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My name is Maya, and well I’m a trans girl. Recently I  started to transition from male to female. I’ve been on hormones for about six months and as slow as the process can be, I’ve noticed amazing wonderful results so far.

I was on my way to my appointment for a check-up to make sure everything was going well and I was excited. Although I was a bit annoyed that the location for my appointment was changed last minute and I had to go over to the next town for it.

With all I’ve experienced, I’m used to these small hoops I have to jump through. I arrived, parked my car, and walked in. There were some other people and I’ll admit it made me a bit nervous to be around so many strangers.

That led to me fumbling around and mumbling at the front desk. The person there was very kind and said they knew why I was there and had me fill out a bunch of forms. I filled them out and patiently waited alone in a corner.

Sometime later and more people entering everyone is taken into the back. I was told they’d be observing me for a few days and handed me a pill and water to swallow. I was a bit confused and asked why it was suddenly a few days, but I was ignored and pushed into the room.

Then they locked it, and I was starting to feel a bit scared. I walked into the room and looked around and was impressed at how large and detailed it was. The room was themed exactly like a forest and even had a small treehouse.

I made my way over to it and climbed on up. Inside was a table and chair, a lantern, and a bed. It was quite cozy, and it didn’t take me long to make myself at home, and even fall asleep on the bed.  That’s when I had one of the best dreams ever.

I had wings and I was flying through the woods casting magic to grow flowers and trees, and even berries for the wildlife to eat. I woke up, feeling refreshed and happier than ever. I sat up and looked out of the window. I almost felt like I could hear the forest around me.

I got up to climb out of the tree house, and that’s when my shirt fell to the ground. I looked down and saw nothing but large breasts. I stared at them confused for a moment. Something about them seemed off. I mean, I’m a girl having breasts is normal, but where they always so big?

It wouldn’t make sense for them to suddenly grow. Maybe I was confused because I tried to look straight down knowing full well I couldn’t see around them. If I want to see something on the ground I heave to bed over.

I do just that and pick up my shirt. Strangely it had slit in half, and it seemed to start around the chest area. Perhaps I shouldn’t be wearing shirts this tight and small. I look around and there is no one around, and no other clothes.

I guess I can go topless for a while. I’m sure one of the doctors will come in with a replacement for me. I climb out of the tree house and start walking around. There were so many beautiful flowers, and the leaves on the trees were so green.

They even had berry bushes, much like the ones from my dream. I [picked a handful and ate them as I walked around. I eventually found myself in the center of the room in a huge piece of flowers with nearly twenty different colors. It was so amazing.

I slowly stepped around them and found a spot big enough for me to lay in without crushing any flowers and I looked up. I know I was in some sort of room, but the ceiling looked almost identical to a real sky, and the lights almost felt like sunlight. It was incredibly relaxing.

I played there humming to myself for what could have been an hour or two. Then I felt energetic and started running around playing in the woods. I even found some animals walking around, and they were so friendly I got to pet them.

I ended up tying my ripped shirt together so that it could hold some berries and I picked a bunch and brought it back to the tree house. I watched as the lights in the room slowly dimmed until it was supposed to be nighttime in the room.

It was cool to see a simulated sunset, but I still prefer the real thing. I munched on berries until I once again fell asleep. I had another amazing dream, and it was almost like the first one but more detailed. In it, I was a cute fairy girl.

I was walking through the forest talking to my best friend Dero, a dear if that wasn’t obvious. We were growing flowers for an upcoming festival for the village of fairies where I lived. We were so happy, and we were having so much fun.

Which made me a bit sad when I woke up. I missed them. I couldn’t even remember how long it’s been since I’d been to my village, but I’ll make it back to them one day. I sat up and stretched my arms and wings.

I fluttered them a bit to clean dust from them and I walked over to the exit of the tree house. That’s when I noticed a piece of clothing sitting on the floor. It looked brand new. I unfolded it and inspected it. It seemed to be a dress in exactly my size, and it was incredibly cute.

I rip off the rest of my clothes and put it on. It was so soft and it had almost no back to it, which was great since I had wings. I could fry without them being uncomfortable due to clothing being too close or tight or getting caught in the fabric and causing me to fall.

I tossed my shorts, underwear, and shoes to the side and I jumped out of the door and started flying around. I felt my stomach rumble, so  I flew to the ground and went to one of my favorite berry bushes but it had no berries on it.

No big deal. I waved my hand over it and using my magic the bush is filled with hundreds of berries. I start picking some to eat when some birds and deer come over to eat from the bush. I take a handful and go sit under a tree and watch my friends eat from the bush, they’re so cute I can't help it.

I sit down on my butt, which lucky is thick enough it's basically a pillow, and eat my berries. Once I finished I started to use my magic to create flowers around me. I created a ton of flowers, and my animal friends were so impressed they took some back to their friends and family.

Once they left I got up and started skipping around looking for something to do. I decided to explore a bit further and that led me to the wall. I had almost forgotten this was a test facility. I started knocking on the wall to mess with it.

I kind of wanted to be let out. I couldn’t even remember why I was here, but it didn’t matter. I need to get back to my forest and find my village. So I started using my power to grow a big tree. It grew and grew until it busted a hole through the wall.

That exposed the real sky, and I called to my animal friends to follow me and we all made our escape as some random humans came running in wearing white coats. I stuck my tongue out and taunted them as I flew into the sky.

After a few days of traveling after that, my animal friends and I find ourselves a new real forest to set up in. It seems to need a bit of help. There are no bushes that create berries, and the trees are all half dead, and the trees aren't tall enough to hide a tree house.

It’ll be a bit of work, but with my magic, I can make this forest thrive, and maybe if I do a good enough job fairies from my old village will find me, and we can start a new village here. I know that’s probably not likely but I like having hope.

In the end, rebuilding here with my animal friends will be enough for me. I’m happy and healthy and a super cute fairy girl if I might say so myself. I have a long, long time to find my village or other fairies, for now, I’ll enjoy life by bringing forests back to life, one at a time.




Hmmm, quite an unusual story... and there are 3 very noticeable features at once: firstly, this is the first story where the test subject did not acquire the features of an animal; secondly, this is the first story where the test subject acquired full-fledged magic; and thirdly, this is the first story where the test subject escaped from the scientists... oh, I feel like this will happen again have consequences