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Should have the first chapter of vol 2 out later today. Instead of labeling them ’vol 2 ch 1’ I’m just gonna continue the running number count so as to be consistent with my internal numbering, so it’ll just be posted as chapter 61. It’s going well even if I was feeling a little bleh last night.

Now for some good news! Patreon is up by $90 and we’re almost at 100 reviews on Amazon. Even better, only like 5-7 of them aren’t five stars! This is all doing a lot for my self confidence and it motivates me to keep doing my best. We still need to spread even further, though, so keep telling your friends and posting about it.

ideally I’d like Patreon to get even higher so that I don’t have to rush things out and worry so much about Amazon’s algorithms. Heard some scary things about that from some author friends and I hope I can build up a strong enough community of core supporters to keep that from being a major concern.

Lastly, I want to tease some good news without getting into specifics just yet. There may be very good things on the horizon regarding an audiobook adaptation...



That's all great news! I know you just changed some things on the patreon somewhat recently but have you considered updating your tiers to encourage higher level usage. Before new chapters roll out is the perfect time to do it and it may be work polling all the new people that have joined on to see what may be worth it for them. I already support at a higher tier for the love of it and you are still the cheapest auther a follow by a fair bit.


Yeah that’s possible but the thing is I’m not sure what rewards to even offer. Doing 1, 5, 10 etc chapters in advance works better for webnovel stories and not so much a volume release because say the volume comes out and some patrons are now 20 chapters behind for the money they put in. Doesn’t make sense to do it like that. New rewards would also need to not take time away from writing for me and hopefully not cost much money. Something like weekly pinups or something is a possibility but that costs money and they’d need to be exclusive meaning not good for promoting the series elsewhere like I usually do with art I get, not to mention I don’t have anyone lined up for it. In short I’m obviously not against it but I don’t have any ideas for it, either


You're a classy author with an eye for providing value. I appreciate that! Also I shared your book with my ttrpg group, something I've only ever done one time before, and I know at least one person bought it.


Hey thank you! That’s really cool to hear. Hopefully they enjoy it, especially when Rebecca is more relevant.