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Hey guys, quick touching base with you all about what I'm working on. I mentioned recently I haven't been feeling great and it's intermittent knee pain that's the cause. Really strange, doctor friend thinks its knee bursitis which will clear up on its own after some time passes. It doesn't affect my work but it does affect my mood, which affects my work. Just feels shitty, but I'm also putting it down to seasonal depression and January just being a bad month for that. I haven't felt like posting as much of the art I've been getting as I should. I'll make an attempt soon.

As for what I'm working on now, I am pausing the rough drafts for the moment and am working on the final draft of chapter 1. Too much rough drafts in a row make my brain gooey from writing bad on purpose, and tbh I tried harder than I should've to finish the next one when I should've recognized I needed to switch over sooner than I did. We'll see how it goes. Should have chapter one finished in a day or two.

Also been slowly working on updating volume 2 as I said I would do, but it's not a huge priority atm.

All in all things are still going well, just less well than I'd have liked to start the year off.



Used to be an adventurer myself..