at Coye hungrily for several moments before realizing that staying any longer was dangerous. She may have been feeling rebellious toward Britni that day, but not that rebellious.

"Going to come back some other time...!" Coco tucked her tail in and ran after Marlie. "Don't hurt him during mating, sex goblin!"

"No promises, gahaha!"

"Well, you have fun with that. Hit me up if you figure out anything else with your sword, Coye." Marlie waved her hand and together, she left with Coco.

Shayla locked the door with her magic and escape the hat, flying up to the headboard to look on them from above. "What was that all about, Byng?"

"Great question," Coye agreed as he looked at Byng and frowned embarrassed.

"What? Just because my race is cool with sharing doesn't mean I don't want to be clingy when to new girls are sniffing around- literally!"

After setting his sword against the nightstand, Coye collapsed against the bed and let out a big sigh. Byng mistook this as her getting on his nerves and started to apologize. "Hey, if you didn't like it you could've tried stopping me a little harder!"

"That's not it, I'm just tired..."

"Poor guy," Shayla clicked her tongue and then fluttered down to lay atop his head. "Can't blame you. It's really just one thing after another these days."

"And tomorrow isn't gonna be any different. Just like Suz said, y'know?"

"Yeah, I know. I'm ready to face the future, even if it feels really exhausting to think about."

" That's tomorrow," Shayla leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Rest up for today, big guy. Okay?"

"I'm tired, but I can't sleep. Not yet."

"Why's that?" Byng frowned. "If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know!"

"Up to and including tiring him out?" Shayla asked.


"Funny you should mention that," Coye grumbled and then flung the blanket out from atop him. Beneath, he'd been hiding an erection for a while now. Ever since Byng started messing with him, to be precise.

"Is that for me?" Byng cackled.

"It's because of you," he sighed.

"I thought as much," Shayla shook her head and looked at Byng. "You're going to have to make him blow another load I think before he can get any rest. I'd volunteer, but I'd just charge him up..."

" Leave it to me, short-stuff! I'll do it however you want. I want to show you I can take care of you when it matters, so if you got any requests..."

Coye tilted his head toward Byng and thought about the prompt for a moment. "Anything?"

"Anything," she confirmed, her eyes ablaze with love and determination.

Coye blushed but smiled wide. "It's like Shayla said. Things have been crazy lately, and I've been pretty aggressive... It would be nice to just... Relax for a while and, um... Maybe have you comfort me and be gentle...?" His voice was optimistic, unconfident. "I don't know if I'll be able to get you off, but-"

"that's not the point, Coye! I don't care about getting off right now. As long as you have fun and get some rest after, I'll do anything you like."

"Go on and get ready for him, then," Shayla advised. "If you were wanting comfort, all you had to do was ask." She moved up to his scalp and leaned across it, her hands gently stroking his temples.

"That feels nice..."

"Yeah? Good. You deserve this, big guy. I'm proud of you."

"So am I," Byng chimed in as she stood up halfway to peel off her shorts and then her panties. "Give me a second to get ready for you. All the visitors kind of killed my excitement, you know?"

"Oh, um, okay..." Coye blushed and watched as Byng leaned back slightly and began teasing herself for his pleasure.

"I've gotta make myself nice and wet for my big, strong, man. Don't I?" Her smile was wide, but gentle. Her fingers danced between her lower lips, stroking up and down while giving lavish attention to her pointed clit. She would make breathy noises for him as her body started heating up, and as always, it wasn't long until she made herself ready for him.

Byng was pleased with her progress and brought her fingers to her lips, licking the juices off with her long tongue. Coye could see liquid running down her juicy inner thighs now and it only made him all the harder. "There we go," Byng spread her lips and showed him how she drooled. "One comforting hole, coming right up!"

"Don't be too rough with him," Shayla reminded. "He wants this gentle. Don't you, baby?"

"Please..." Coye was getting more lustful and he bit down on his lip, shifting around as the waiting became unbearable.

"I can be gentle if I want to!" Byng insisted, feeling offended. "Just watch me!" She saddled his hips and hovered over his demanding erection, reaching down with her hand and placing it against her entrance before teasing it and rubbing him up and down several times.

"Nice and slow like this, right...?" Byng's voice became softer and the slow strokes she paired it with felt heavenly for the needy boy.

"Yes... That's really nice..." He admitted, giving her his first moan.

"Just relax, baby..." Shayla was getting into it as well and she leaned down to kiss his forehead. "Dorothy's not the only one who deserves arrest. So do you. Just close your eyes and let Byng take care of you."

Their soothing voices had the intended effect and Coye listened intently to Shayla's instructions, and the moment that he did, he was rewarded with Byng dropping her wide hips softly down on his cock. He moaned instantly and both of them felt the gentle pleasure as she slowly engulfed every inch of him. It took her a while as she was really taking her time, but Coye loved the feeling of how long and drawn out it was to feel every last ridge inside her pussy before it inevitably sucked him off at the furthest depths.

"You were so amazing yesterday," Byng whispered. "So strong. So brave. You have no idea how turned on I was seeing you like that..."


