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A commission for last_of_workers!

So I never imagined that after all these years not only would I reunite with my old coworker who died and my old boss who closed the store and vanished in another world in the body of a thick kitsune woman.

Kokawa was my coworker and Minka used to be my boss Mr. Lurda. Mr. Lurda had hired me about a year before he hired Kokawa. Life before Kokawa at the convenience store was slow and boring, but Mr. Lurda was getting old and needed someone who could do the heavy lifting so there I was.

I still have no idea why he hired Kokawa, we really didn’t need the help since I did most of the work Mr. Lurda couldn't and Mr. Lurda never left the story, but I’m glad he did, as life at the store was so much better with Kokawa.

I will admit he convinced me to slack off quite a bit, and he was goofball and extremely clumsy. He was really bad at moving stuff around and working the prep area where we made sandwiches and other things for people to grab and go with.

Despite that everyone except MR. Lurda loved him and he quickly drew more people to the store. There would be days at the store where I started to think we might need more employees, but despite the waits, Kokawa would keep everyone happy and talking so no one would get mad.

It made sense, Kokawa was such a kind and caring person, and even the most hateful people broke down their walls if they were around him long enough. It was strange though, he was always curious about other people and things that might be bothering him.

Then when it came to him, he never complained about anything and never really talked about himself. I did try a few times to ask things about him, but he always avoided instead changing the topic to something fun.

We even started to celebrate events that the store was open, like Valentine's Day or New Year's. Mr Lurda always seemed annoyed, but I think he may have actually liked them, especially when they got a ton of customers.

Work-life was pretty sweet until it all came crashing down. Kokawa met a terrible fate at the arcade and the mood at work was sour for a while. Mr. Lurda decided to close the store and I found myself looking for a new job.

Mr. Lurda had disappeared the night of closing and no one had heard from him again. I went on to apprentice as a locksmith and got really good at picking locks. I quite enjoyed the challenge of picking a tough lock.

I was sitting in my living room playing with one of the toughest locks on the market trying to get it unlocked when I was brought to this world. Now I’m a Kitsune named Kit, and not only am I a master of illusions, I have a constant craving for a bit of stealing and Kokawa.

When it comes to my body it is not too bad. I don’t have massive heavy breasts like some of the girls, but I do have a thick ass and thick thighs which are a bit awkward. I think it might be slightly better if I wasn’t always wearing this tight latex catsuit and boots.

At least I always have a cloak so when I’m embarrassed I can cover myself up. I also have a tail and fox ears since I’m a kitsune now, and I’m told as I get older I’ll grow more tails. I can’t imagine that, one already gets in the way, what’ll I do if I get two or three?

I don’t want to think about that, instead I think about the powers and abilities I have. I have a master's level when it comes to illusion magic. Anything I can imagine I can project into reality, and almost no one can tell it’s not real.

Which is great for stealth missions, when I’m trying to get a five-finger discount, or when I need a bit more time to pick the locks on chests and cells in bandit camps. I also have another use for this power that’s not for battle.

As I mentioned I can project illusions so realistic that people can talk to them and interact with them physically and it tricks their brains into thinking it’s real, and since I’m not only bound but madly in love with Kokawa due to the harem magic, I make illusions of him.

Yes multiple, I like having three of them alone in my room at night. You can probably guess I use one for each of my wholes, and it’s so amazing, but I know it’ll be even better if the real Kokawa is involved.

He could take my main hole, while two closings stimulate my other ones, and maybe if he’s into it, I can make one for him to pound his ass while he pounds mine, and if he’s not interested in being fucked by illusions of himself, I can make an illusion of anyone and give them a cock.

Now it probably seems like my powers aren't that useful or I use them for nefarious purposes, but I swear that's not true. I admit I’m not helpful in combat when it comes to battle. I can’t take any hits, and I can’t really hurt anyone, but illusions are still powerful.

I can make it seem like we have an army or hoard of giant monsters. I can also trap people in mazes that have no exit, making them unable to attack us because they don’t even know we’re there anymore.

I’ve also found a good use for my power outside of fights. Not all lives in this world are perfect, and some folk lose people they loved dearly. I have the ability to give them one last chance to say goodbye and find closer. I really like doing this, especially for elder or sick people.

I remember the first time I did it, there was a man who had been on his deathbed due to old age, and he kept talking about saying goodbye to his late wife. So as he passed away, I created an illusion of her sitting with him and made them look as young as the day they got married.

He passed away happily and I continued to do this secretly in my spare time as we trained and traveled around. Now I may not be great at fighting, but I’m really great for training purposes, I have a personal set of illusions for each girl to train with.

Minka tends to fight hordes of monsters or humans, as too many of them can get the upper hand on her if she’s alone. Frissi likes to battle bigger monsters like minotaurs sea serpents and even elder dragons.

Birdtits will chase around a flying Kokawa through all kinds of hoops and small gaps to try and get faster and better at maneuvering in the air. Iseret will practice healing different types of injuries and using her wraps on different types of opponents.

Eve only needs targets, so random moving monsters and birds and she’s all set. Cumsucker refuses to train with me, instead, she insists I leave her alone to train with an illusion of Kokawa, which there’s no way I’m doing... Only I get to do that.

Pact is quite fun to train with, I can make fake scents for them to track, and I can often get them to run around in circles for hours chasing a cat, which is great exercise for them. Eleflow is a master of magic and illusions don’t work well on her since she’s like pure magic and can’t be deceived.

Then finally there's Vapelia. She doesn’t speak to anyone, and I did try to make a training routine with her, but she would just ignore me. So I gave up, if she’s not going to be a team player then neither will I.

Now to the best person on our team Kokawa. He’s the best and I often work very closely with him as he’s the one who comes up with the training illusions I use for the team. He’s basically a master tactician now, which is crazy to think about since he’s such a goofball.

He’s constantly praising me and assuring me that I’m doing a good job even though my illusions don’t actually damage anyone and don’t help in real battles as much as the other girls. He’ll just pat me on the head and tell me everyone has their part and I’m doing mine well.

So I’ll continue to play my part and when the time comes, I’ll give my all to protect this world, Kokawa and my follow harem girls. In the end, we’ll all make it home safely, and we all share Kokawa, I swear it!




Well, here we can see here the early years of the life of the ancestor of the beautiful Kitsene nation - “Kit - 10 tails”, she is widely known throughout the entire continent... but this glory is twofold; many call her an evil deceiver, but no less people call her herself merciful of all the women of the great hero... but let's leave questions about good and evil for later, now we are interested in another question about the abilities of the Kitsune nation... here it is necessary to note their incredible talent in the magic of illusions... the most powerful of the Kitsune are able to create illusions so realistic that they will indistinguishable from real objects... they can literally create anything out of nothing... unfortunately, in the entire history of such talented leaders of the species there have been very few... most of their illusions are still not so perfect, but they are still head and shoulders above the illusions of any magicians related to the representatives of the Kitsune race... thank you so much Riley... you have a really wonderful story and a special thank you for coming up with how Kit can use his gift for peaceful purposes