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You had always been a prankster, and as you grew up you went from cute fun pranks that most people enjoyed to more perverted pranks on the girls that you went to school with, and this didn’t stop in high school, you continued your ways all the way up until your second year of collage.

One of your favorite pranks was to wait until most of the girls left the locker room and sneak in. There was always one or two girls who would take their time and stay a bit longer. Once you were inside you identified them and found their locker.

Normally how this would go was you’d find the correct locker, which you had spent enough time peeping into to know everyone's locker and the combination to get in. Once you find it, you take all the clothes out of the locker and leave the room.

You’d then hide the clothes and get your camera ready while blending in with the crowd. Eventually, the girls would have to come out of the locker room naked or wearing a towel and do a walk of shame back to their room.

Sometimes they’d even lose the towels from the wind or other prankster running up and snatching it from them. Either way, you had a ton of amazing videos of the girls at your school. They did report your actions, but since no one ever caught you doing it, the case went unresolved.

It helped that you were smart about it, you didn’t do it every day, and you always made sure the cost was clear and that there was no chance of something going wrong, had something seemed off, you’d bail immediately.

After watching the girl leave in shame, you’d return to the clothes you hid away store them in your bag, and bring them home. It was a bit weird, and if anyone found out they’d think all kinds of strange things about you, but you had a closet filled with women's clothes.

You were attempting it again today, there was a girl in the showers alone and you were entering the combination to her locker. Once you had it open, something exploded and pink dust was blasted all over you and even got into your lungs.

You fell backward onto your butt and started coughing. The dust in the air disappeared after a few seconds and the dust that had gotten onto you started to melt through your clothes and your skin was starting to absorb it.

You were a bit panicked and tried to rub it off, but that caused it to work faster. You were now naked on the floor and the pink dust was completely inside you, and you had no idea what it was or what it did, but you were about to find out.

You felt your nipples become erect and you reached your hands up to rub them. Then you just exploded in size, going from completely flat to massive E-Cup breasts that you could barely hold up with your hands.

You were panicking and trying to remove them like they weren't real, but that just caused you pain so you stopped and just held them up. You were sitting on the floor in disbelief looking at your new breasts when you saw a strand of pink hair fall onto the top of them.

You grab the hair and follow it all the way and feel that it’s coming out of your head. You jump up, causing your new massive breasts to flop around, which causes you pleasure and embarrassment but you do your best to ignore it and walk over to the mirrors.

In the mirror was a man with long pink hair and massive breasts, but you could tell that very soon a woman would be in her place soon enough. You saw you’re butt getting fatter in the mirror and turned your head to grab it.

You tried to push it back in and tell it to stop growing but it refused. Much like your chest, you went from a flat butt to a nice round full, and firm butt. It had a bit of a giggle to it, but nowhere near the same level as your breasts.

So you take your hands and hold them up again. You look back up at the mirror and notice while you were distracted by your butt, your face had completely changed. You know had a smaller face, with bigger eyes, feminine eyelashes, a small but cute nose, and thin eyebrows.

Whatever that pink dust was, it seemed it was intent on turning you into a woman, and there was nothing you could do about it. So you sat there humiliated as your body continued to change into a woman.

Your Sarnk in height, until you were nearly under five feet tall, and your wasit became tighter as it slimmed in. Before you had a straight line going from the side of your chest to your legs,  now you have a curve from your butt to bust most girls would kill for.

Your changes stopped after your thighs had seemingly absorbed all the excess mass that you had just lost, making your transformation into the exact kind of girl you loved to torment with your perverted pranks.

You were now sitting there in complete shock. You didn’t know what to do, so you sat there silently unable to look away from yourself. A few minutes later your silence was broken by a girl walking in and laughing at you.

You broke out of your frozen state and demanded to know what she did to you, and she continued laughing saying she did nothing, that you had done it to yourself for trying to steal her clothes while she showered.

She was right but you didn’t care all you wanted right now was to turn back to normal. She laughed even harder and told you not until you did the same walk of shame you had made so many poor innocent girls do.

You told her there was no way, and you’d report her for this, which again caused her to laugh, this time so hard she was holding her stomach. She asked if you were really dumb enough to report sneaking into the girl's locker room and trying to steal their clothes, and you gulped.

She was right, you’d be admitting to being the culprit and get expelled. You put your head down and agreed to do the walk of shame as long as she promised to rune you back afterward. She said she’d think about it, but if you didn’t do it now, there was no chance of going back to normal.

You sighed and asked if you could have a towel and she shrugged and handed you one. You tried to wrap it around yourself but with the size of your new breasts, it was too small to fully wrap around you, so you wrapped it around your waist.

You then put one arm under your bust to hold up your breasts and the other across them to cover your nipples. Then you walked to the door. You opened it prepared to run as fast as possible home, but you were met with all the girls in school with their cellphones pointed at you.

They started laughing and making fun of you, and before you had time to react, one ran over and ripped your towel off. They continued to videotape you and laugh as you tried to push through the people who had gathered.

You made it outside and started running across campus catching the eye of everyone you passed, especially the men. You made it to the exit of campus and sat behind a bush against the fence to catch your breath.

It was at this time you realized your situation. You didn’t live on campus, and had you not taken a break behind this bush you were just going to run into the street naked. That would get you in so much trouble.

You could be arrested for that, and what would you tell them, that you’re really a male who was turned into a girl and was forced to run in the streets all the way home naked? They’d think you were crazy.

So you had no choice, you had to go crawling back to the locker room. There the main girls you had victimised were waiting. They had a schoolgirl uniform waiting for you. They handed it to you and walked into the locker room with you to help you change.

This would end up being the first of many times you’d be in there to change, as not only was your change permanent, but the girls insisted you join them for all the sports and cheerleading they do, so they could constantly do pervert things to you, just so you'd never forget that you’re a woman now, and they did it to you.




That's what I call "just retribution." I really really liked this story. although there is not a big minus here... It would be even more interesting if in a few years he was given the opportunity to return to a male body, but he himself would choose to remain a girl... It would look even better, but alas... We have what we have . But other than that I really liked it.