"Yes," she whimpered while rocking her hips forward, his cock dislodging itself from her depths with deep, prolonged suction. Doing it so slow almost made it feel like a pair of lips was releasing him inside her. "And it was all because of you. Only you. Always you, short-stuff..."

"Oh, gods..."

"I think he likes it," Shayla smiled up at her friend, more satisfied with Coye's enjoyment then she was jealous about being unable to provide it herself.

"Of course he does," Byng sounded sure of herself as she repeated the process for him nice and slow, dragging him in and out of her pussy many times over unbearably slow. "He's feeling subby today and wants be taken care of, right?"

"Yeah..." Coye moaned louder, fighting against the impulse to reach out and grab her ass for stability. "You were right. I... I do just want to be taken care of..."

"And there's nothing wrong with that," Shayla smiled. "You've earned this, big guy. No matter how much I tease you, Byng wasn't the only one you impressed..."

"Thank you so much, Shayla... I... oh..."

The praise was getting to him. Coye was really into it, moaning as they talked to him softly and twitching inside of her the more honeyed words were peppered in. Both girls realized they had something here, and they shared a brief look at each other. Shayla didn't even need to use her telepathy, they both understood the needed to double down.

"Getting close already, cutie?" Byng smiled down at him and carefully dragged all ten of her claws down his torso, stopping right above his hips.

"N-No...!" He resisted the idea out of stubborn pride, so they pushed harder.

"You don't have to hold back, silly. She's trying to take care of you. Because she loves you, right Byng?"

"I do," she blushed heavily but didn't let that hold her back. She sank down on his cock as far as she could go and grinding her hips back and forth, all while squeezing him as tight as she could. "I love you so much, Coye. I never stopped believing in you the entire fight and I knew you would win. Let me love you even harder, okay? Don't hold back."

Coye gasped deeply as his balls tightened and his hips pushed up inside Byng. "Byng...!" Was all he could say as a sweet call of pleasure echoed out of his throat. "Almost... Almost...!!"

"good boy," Shayla teased and watched the way his body throbbed in response. "Give it to her and have yourself a nice rest, you got that?"

"Yes...!" Coye moaned, tiredness overtaking him almost as much as the urge to release.

"I want it so much," Byng's hand had reached down to find her clit, which she started stimulating fast in contrast to her slow cock strokes. "Let me help heal you. You'll feel so much better if you just let go and cum inside me...! Come on, you're so close, so-"

Byng was interrupted by Coye's loudest moan thus far and the matter throbbing of his erection within her body. Ecstasy lifted him off and away as yet more thick ropes of semen exploded out, flooding her tight pussy and her womb with his typical amount of endless seed.

Not one to leave a job half done, Byng continued riding him throughout his climax, squeezing every drop from him she could until he stopped throbbing and seemingly melted into the bed. Luckily, she got herself off just in time to savor it alongside of him. He was breathing heavily and incredibly dazed when they were done, until they checked and noticed he had straight up passed out. Neither girl could hold back their smiles at how cute he looked.

"Guess he really needed that even more than the blowjob," Byng thought aloud as she got off of him and sat by his side.

"Probably," Shayla patted his head. "Yesterday took a lot out of both of us, and that's not even mentioning the crazy medicine he's on."

"How are you feeling, by the way?"

Shayla left Coye's side and fluttered back up to the headboard and perched. "Still a little sore from... Whatever he managed to pull off at the end of the battle, but I'm doing better now, I think."

"Yeah? Good." Byng smirked at the Pixie. "I don't want to give the impression that I only care about him, y'know? Must've been hard on you to keep healing him the way you did."

Shayla sulked. "For all the good it did."

"Hey, he would've been knocked out a lot sooner if you didn't have his back! He only got to the point where he won because of your support, Shay. Don't make light of your contribution, gahaha!"

Byng's words perked Shayla up a good deal. There was something about an appeal to her ego that just about always worked. "You know, I guess you're right. He wouldn't have won without me!"

"I wish I could say the same, but I didn't get to help out that much this time around..." Now it was Byng who got frustrated and started to sulk. "I've gotta start putting more work in so I get stronger!"

"You think I'm thrilled about his sword getting a big power up?" Shayla scoffed. "That's gonna put me even further back!"

"I doubt it, he needs you!" Byng smirked.

"He needs you, too..." Shayla looked upon their sleeping lover and his restful face. "It's gonna be boring to just watch him sleep all day. Got any more fun ideas for training?"

Byng perked up at the idea and hopped off the bed after yanking on her shorts and panties. "Yeah, I've been thinking about some more! Sure you can handle it?"

"Gonna have to learn to fight even when I'm not at my best. I couldn't have done what he did yesterday, so I've got some catching up to do. Figured I might as well drag you along for the ride."

"I like the way you think, Shay. Let me clean up for a sec and we'll do this thing!"

Once they were outside, Byng and Shayla put together an efficient training plan to enact during Coye's nap. Shayla dodged countless training arrows while working on her aim and mana control by pausing some of them and sending them right back at Byng. It was up to both of them to dodge, but it led to a few of hours of back and forth volleying that stretched them both their limits. Each was grateful for the other and when they


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