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A commission for last_of_workers! 

Sigh… How is it so hard to kill one person? I thought to myself as I walked in front of my target waiting for my chance to gut her open for everyone in town to see, this would be much easier if I didn’t have to deal with sunlight.

As a vampire, walking around in the daylight is the last thing I want to do. If I didn’t have my cloak covering my head my skin would feel like it was burning off. Just one of the many challenges of my new body I got when I was reincarnated.

I used to be a thirty-year-old man, who worked every day in an office from nine to five. My life was pretty boring, but I found comfort in my life with my favorite video games. My favorite is an MMO where you explore a new world.

I was a level ninety-nine assassin, and I was feared across the land, and extremely wealthy. I figured with all my time playing the game that I’d be a great assassin in this world once I was old enough, but I was wrong.

I was born female in this world, and growing up I was never allowed to train in fighting, instead, I was forced to learn all the things that are desired by men, from cleaning to cooking too.. Some very sexual things I never plan on using.

I was forced to wait until I was eighteen to run away and finally start my assassin career. Well, it didn’t take me long to find my first job, at the time I didn’t realize it, but the job was very sketchy. The client wanted me to kill a man living in a cave.

He didn’t give me any details other than the location of the cave and offered me five hundred gold upon completion. I snuck into the cave that night with my daggers and snuck around, but didn’t find him.

Well, that was mostly because he found me. We fought a bit but he was so much stronger and faster than me. I remember being knocked out and when I woke up I felt different. My hair had turned white, and my eyes red.

I also felt stronger and faster, but I had this awful thirst for blood. I turned around to see the man I was sent to kill and it was now obvious to me he was a vampire, and he had turned me into one as well.

He had said something about me becoming his servant and ordered me to do something to prove it, but I didn’t feel compelled to actually do it. I knew right away something was off and I knew it was my only chance to kill the monster.

So I pretended to do it and I grabbed a wooden stack without him knowing. I did his task and he walked over to pat me on the head. That’s when I jammed the stake through his chest. Part of it made it all the way through, but most of it splintered and broke apart in his chest.

He fell to the ground and died, and I grabbed this cloak and left the cave. It was now morning and I could feel my skin tingling, but I continued to make my way back to the client. The client was happy to see me, and since I was wearing the vampire's cloak he knew I succeeded.

I was paid and continued on my way. I quickly took up another, I mostly needed a human target to kill so I could feed. I had no problem getting to this target with my new strength and speed, but when I finished feeding the corpse was a mess.

This was the start of my career as an assassin, and I became well-known as the most brutal assassin in the world. I was often hired by clients who wanted their targets to die in messy agonizing ways.

Which is exactly what this job is about. I was hired to kill Princess Adelia. She’s become well known due to her work in the field of medicine, and from what I’ve heard there may be other assassins, trying to kill her other than me.

Although I’m pretty sure my client has a personal vendetta with her, as he wanted me to cut her stomach open and rip her head off in the middle of a town while the sun was still out. It’s pretty brutal, and I’m the brutal assassin.

He’s some king though, and he’s been stirring up trouble all around since he doesn’t agree with  Princess Adelia’s father's decision to let her marry her knight. So he’s using this attack as a declaration of war or something.

I don’t care as long as I get paid. I just wish this job was a bit easier. Her knight is constantly by her side, and from what I can tell she’s really strong. So I don’t want to have to fight her head-on, and then I have another problem.

I’ve already tried several times to kill this woman. The first time I tried, I ran into a pack of whilg wolfs. One had managed to get away from me, but I had to fight and kill the other three, which wasn't easy, those monsters are incredible and shouldn’t be anywhere near human towns.

A while after that, I tried to approach them at a tournament. I pretended to be a server and grabbed a serving tray to carry around. I ended up choking on a piece of cheese that I tossed into my mouth as I discarded the tray.

I still swear the cheese got larger once I swallowed it, but I get that doesn't even make sense, and those were just things that happened early on. It's been some time and I’m still failing to kill this princess.

Even today I tried, and as I was getting close to her, a food stall fell down on top of me. I swear If I wasn’t a vampire it would have killed me. It’s a lot like I’m having the worst luck imaginable, and even worse than all of this, my reputation as an assassin is at risk.

I have to finish this job soon and move on to another job. So I’ll follow them tonight and in the morning I’ll rush them. Even if I have to fight the knight, I’ll kill them both and leave the street flowing with blood for all to see.

The knight was pretty boring, the knight followed the princess around and they went from store to store shopping and talking to people. I ran and hid behind a corner, and as I approached I heard someone run off in a panic and looked towards them.

That’s when a large cart filled with iron bars started to roll down towards me. I was going to jump out of the way, but then I realized it was heading towards the princess, this was clearly an assassination attempt from another assassin.

I grabbed the cart and pushed against it trying to stop it, but all I managed to do was slow it down, which worked as the knight and princess had enough time to get out of the way. I let the cart go and run off before I’m seen by anyone and continue to watch them as they head to an inn and sleep.

Morning comes around and I have my cloak wrapped up around me again. I prepare myself for the fight I’m about to get in and wait for the best moment to strike. The knight and princess entered the town square and had a bunch of room around them, I went to start running when I heard a noise.

Some big man with black armor and a claymore was already attacking them. The knight was dogging and the princess was cheering them on. This was so weird, they were about to be killed, yet they were messing around like it was a game.

I watched the fight, and even though I was technically a monster, I was afraid of that knight, and I couldn’t help but feel she was some kind of monster. The black knight swung his massive claymore on top of her and she stopped it with one hand.

She then punched through it shattering it to pieces, and then she grabbed a piece and ran at the black knight, She pierced the claymore piece through his armor and then through his leg causing it to stop working.

The black knight swung his fist and hit her, knocking her back a bit, but all this did was allow her to get another claymore shard and pierce it through his arm, pinning it to the ground so he couldn’t move.

The guards showed up not long after that and took the black knight away, and the princess and knight continued to walk together. I was terrified, I couldn’t fight that knight, she didn’t even draw her sword but she wrecked that guy.

I’m used to taking risks in this job, but if I attempt this I will die, and my life is more precious, so to hell with this job I’m not doing it. Of course, my career as an assassin will be tarnished, so I need a new job.

Perhaps I can offer my services to the princess. Maybe use my power to protect someone instead of taking their life. I guess we’ll see, hopefully, they don’t see and attack me right away. Hey princess! I yelled at the same time as someone next to me.

It was a short tiefling girl with short blue hair. She seemed to be some sort of wizard, but there was something about her that made my heart jump up and down. I felt excited seeing her, and I almost felt like I knew her. I wonder why?




You know, I have seen the most varied types of variations of the reasons that prompted hired killers to engage in this dirty craft, but I don’t remember anything like this... But since she decided to stick to this path and didn’t even leave it, then there were reasons for it... Although I’m still sorry that you never showed us what exactly caused his death in the original world... And this could have been very interesting... In any case, thank you very much for this story and I’m off to read the continuation

Riley Gendreau

I didn't feel the character was all that interesting in his old life, so I was going to give him a death that made him seem sort of pathetic like dying at his computer due to unhealthy eating habits, but no matter what I came up with felt like it was too sad for the vibe of the story. So perhaps you can come up with something you think fits the character and we'll consider it canon.