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The woman then walked to the door. “I’ll go ahead and look.” “Yes, Ma’am. What should we do about these two?” “Well, by the looks of the mess in here, they’re horny little catgirls, take them back to your rooms, or throw them in their cage. Until I find that watch, I really don’t care.”

The woman left. “So we can do whatever we want with them? Should we put them in the cage? Or does anyone want some alone time with them... Or is anyone interested in taking them to one of the other experiment rooms, like the latex or bondage rooms?”

The group of men began to mutter among themselves, all while Jona tried not to panic. She was hoping they’d return them to the cage, but they might be trapped there, if they go to a room, they might be able to flee, but those other rooms sound like they’ll keep them from escaping.

“Well it settled, I’ll take this one and head to the latex room, you can take that one and head off to the bondage room.” One of the men grabs Jona and tart pulling her as he walks away. “Meow!” Nala said as they pulled her away.

Jona knew she didn’t want to be apart, and she wanted to assure him she’d come back for her, but she couldn’t blow her cover yet. She followed the man to the supposed experimental latex room and he locked the door behind them.

“Good thing you’re naked, getting you into one of these suits will be even easier.” The man walked over to the wall. “This is meow chance. I have to get him while his back is turned.” She started to sneak up behind him, but he turned around much quicker than she was expecting.

“Wow, someone is eager.” The man was holding what looked like some sort of gun, and he looked like he was going to use it on Jona. “Meow?” “Don’t worry little kitten, it won’t hurt you, it’ll just cover you in our top-of-the-line liquid latex suit.” Jona took a step back. “Meow!”

“I have no idea what you’re saying.” The man shrugged and fired the gun at Jona. A glob of latex shot out of the gun and splattered on Jona. She fell to the floor as it quickly spread across her body. Within seconds her whole body was covered in latex.

It then started to solidify becoming one solid latex suit, but it wasn’t done forming yet. Around her neck became stiffer and had a buckle form, then a huge zipper formed from the collar all the way down her torso and up and around her crotch ending just below her tail.

“Meow!!!” “Pretty neat right? It just shoots on and forms a perfectly fitting latex suit, and that’s not even the best part.” Jona looked over at the man. “Meow?” “curious huh, that makes sense, you are wearing a latex suit with nanobots in it.”

Jona raised an eyebrow. “Meow.. Meow?” “What do they do you ask? Well for starters they make the suit self-cleaning so it never has to come off. So whether you sweat, piss, or shit yourself in it, it’ll keep you clean and smelling good.”

The man laughed. “Along with self-cleaning it’s self-repairing, so it’ll put itself back together quicker than anything can cut it. It also can’t be removed by the wearer by normal means. It requires this remote, which can’t be used by someone with the suit on.”

Jona gulped. She was basically stuck in this suit, and even worse than that, the very important watch she was hiding was in her ass, which was now inaccessible due to the latex. She needed it, but now she had no way to use it.

“Meow…” “What happens next? Well, I can use this remote to stimulate your body, like this for example.” The man pressed the remote and Jona fell onto her bed moaning. “MEOW!! ME…OW!!!” Her nipples felt like they were being sucked on, and her vagina felt like something was in it.

“I’m pretty sure the watch that controls you girls can do similar things, but since it’s missing this is the best way to keep you in line. Of course, you could have ended up in the other girl's situation and completely bound up unable to move.”

“MEOW… Huff… MEOW!!!” “I suppose that’s enough.” The man pressed the remote again and the suit stopped pleasuring Jona. “Now, I wanted to have some fun, and I think you’re going to help me with that.” The man drops his pants.

“Meow?” “Go ahead and suck on it until some nice delicious kitten milk comes out, and if you’re really good I’ll unlock your crotch and fill that up afterward.” Jona looked at his cock, if she didn’t suck him off, he’d either figure out she was faking being a dumb catgirl or use that remote.

