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First thing I have to post for the new wave of writing you'll all get to see! This should explain a lot of things that you some of you may have been wondering.

I have been getting a ton of writing done the last few days and you can expect more to come very soon!



Agent Career For clarity, we shall refer to Agents using feminine pronouns in this document. Yes, there are male agents, but the majority are female. Overview The most important career in the entire GOB system besides Battlers themselves, Agents are the ones who hold everything together and kee...



Gave this a read, and I instantly fell in love with the idea of the orb-shaped camera drones videotaping everything and putting it online. And of course the GOB always putting sex appeal first and foremost when it comes to the Agents. Also the Advanced Smartphone pulling up holograms would be quite badass~ Overall a well put-together document!


I had already mentioned it goes online, but it's a more complicated process than just that. I only wrote about the Agent's role in the process here since its not relevent. Thank you as always though~