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Imagine being summoned to another world and turned into not only a monster but a woman, all because your online gaming buddy had been reincarnated into another world after dying at an arcade machine and becoming a hero with his own harem.

Well, that’s what happened to me. I suppose I should start at the beginning. In the old world, my name was Benny and I was Kokawa’s online gaming buddy for a very popular MMO Girls of Paradise. Of course, back then I knew Kokawa as Kawa12 and he knew me as BenslayerXXX.

We originally met when the game was released and each of us was twelve. We both played the game way too much and ended up starting a clan together. Several times a week we’d meet up at night to run dungeons and get the best, it was a lot of fun.

There was even a time when were both in the top ten players in the world, but that quickly vanished when he got his first part-time job. Between both of us being in school and his part-time job, we started only playing once a week.

That was fine of course, we were both growing up and were finding better things to do without time, but I still did enjoy our weekly get-togethers. Especially when life was stressful. If something really upsetting happened during the week Kokawa would always get me to talk about it.

Which was nice, it felt good to be able to talk about those things to someone who wouldn’t judge me, and it made it easier to let the little things go. After years of gaming with him, I considered Kokawa among my closest friends.

So when he mysteriously stopped coming online one week I was devastated. I thought he might have been busy, so I waited until the next week, but weeks had gone by and the number of days his account remained offline increased, not once coming online.

I had to know what happened to him, so after remembering a bit of info he had told me about where he lived I dug through articles on the internet. That’s when I found an article about a guy who died when an arcade machine exploded, and the person’s name was Kokawa.

I knew it was him as soon as I read the name. I really didn’t know what to do, I was sad and angry, but with nothing to do about it, so I deleted the Girls of Paradise and haven’t played it since. About a year passed after that.

I was on my way to my college classes listening to YouTube on my phone when an ad for Girls of Paradise II appeared on my phone. Suddenly all my memories of hanging out with Kokawa came flooding back and I found myself missing him.

That’s when I was sucked off of the ground and pulled into this world by none other than Kokawa himself. He explained that some sort of monster was coming to destroy this new world and that we were the ones who were supposed to stop it.

Alongside me, there were several other girls he had just sommed, so one by one he asked us who we were and gave us new names. I ended up getting the name Eleflow, and after that, we all traveled back to his large farmland to adjust to our bodies and train.

My body is very strange. Not only because I have large tits and a vagina, but because my body changed form depending on what element I’m using. If I’m using fire, I turn into fire. Which is cool, or is it hot?

Either way, I can fly around when I’m fire, and I can get under enemies' armor and burn their skin, along with that I can set a lot of things on fire. I can use water as well. Which I tend to need after starting fires.

I have near-perfect control over water while I’m in my water form. I can lift it up, throw it, and use puddles of water to expand my size for a time. When it rains or we’re underwater, my water form is super powerful.

My rock form isn't the best for offense, but it is amazing when it comes to defense. My body is completely made of rock, and I control which types, so I can make it so I don’t take any damage by turning myself into something strong like diamonds.

Of course, It makes me super heavy and I can barely move around. I can make walls surround us that are nearly three feet tall, or I can make a dome to protect us from volleys of arrows. Now just because it’s not the best for offense doesn't mean it's totally useless.

I can also launch boulders a great distance, but it requires a lot of my strength so I can only do it twice right now. Now onto my last main form, my wind form. I can fly around with this form as well, but instead of burning enemies as I move, I cut them with sharp gusts of wind almost like papercuts.

I’m also super fast so they rarely see me coming. One of my deadliest abilities comes with this form, the power to remove oxygen from an area. I don’t use it too much as unlike my flames, there’s no controlling the damage it does. If I use it, someone would likely die.

Still, I’ll keep it in my tool belt just in case one of my new friends is in danger. Now I get to talk about the coolest part of my forms. I can combine them to make new forms. For example, I can use fire and earth at the same time and I become lava.

Or if I use fire and water I turn into steam, and similarly, I can use water with air to make mist. Earth with water makes mud, and earth with air makes sand. I’m still discovering the abilities of my combined forms, but they are going to be extremely powerful I just know it.

I’m also excited to master them so I can try maybe using three of my forms at once. I know there are more forms I can take I just have to train. I’m the strongest magic user in the group now, so if I can get stronger and protect everyone I’ll train night and day.

The other girls in the group, the ones that were here before we formed the newest group arrived have been super supportive in helping us. I guess they had to go through this as well, and with how long it’s been they really know the best tips for adjusting to this body and its feelings for Kokawa.

Eve was always complimenting me and telling me there was no reason to be ashamed of my body, especially since I couldn’t wear clothes. Minka and Frissi being the two with the highest defense, always help me train with my new powers and help me discover new things to use them for.

Cumsucker and Birdtits always pull me to the side and try to come up with a plan to use my powers to seduce Kokawa, and the more they do it the more I find myself actually thinking about it. I mean I could easily trap him in rock and ride his cock… But I’d never actually do that... I think…

Iseret is also super nice as well. She did try to use her wraps to make me some clothes since they’re extremely durable, but my forms all have different heights and my features change slightly with them, so they always fall off or break due to me getting bigger.

As for the new girls I was summoned with, I’m pretty friendly with them, as we’ve made our own little group since we were all newcomers. Pact is always super happy and bubbly and with her having three bodies she can be quite lively.

Kit is fun, but she’s a master of illusions or something and has a bad habit of stealing stuff. It’s caused Kokawa more than a bit of trouble, he always scolds her and tries to get her to stop, but I think she might like it.

Vapelia is the last one. She stays mostly silent and is always checking in on Kokawa. She’ll only really speak to him, and she never second-guesses or questions anything he asks of her. So because of her lone wolf… Lone bat act? I don’t really know her that well.

Now I guess the last person I can talk about is Kokawa. It was a bit inconvenient to be summoned here at first, but it’s been a lot of fun, and having powers is amazing, even if it means I have to be madly in love with him and one of his harem girls.

The others will often meet up at night and talk about their fantasies with him, which is a bit surprising as whenever he’s around they fight over him like children. I don’t intend to be like them. I think I’ll let them get in each other’s way, and find a chance to slip away with Kokawa and try and get him to sleep with me, it’s a good plan I swear.




Well, here we can see here the early years of the life of the ancestor of the great dynasty of “higher elementals” the Mighty – “Eleflow irresistible”... also here the main ability of this amazing, but extremely small race is indicated... all of them are elementals of the elements and, unlike their weaker ones brothers, they can possess several basic elements at once.... Weak representatives of the species have 2 of them, most of them have 3 of these elements, but rare lucky ones have all 4 elements at once, but this is not their main strength; their main strength is that they can combine their elements... alas, history has not recorded RELIABLE evidence that it is possible to combine 4 elements at the same time... but the attempts do not stop... thank you Riley this is a truly wonderful episode showing a truly powerful magician thank you very much for this