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How did I get myself into this situation? It’s almost nuts, and I should know nuts, I’m a squirrel after all. It all started last week when the clinic I work at was preparing to test twelve new experimental pills that were supposed to turn the users into animal and monster girls.

We weren't exactly supposed to be testing them, so we had to use many devious tactics to get people to come in and volunteer, and we sure as hell didn’t tell the participants that we were about to alter their DNA like this.

I was one of the scientists in charge of leading a subject to a room, giving them the pill, and getting them into the room to let the observation team study them for a few days before we discard the subjects into an appropriate place.

For example, My subject was supposed to become a squirrel girl, and when the test was over he was supposed to be the one stuck roaming this massive ocean of trees in an unknown part of the world, but instead it ended up being me.

How you might ask? Well, as I was leading my subject to his room, he got a phone call and decided to take it and leave, and I mean leave. The dude straight up left even though he had signed all the paperwork, I honestly have no idea why.

That left me without a subject, and I was getting messages from the observation team confused about why I hadn't gotten them into the room yet. That’s when my supervisor came walking down the hall yelling.

I feared getting into trouble for not getting my subject in the room, and I panicked. I tossed the pill into my mouth to hide it. My supervisor noticed my subject was gone and told me to find a replacement ASAP or else I’d be fired.

That’s far worse than it sounds, as we’re a secret organization doing very illegal experience. So being fired meant disappearing permanently... Which I guess happened anyway… My supervisor then slapped me on the back of the head as she walked away.

That caused me to swallow the pill. My heart sank and I was panicking even more now. I ran to the bathroom, pulled off my lab coat, and started to stick my fingers in my throat to try and throw up, but the pill didn’t come out.

I had a look of shock on my face as I looked in the mirror. Soon enough this wasn't the face that would be looking at me, instead it’ll be replaced by some furry squirrel girl. I looked down and realized that also meant that soon enough I'd lose my dick.

I kind of felt defeated and hopeless and I walked back to the door that the subject was supposed to go in and I just walked in. I closed the door behind me. I knew the room pretty well, after all, I had designed it.

I went over and sat under a tree and closed my eyes. I knew soon enough they’d activate the gas to put me to sleep to speed up the process of transforming, and I really didn’t to focus on it, or try to stay awake and watch myself change.

It took a couple hours but the door to the room locked and the vents turned on. Much like I expected I fell asleep and had dreams about climbing around and looking for nuts on the ground and in trees. This was a sort of hypnosis the trials play while the subjects sleep so they adjust to their bodies.

When I woke up, I did feel slightly better about my situation. Even though my body had already undergone drastic changes. I had breasts on my chest, and my waist was starting to slim, and I had one heck of a booty hanging off my back end.

That was it for the female changes so far, as for the squirrel changes, my nose had become smaller and my ears were now on top of my head, completely rounded and covered in fur. I sighed and looked towards the door.

Unlike some of the other subjects, the squirrels intended to find their own food, as we hid tons of nuts and planted several trees with them all around the room. So no one was coming in today to give me anything.

That’ll be tomorrow when my I’ll need a change of clothes for my body. I head over to the tress and my nose picks up something. So I started to use it to follow the scent. It ended up coming from the top of a tree. So I climbed it, which turned out to be very easy.

I almost flew up the tree with how fast I was going. I definitely had some enhanced abilities which made sense, as I was now part squirrel, but we were here to test, so I decided to have some fun with it.

I started jumping from tree to tree and clawing around them with ease. I was even able to hang upside down without falling. It was almost quite fun, and of course, the squirrel always finds its nut, and I was no different. I found a nice tree with plenty to eat.

I ended up making it my home spot since this room didn't have any form of a house or even a bed. I managed to entertain myself for the rest of the day by testing out my new abilities and once again got knocked out by the observation team.

Over the next few days, my body would slowly change until I was the girl you see today. A thick squirrel girl My breast had grown until they were d-cup sized and my butt and thighs weren't going to be outdone by my chest and grew just as large.

My thighs had gotten thicker and I shrunk down in height until I was about six inches tall. So I was now a very tiny girl. My tail has also fully grown in, it was a bit to get used to when I was bigger, but now I’m more than used to climbing around with it.

I’d probably be better if the hypnosis they used worked a bit better. I think because I knew about it, it hasn't fully worked on me, but at the very least it’s helped me be happier about this whole thing, so I can't complain, it’s better than being miserable.

They ended up giving me these clothes to wear. Which some from a Playboy Barbie doll we had in the clinic, along with a pair of shoes from another doll and special gloves that make it so climbing isn't so rough on my hands.

I enjoy them, I can go much faster and I don't lose a bit of my ability to climb trees. They did end up distracting me too much, as on the last day I wanted to try and talk to my team before they shipped me to the woods where the subject was supposed to go, but I ended up playing all day instead.

I ended up passing out and waking up in this forest, or woods. Everything is so big now it’s really hard to tell. I did intend to leave, but again this place was so big it was nearly impossible to get out, especially when I didn't know which way civilization was.

Plus I keep finding nuts, and I can't help myself from taking them, and once I have them I have to put them somewhere to store them as walking around with all of them at once is impossible. So I ended up finding a very big tree with a nice hallow center to live in.

Using my previous knowledge as a human, I made rooms in the tree, including a kitchen, bedroom, and basement. My basement is just the bottom half of the whole that I filled with nuts. There are a lot of them down there, but I have to store them up for winter right?

I guess it sounds like I won't be leaving, but I guess that’s okay anyway. If I returned to human society my old employers would find me, and who knows what’ll happen then, plus if they didn’t I would not be able to do anything with my size.

So I’ll make a happy new life for myself here, it’s nice and peaceful here and the other animals are all super nice, especially the other squirrels. I think one of them might even be into me or he’s into my nuts, but I know for a fact I’m into his. Maybe that’s what’s in store for me, little baby squirrels running around my home.




You know... I feel sorry for this scientist, all the other test subjects found happiness in their new forms, he... he just resigned himself to the fact that he can’t influence anything... I sincerely feel sorry for him... but I wonder if this series will have a finale that will draw a line for everyone what have we learned?