“Meow…” She slowly clawed over and got onto her knees so her mouth was at the same level as his cock. “Open up wide and meow for me.” “Meo….Hmppth..” The guy jammed his cock right into Jona’s mouth.

His cock wasn’t very big, but it did come close to the back of her throat. She began to suck on it as he stood there letting her do all the work. A few minutes went by and he still hadn’t cummed. “Come on, work a bit harder than that.” The man activated the remote, and her suit was turned back on.

“Hmmth… Hmmm..” Jona’s body started to become stimulated and she found resisting the pleasure becoming harder. She ended up giving in to the pressure and losing herself for a bit. This did exactly as the man wanted, as she started giving him a blowjob like she was desperate for his cum.

Jona snapped out of it as the man's cum started to shoot down her throat. She tried to remove her mouth from his dick, but he held her head in place. “Don’t let go yet kitten, enjoy all this hard-earned milk.”

The man held her head until he saw her swallow up all his cum, then he let her remove her mouth from his cock. “Meow…” “Yes kitty you did a good job, now just sit tight while I clean my dick off.” Jona looked at her hands. She tried to push her claws out but the latex just covered them up.

She couldn’t attack him while in this suit, she had to do something else. She looked around and saw another gun. It still had a blast in it, and it had the remote that goes to the suit. She couldn’t control her suit, but she could trap this guy in one.

She jumped up and grabbed the guy, and while the guy wiped off his dock so he could pull up his pants, Jona shot him in the back with the latex gun. “What the hell just hit me?” The man turned. “You little bitch what the hell do…”

Suddenly the man's face was covered by latex, and soon enough his whole head was encased in latex, in fact, his whole body was covered, and it was clearly dissolving his clothes. “Oh shit... I didn’t think it would be this crazy..” “Hhhmpth…”

Once his clothes were displaced the latex started to solidify and create the details of his suit. Unlikely for him, it seemed to be designed for a female. It created massive latex-filled tits that sat tightly against his chest.

It also filled out areas like his hips and butt, so that anyone looking at him would assume he was some busty female, and unlike Jona’s suit, it had no zippers or holes. “I’m really glad you didn’t use this one on meow…”

The next change to the man's suit was heels. A pair of heels formed on the bottom of his feet. They weren't short heels either, they were at least seven or eight inches tall. He could barely keep his balance between them and

The final change was to his face, before it looked a lot like his face, but it was reshaped to look more feminine and gave him the impression of having thick lips. The man started to grab the outside of the suit to pull it off, but it didn’t move an inch. “Hmmthph…”

He then tried to walk forward, but it was clear he couldn't see, he probably couldn’t hear anything either. “Well, that definitely takes care of him. I think I’ll just set this remote to the maximum.” Jona turned the remote up and the man fell to the ground and started squirming.

“Now, this remote has a release button, and you said the remote was needed to take off the suit right?” Jona dropped the remote on the ground and smashed it with her foot. “I hope you enjoy your latex prison you meownster.”

Jona grabbed the remote to her suit and slipped it into the collar of her suit but in the back behind her hair. . “I can’t use this, but if I find Nala, she can use it to get me out. I just hope she’s smart enough to know how. I can’t exactly make her smarter without the watch..”

Jona walks over to the doorway. Before she leaves she hears someone coming. “Damn someone else. If they see this I could get in trouble.” Jona peeks out the door. “I could book it right out and run as fast as possible, but that would definitely let them know something is up.”

“I could also continue to pretend to be a dumb catgirl, and despite not wanting to, I can pretend to be playing with the guy in the latex prison, and maybe they’ll think some sort of accident happened. Or I can prepare another gun, and blast them with another latex suit.”

Jona thinks for a second but the person coming was now in the hallway outside. “Alright, Jona think, making a mistake could end up with me being trapped as a latex catgirl in this lab forever, so you have to succeed and get out.”




Wow... It looks like this laboratory holds a lot more dirty secrets than one might initially think... Wow, how much I want to see more interesting inventions hidden in this crazy place... I hope you won't disappoint us